DECEMBER 4, 2012
6:30 P.M.
Members Present: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Kellyann Tolomeo, Salvatore Zampirri, David Del Conte and James Kane. Also present were City Administrator Louis Belasco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
ADMINISTRATOR BELASCO stated that an appointment is on the agenda for the Tax Assessor’s office. Patricia Bowman will be hired permanent part-time to begin on December 10. Resolution #1 authorizes a one-year extension of the current solid waste contract with Waste Management. If single stream recycling is adopted in 2013, Waste Management has stated that savings would be passed on to the City. This is the last one-year extension so the contract will be rebid next year.
MAYOR HENFEY stated that we will need to review tipping fees for 2012. Single stream creates a higher rate of recycling.
SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that the solid waste contracts have a longer bid period so the process will need to start sooner than other contracts.
ADMINISTRATOR BELASCO stated that Waste Management has agreed verbally to pass on savings from single stream. Resolution #3 allows the City to participate in the County’s P-Card program. The County and Ocean City have been using the P-Cards without problem. The City would get 1% back. It will streamline the purchasing process. We will implement gradually, using the program with fixed costs, utilities, etc.
COUNCILMAN KOEHLER asked who would be using the P-Cards.
ADMINISTRATOR BELASCO stated that it would begin with the CFO and Administrator and gradually move out to Department Heads.
MAYOR HENFEY stated that we will begin with baby steps and take it slow at the beginning to make sure we have the right controls and restrictions in place. By teaming up with the County we will already meet the threshold for discounts, etc. Many vendors don’t want to deal with purchase orders anymore. If the County can use this program with no problems, the City should be able to also. The Administrator and CFO have put much effort and research into this program.
ADMINISTRATOR BELASCO stated that the departments can set limits on purchases, prices, etc. Ordinance #1616, which amends Construction Office inspection fees, will be introduced tonight. Current fees are tied to the collections by the third party inspectors. Now, bids have come in lower, so we need to adjust our fees to cover the costs of the office. This should be the last time we need to change our fees.
MAYOR HENFEY stated that the public will actually be paying less because the bids have come in lower. The Construction Office has one full-time employee.
ADMINISTRATOR BELASCO stated that all pools need an annual inspection and an extra inspector has been used with no interruption to normal inspections. Ordinance #1617 is a capital bond ordinance dealing with infrastructure. This is needed for spring projects as the money originally appropriated was used up for Hurricane Sandy projects.
MAYOR HENFEY stated that this ordinance is usually done in March but if not put into place now we cannot encumber money for next year’s projects. This money was already planned for 2013 but we need to approve the ordinance now.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that caucus be adjourned. Carried. 6:50 PM
DECEMBER 4, 2012
7:00 P.M.
A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held on the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 4, 2012.”
ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Kellyann Tolomeo, Salvatore Zampirri, David Del Conte and James Kane. Also present were City Administrator Louis Belasco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 20, 2012 be approved as read. Carried.
RE: Adoption of Land Development Ordinance
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
RE: Results of General Election, November 6
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
RE: Notice of Public Hearing, December 10
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
RE: Notice of Zoning Ordinance Amendment & Public Hearing, December 17
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
Police Department:
Bodine, Andrew Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Dotts, Adam Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Flounders, Thomas Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Freeman, Brian Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Hofferica, Grant Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Morello, Justin Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Penna, Junior Winter Academy SLEO II 12/8/12
Tax Assessor Department:
Bowman, Patricia Clerk/Permanent Part-Time 12/10/12
On a motion by Zampirri, seconded by Kane, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.
DECEMBER 4, 2012
# 185-12
RE: Exercising Option To Extend For One-Year Contract For Solid Waste And Recyclable Materials Collection Service With Waste Management Of New Jersey, Inc.
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 186-12
RE: Refund For Overpayment Of Real Estate Taxes
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 187-12
RE: Authorizing The City’s Participation In Cape May County Cooperative Pricing Program For The Award Of County Competitive Contract No. 85, Provision Of Procurement Card Services For The County Of Cape May And Cooperative Members
The above resolution was offered by Tolomeo, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
ORDINANCE NO. 1614 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, that Ordinance No. 1614 be placed on its second reading. Carried.
The Deputy City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1614 by its title, as required by Law, known as “Vacating The Southeasterly 10’ Of Virginia Avenue Adjacent To Block 88 Lot 2 As Shown On The Tax Map Of The City Of North Wildwood “.
This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.
The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1614 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. Hearing none, he then asked the Deputy City Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the Deputy City Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that Ordinance No. 1614 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1614 duly adopted.
ORDINANCE NO. 1616 - On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1616 be placed on its first reading. Carried.
The Deputy City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1616 by its title, known as “An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 1578, As Codified At Section §200-3(C) Of The Code Of The City Of North Wildwood Pertaining To The Administration Fee Charges For Construction Office Inspections “.
DECEMBER 4, 2012
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, that Ordinance No. 1616 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the Deputy City Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1616 passed on its first reading.
ORDINANCE NO. 1617 - On a motion by Kane, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1617 be placed on its first reading. Carried.
The Deputy City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1617 by its title, known as “Bond Ordinance Providing For Various Road, Sewer, Bulkhead And Other Related Improvements In And By The City Of North Wildwood, In The County Of Cape May, New Jersey, Appropriating $2,000,000 Therefor And Authorizing The Issuance Of $1,900,000 Bonds Or Notes Of The City To Finance Part Of The Cost Thereof “.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, that Ordinance No. 1617 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the Deputy City Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1617 passed on its first reading.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #09-12, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.
Check # / Check Date / Vendor / Amount Paid33529 / 12/4/2012 / 1050 / ATLANTIC CTY MUNICIPAL JIF / 194,832.00
33530 / 12/4/2012 / 2330 / RAO BHAMIDIPATI / 914.59
33532 / 12/4/2012 / 1048 / ANGLESEA VOLUNTEER FIRE CO #1 / 50,000.00
33533 / 12/4/2012 / 1343 / ATLANTIC CAPE COMM. COLLEGE / 358
33534 / 12/4/2012 / 1351 / ALUMNI GRILL / 500
33535 / 12/4/2012 / 1363 / ABJ SPRINKLER CO INC / 350
33536 / 12/4/2012 / 2025 / V.H. BLACKINTON & CO., INC. / 124.76
33537 / 12/4/2012 / 2035 / BOB'S AUTO BODY / 800
33538 / 12/4/2012 / 2367 / CLIFFORD BALDWIN / 883.42
33539 / 12/4/2012 / 2376 / BLANEY & DONAHUE, PA / 796.5
33540 / 12/4/2012 / 3005 / H B CHRISTMAN & SON / 68.04
33541 / 12/4/2012 / 3051 / CAPRIONI PORTABLE TOILETS / 389.5
33542 / 12/4/2012 / 3087 / CAPE COUNSELING SERVICES / 1,001.00
33543 / 12/4/2012 / 3092 / CONTINENTAL FIRE & SAFETY, INC / 1,564.00
33544 / 12/4/2012 / 3138 / CAFIERO AND BALLIETTE / 10,164.74
33545 / 12/4/2012 / 39016 / MICHELLE M CURRAN / 57.5
33546 / 12/4/2012 / 3923 / CARDSDIRECT LLC / 103.7
33547 / 12/4/2012 / 4091 / DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF NJ / 8,286.27
33548 / 12/4/2012 / 4429 / DRAEGER SAFETY DIAGNOSTICS INC / 230.5
33549 / 12/4/2012 / 4498 / RACHEL DEBUS / 25
33550 / 12/4/2012 / 5166 / ENVIROMENTAL & TECHNICAL SERV / 1,719.00
33551 / 12/4/2012 / 6207 / FARM RITE INC / 919.5
33552 / 12/4/2012 / 6230 / FLYING FISH STUDIO / 396
33553 / 12/4/2012 / 6256 / KATHERINE FLOUNDERS / 46.63
33554 / 12/4/2012 / 6259 / DANIEL FABRIZIO / 631.2
33555 / 12/4/2012 / 7252 / GOVDEALS / 3,899.89
33556 / 12/4/2012 / 8150 / THE HARDWARE STORE / 350
33557 / 12/4/2012 / 9051 / CHARLES E IEPSON III / 1,390.29
33558 / 12/4/2012 / 9065 / I.C.M.A. / 800
33559 / 12/4/2012 / 10063 / JOHNSTONE SUPPLY / 641.92
33560 / 12/4/2012 / 11135 / THE KETCH ALL COMPANY / 123.5
33561 / 12/4/2012 / 11136 / DALE KENNEDY / 913.52
33562 / 12/4/2012 / 11137 / ROBERT KUHN / 972.97
33563 / 12/4/2012 / 12255 / LANDBERG CONSTRUCTION, LLC / 23,783.46
33564 / 12/4/2012 / 130006 / MCCARTHY TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE CTR / 1,234.82
33565 / 12/4/2012 / 13857 / OFFICE OF NATHAN VAN EMBDEN / 960
33566 / 12/4/2012 / 13920 / MARGARET MACE HOME & SCHOOL / 250
33567 / 12/4/2012 / 140036 / ROBERT MC SHANE / 695.37
33568 / 12/4/2012 / 14030 / NW FIRE CO. #1 / 25,000.00
33569 / 12/4/2012 / 14260 / NEW JERSEY FIRE EQUIPMENT CO / 289.8
33570 / 12/4/2012 / 14270 / NATHAN VAN EMBDEN / 1,555.50
33571 / 12/4/2012 / 14280 / NIMCO INC. / 111.65
33572 / 12/4/2012 / 14297 / NORTH WILDWOOD MUNICIPAL COURT / 83
33573 / 12/4/2012 / 14298 / MARGARET NEIWENDER / 832.29
33574 / 12/4/2012 / 15043 / TIMOTHY O'BRIEN / 925.21
33575 / 12/4/2012 / 15239 / ALLEGRA PRINTING / 551
33576 / 12/4/2012 / 15252 / OFFICE BASICS, INC. / 1,480.60
33577 / 12/4/2012 / 15258 / MICHAEL O'SHEA / 577.81
33578 / 12/4/2012 / 16356 / PERNA FINNEGAN, INC / 90,113.21
33579 / 12/4/2012 / 16384 / THOMAS C PALMER / 796.04
33580 / 12/4/2012 / 16385 / GEORGE POULOPOULOS / 611.75
33581 / 12/4/2012 / 17023 / JOE QUATTRONE / 1,450.00
33582 / 12/4/2012 / 18162 / R. A. WALTERS & SONS, INC. / 98,416.50
33583 / 12/4/2012 / 18167 / RAWDEN'S OFFICE SERVICE LLC / 27.24
33584 / 12/4/2012 / 19009 / SEASHORE SUPPLY CO / 141.85
33585 / 12/4/2012 / 19033 / STAPLES - (PUBLIC WORKS) / 829.6
33586 / 12/4/2012 / 19447 / STEWART BUSINESS SYSTEMS LLC / 1,814.95
33587 / 12/4/2012 / 20008 / T&F CAMERA SHOP INC / 1,888.48
33588 / 12/4/2012 / 20101 / TRIAD ASSOCIATES / 5,062.50
33589 / 12/4/2012 / 20152 / TRI-COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL / 800
33590 / 12/4/2012 / 20204 / CHRISTINA TAGLIALATELA / 100
33591 / 12/4/2012 / 20250 / TAYLOR OIL COMPANY / 3,832.28
33592 / 12/4/2012 / 20258 / TERENIK LAND USE CONSULTING / 332.5
33593 / 12/4/2012 / 21011 / UNIVERSAL COMPUTING SERVICE / 82
33594 / 12/4/2012 / 22002 / VITAL SERVICES GROUP / 2,498.88
33595 / 12/4/2012 / 22035 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 2,659.34
33596 / 12/4/2012 / 22039 / VECTOR SECURITY / 335.4
33597 / 12/4/2012 / 22054 / VILLAS NAPA AUTO PARTS / 1,404.71
33598 / 12/4/2012 / 23007 / TED KINGSTON, INC. / 1,240.03
33599 / 12/4/2012 / 23033 / WALTERS MARINE CONSTRUCTION / 14,896.00
33600 / 12/4/2012 / 23199 / WITMER ASSOCIATES INC / 23,040.70
33601 / 12/4/2012 / 23225 / WB MASON CO INC / 104.96
33602 / 12/4/2012 / 23248 / WEATHER WORKS / 1,590.00
33603 / 12/4/2012 / 23270 / WAWA, INC / 2,205.34
33604 / 12/4/2012 / 24005 / XEROX CORPORATION / 474.76
33605 / 12/4/2012 / 3900 / CREST SAVINGS / 1,190.05
33606 / 12/4/2012 / 39001 / THOMAS D GORDON / 622.92
33607 / 12/4/2012 / 39002 / LOUIS A CIRELLI, JR / 636.79
33608 / 12/4/2012 / 4000 / CHASE REFUND DEPT / 823.83