Monday – October9, 2017 - 171009


Dynamic Warm Up Option:3 sets of 5 with an empty bar: straight leg deadlift, front squat, hang muscle/power clean, behind the neck press (snatch width), overhead squat. Then 10-20m shuttle while partner hangs on bar/rings - 3 rounds.


Skill Practice Warm Up: After a good warm up, test your kipping ring dip max or your 3 rep weighted ring dip max.

Strength:1-1-1-1-1-1-1 SnatchTEST (7 sets of 1 rep to max or new max!)

Super Set: None.

Metabolic Conditioning:“Rusty Chrome”

For time – 5 rounds

8 power snatch (Health: 45lb hang power snatch, Athletic: 85lb, Performance: 135lb)

16 sit-ups

100m run or 20' short run, 6 round trips

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide:7-12 minutes, about 2 min per round. Scale Up: 105/155lb bar

Compare to:NEW WORKOUT!

Coaching Tips:The snatches should be pretty 'heavy', so plan on only being able to do the first round unbroken. Push the pace on the sit ups and the runs to keep the intensity up, but slow down on the snatches to maintain form. The sit ups can be regular or 'butterfly'. In the later rounds, be aware of the low back. After all of the sit ups, your abs may have a harder time helping you keep your back flat on the snatches.

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 10 burpees, 30 double unders, 4 rounds. OR 3 sets of 15 banded tricep pushdown in a superset with 15 banded good mornings

“By the Numbers” Book References: Snatch p. 447, Butterfly Sit-up p. 133, Run p. 269

Tuesday – October 10, 2017 - 171010

Context: Competition

Dynamic Warm Up Option:"St Petersburg" Kb Warm Up Flow 2 rounds - 100' suitcase carry each arm, 100' oh carry each arm, 2L/2R Turkish Get up, 12 Russian swings, 8 (4 per side) front rack or overhead squat, 30s floor scap stretch, 30s psoas so good stretch. Video Here.


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) shoulder press, or perform 4 reps on the minute for 5 minutes (50-60%) from the floor.


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Cindy”

20 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide:10-20 rounds.

Compare to:Cindy

Coaching Tips:Go in big sets from the beginning on this one (unbroken as long as possible). Then start breaking in the middle of the sets but avoid resting between movements. Hustle to the next movement and get some reps done before pausing. For example, break in the middle of the set of squats, get chalk, then finish and go right into the pull ups (don't finish the squats, get chalk, then start the pull ups). And don't overdue the chalk and leave handprints everywhere! You should also have a plan for counting rounds, this one is easy to lose count on.

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Kipping pull-up p. 258, Push-ups p. 192, Air Squat p. 103

Wednesday – October 11, 2017 - 171011


Dynamic Warm Up Option:3 rounds: 8 squat jumps, 3 inch worms, 3 crab bridge, 8-12 hollow rocks, then 3 sets of 5 with the empty bar: Jefferson curl (rounded back deadlift), bent over row, hang muscle clean, shoulder press, hang squat clean


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a near max height box jump from standing or seated. Or, using a tall doorway, rope, or wall, test vertical leap.

Strength:7x1 power clean or pause power clean3 of 12 (7 sets of 1 rep at 75-85%, same weight with each set)

Super Set: 7x3half kneeing single arm dumbbell press (7 sets of 3 reps)

Metabolic Conditioning: “Farmers Cardio 2.0“

7 MINUTES for distance. With a partner.

As many METERS as possible

Dumbbells –Health: 15lbs Dumbbells, Athletic*: 25lbs, Performance: 45lbs

ORSandbag –Health: 45lbs, Athletic*: 60lbs, Performance: 80bs

Choose one or the other, NOT both at the same time (but you can switch between the two whenever you want). You should be moving fast the whole 7 minutes. With a partner, “farmer carry” (hands at your sides) 1 pair of dumbbells or carry 1 sandbag as far as possible in 7 minutes. Partners take turns but one partner must carry the entire load – both DB’s or the entire sandbag at the same time (no splitting DB up or partner carrying the sandbag); the partners must stick together as they move. Record total meters covered for your team (so go outside, but don’t go too far from where you can hear the final time call).

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 400 – 1000m, Scale Up: 65lbs/45lbs dumbbells or 70/44lb kbs

Compare to:DumbbellORApril 1, 2017

Coaching Tips: Don’t try and be a hero and go super long for each set. You are better off running faster and switching off more often. (Practice an efficient switch off before the MetCon starts.) If one person is more skilled at this than the other, they should carry the weights more so that the team goes farther!

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 10 thrusters, 25 cal row, 3 rounds. OR 3 sets of 12 single arm bent over row (db or landmine) in a superset with 8-12 strict toes to bar

“By the Numbers” Book References: none

Thursday – October 12, 2017 - 171012

Context:Mental Toughness

Dynamic Warm Up Option:Coach's Choice


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a heavy jerk (80-90%) out of the rack, or perform 4 reps on the minute for 5 min (at 50-60%)


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “St Basil's”

5 rounds for time.

4 'heavy' jerks (Health: 65lb/ Athletic: 95lb* / Performance: 155lb)

8 goblet squat (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 53lb* / Performance: 70lb)

12 'heavy' Russian kettlebell swing (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 53lb* / Performance: 70lb)

200m run OR 10 reps of a 20' out and back shuttle run (no line touch needed)

1 minute rest

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 11 - 17 min, about 3:30 per round including the rest. Scale Up: 185/115lb jerks, and 20 reps Russian kb swings per round.

Compare to: March 2, 2017

Coaching Tips: The barbell must start from the floor. 'Heavy' Jerks should be about 60-75% of your 1 rep max for this workout. Push jerk and split jerk are both acceptable. Being able to transition straight from the goblet squat into the swings will save a bit of time. For the swings, the cycle time can be made faster by pulling the kettlebell down (this will raise the intensity as well). Push the pace on the sprint at the end, especially if you are doing the shuttle run. Don't let yourself 'cruise' since there is forced rests.

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Push Jerk p. 424, Kettlebell Swing p. 277, Run p. 269

Friday –October 13, 2017 - 171013

Context: Competition

Dynamic Warm Up Option:2 sets of: suitcase or oh carry (10-20m) + 10 goblet squats + 10 push ups + 10 sit up. Then 5 inch worms and 3 Crab Bridges.


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging deadlift (80-90%) or perform 5 reps on the minute for 5 minutes (50-60%)


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning:“The Ghost“

6 rounds, 1 min per station, of:

Row (calories)


Double Under

Rest 1 min

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide:Men: 350-700 reps, about 150 reps per round. Women: 250-600 reps, about 120 reps per round.

Compare to: The Ghost (BTWB Classic)

Coaching Tips:Even if you cannot do more than one double under at a time, consider doing this one at the 'Performance' (Rx) level for record keeping purposes. Make sure you get set up on the rower during the rest interval each round. If you aren't great at rowing and you want more burpees, start getting off before the minute is up (the same thing goes for double unders). Make sure you are using your wrists for the DUs to save your shoulders for the burpees later on.

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 3 sets of 8-10 wide grip strict pull ups in a super set with 15 glute bridges

“By the Numbers” Book References:Row p. 142, Burpees p. 415, Double Unders p. 213

Saturday – October 14, 2017 - 171014


Dynamic Warm Up Option:200m jog throwing PVC or medball to a partner, then 5,4,3,2,1 with an empty bar: straight leg deadlift, barbell row, hang muscle clean, shoulder press, front squat


Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)

Strength:6x2 power clean 4 of 12 (6 sets of 2 reps at 75-85%, same weight with each set)

Super Set: 6x4half kneeing single arm dumbbell press (6 sets of 4 reps)

Metabolic Conditioning: “Tesla and Edison“

Partner Workout

With a partner, split the work up any way you desire, one person working at a time (except on the last movement).

In 11 minutes - Partner workout, one ball per team

1000m row by in (split up as desired between partners)

Then max rounds in the remaining time:

20 Partner Wall ball (Health: 10lb /8ft/10ft, Athletic: 14lb /9ft*, Performance: 20lb) - Partner squats, throws ball to target, partner catches, squats and returns = 2 reps

200m run with medball (one ball shared between partners) OR 20' out 20' back run with medballfor 5 reps each partner (one partner runs, other rests, pass the ball and rotate as desired - throwing the ball less than 5 feet is desired)

20 Sit-up with med ball pass - only partner holding the ball does the sit up

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Indy Version: In 10 min - 500m row buy in, then max rounds 10 wall ball, 100m run with ball, 10 med ball sit ups

Scaling Guide:2-4 rounds

Compare to:November 26, 2016

Coaching Tips:Split the row up so that the stronger of the two rowers goes second (and does a bit more of the rowing). They'll have to get off and go right into the wall balls. Take time to practice wall balls before starting because there isn't a lot of time to get the technique down during the workout! If one person is far more 'experienced' than the other, have them do more rowing and carry the ball so the other partner can get a bit of rest. If one person really needs the rest and the other is feeling good, they can do extra 'single person' wall balls for their teammate.

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 30s plank, 30 cal row, 3 rounds. Or 3 sets of 12 db curls in a superset with 12-15 single leg deadlifts

“By the Numbers” Book References: Wall ball p. 430, Run p. 269

Sunday –October 15, 2017 - 171015


Dynamic Warm Up Option:10 toy soldiers leg swings per leg, 10 squat jumps, 10 monkey swings on the pull up bar, then 3 sets of 5: snatch grip deadlifts, hang muscle snatch, overhead squats, snatch grip press behind the neck


Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning:“Hang Loose”

For time – 5 rounds

6 bar muscle ups OR2 toes to bar+ 2 ring dips+ 2 chest to bar = 1 muscle up

40' dumbbell walking lunge or 12 reverse lunge steps -one dumbbell in each hand in front rack (Health: 15lb / Athletic: 30lb*/ Performance: 45lb)

12 dumbbell dumbbell hang power snatch -one hand- (same)

400m run

1 min rest

Scaling Guide: 22 - 30 minutes, about 5 min per round including the rest. Scale Up: 35/50lb db.

Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!

Coaching Tips:Do bar muscle ups as long as you can, but stop as soon as you start to fail or do 'chicken wings'! This includes starting a round with a few reps, then going to the other option for the rest of the round (both considered 'Performance'). Keep the chest up on the dumbbell lunges, and switch hands as desired on the dumbbell power snatches. Push the pace on the run because of the minute rest each round.

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: None

“By the Numbers” Book References: Bar MU p. 524, Walking Lunge p. 220, Snatch p. 447, Run p. 269


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