Sheridan NRP Committee Meeting Notes – October 19, 2009

Attending:Susan Kulstad,Stacy Sorenson, Mike Romens, John Akre

Streetlightsfor 13th Ave. – There was discussion about the SNO meeting last month and the strongly voiced opposition by some homeowners and others on the assessment for the 13th Ave. streetlight project. The policy established by the city says that we would need to get 70% of affected property owners to send back their mailings to the city agreeing to the streetlights and the assessment and the committee decided that this is not a realistic scenario. It seems like there are two options: to raise all the funds so that no assessments will need to be made or to make this a city project. The committee decided to ask the SNO board to consider reallocating up to $196,400 of program income NRP funds to the project. This would be 90% of the high-end project cost, the maximum that can be paid for with NRP funds, with our currently assigned NRP funds subtracted. John will set up an ad in the Northeaster saying as much. The committee will also invite the Council Member to our next Committee meeting to discuss ways to move ahead on this. Stacy will also check with NCEC on the availability of stimulus funds for this project. Susan will investigate whether 70% is a reasonable return goal for any kind of survey.

Lighting for 13th Avenue municipal parking lot - Mike met with a lighting person from Excel Energy to find out about the cost of lighting the parking lot. Lighting would encourage more people to use the lot and discourage on-street parking. The estimate is that it would cost $1800 to install the hardware and fixtures for three lights, and $45 a month for the energy. According to the lease agreement for the lot, the school is responsible for energy costs. Romens would like to ask the neighborhood for installation of this lighting thru NRP and/or general funds. A resolution was passed 2 years ago to establish lighting for the parking lot as a goal. One neighborhood concern might be light spill, and these fixtures would minimize that. The committee recommends this course of action, and up to $1800 could be taken from NRP Administrative funds depending on a board vote.

Bike Racks along 13th Avenue - 40 have been installed. There is $3225 left in the fund for racks. There have been some requests for additional racks around the Anchor. These extra funds will be used there. Great work, Mike!Stacy will check on the status of the NRP funds for this.

Housing–a brochure is still in the works. Nate was not present.

13th Avenue Art Sign for Broadway – St. Anthony West neighborhood wants to collaborate with us on this. They have funding set aside for it. Susan and Mike will work on getting on the agenda of the next STAWNO meeting to talk about beginning work on this project.

Next meeting, Monday, November 16that the Ritz Theatre lobby.

Notes written by John Akre