Psych File Drawer dot orgPSYC 330L

As a final component to this project, your group will upload a report of your replication study to the website website is a repository where researchers can upload reports of replication studies to indicate whether an original result was replicated or not. A screen shot of the main page at this website is below:

I strongly encourage you and your group members to look through what has been reported on this website; this will show you (a) how often original results are replicated, and (b) will show you the general format of the research reports that are deposited on the website. A member of your group will need to set up an account to upload your report.

Submitting to requires you to access an online submission form (portal) and select relevant information from predefined lists and then type, or copy and paste, information directly into the online submission form. Your report does not include a literature review, bibliography, or discussion; rather, your report is a brief description of the methods and results of your replication study. The following pages in this handout show you the online submission form on; I annotated this to assist you when submitting your research report. I recommend writing everything first as a Word document and then copying and pasting into the submission form.

Here is a screen shot of the submission form on

Here is all of the information needed to submit a report. The requested information is on the right (in bold). My annotations are on the right (in regular font):

* required field
*Target Article / Select the article you are replicating from the pull down list. If the article is not listed, which is likely, choose “NOT LISTED – I will provide reference below.”
*Reference to Report of Original Finding (please use APA style, i.e., author(s), date in parentheses, name, journal, volume, pages) / Using APA format, type the Reference for the article you replicated.
*Title for Your Finding (please provide a very brief description of the finding that your replication attempt relates to--typically this should not be the title of the target article you are attempting to replicate) / The title of your group’s project goes here. There is a 50 character limit including spaces.
If the original article contained multiple experiments, which one did the authors to replicate? e.g., you might respond 'Study 1' or 'Experiment 4'. / If your group replicated a specific experiment or study within an article that contained multiple experiments, list which one you replicated here (ex: Experiment 1, Study 2). There is a 20 character limit including spaces.
Link to PDF of Original Report (if available) / If you can get a PDF of the original study, put the link here.
*Brief Statement of Original Result / A short description of what was found in the study that you replicated, that is, the original study. There is a 50 character limit including spaces.
*Type of Replication Attempted / From the pull-down menu, choose “Fairly Direct Replication” or “Highly Direct Replication.” I will let you know which one to choose.
*Result Type / Based on your group’s results, select “Failure to Replicate” or “Successful Replication” from the pull-down menu.
*Number of Subjects / What was your sample size (just the number)
Number of Subjects in Original Study / What was your sample size of the replicated (original) study (just the number)
*Year in which Replication Attempt was Made / List the current year
*Name of Investigators (Real Names Required) / List each of your names here: First name, MI, Last name; First Name, MI, Last name
Important: Make sure I am included the last author, as I will need be the contact person for the future.
*Detailed Description of Method/Results / This could be a cut and paste of your Methods and Results; however, you have 499 word limit, so you will probably need to be a little less specific than in the paper you give me.
Any graphs or other figures?
(files should be .jpg; please include figure captions
or include full description of the figures in Detailed
Description section above). [What's this?] / Save any graphs as a .jpg and then upload them here.
*Did you observe any nonzero difference between conditions in your study (regardless of statistical significance)? (This question assumes the finding in the target article was in the form of a difference between conditions; if this is not correct, please choose Not Applicable.) / Based on your results, choose “Difference was exactly 0.0,” “Yes, there was a difference in the opposite direction,” “Yes, there was a difference in the same direction,” or “Not applicable” from the pull-down menu. Please ask me for advice on this one.
*Email of Investigator
(We display this only as an image to minimize exposure of emails to spammers.) / Put my email here ()
*Who ran subjects and who analyzed the data? / Mention who you are (not names), just general characteristics: undergraduate college students in a Research Methods Laboratory Course.
*In what physical location was the study run? (e.g., Guthrie Hall 2020, Univ of Washington, Seattle) / Mention UofS and the location(s) where the study was conducted.
*Characteristics of Subjects
(subject pool, paid, etc.) / Select appropriate from the pull-down menu and add additional information as needed.
Where did these subjects reside? / Select United States from the pull down menu.
*Was this a Class Project? / Select ‘Yes” from the pull down menu.
Further Details of Results as pdf / If you cannot fit everything from the results into the 499 word limit above, you can add information here. Just upload as a pdf.
*Any Known Methodological Differences
(between original and present study)? / List any known methodological differences.
Email of Original Investigator
(If you fill this in, this individual will receive
automatic notification of the posting of this report.) / You do not have to place this here, only if you want to, which I suggest.
Optional: If you can do so, please provide some quantitative information comparing the original results with your results? If this is a typical case where the original paper reported a significant difference, and your replication attempt found no significant difference, we recommend providing mean differences with confidence intervals for both your study and the original study. (see HoenigHeisey, 2001) [What's this?] / We’ll talk about what you can place here.

Bottom of Form

At the end of the submission form there is a list of “TAGS” that can be checked off based on the research topic of your group’s replication study. For example, if your group’s replication study investigated adaptive memory you can check off “TAG: Memory”. Here is the list of TAGs. Check off only those your group feels are appropriate and feel free to ask me if you have questions on which ones to check off.

TAG: Attention /
TAG: Behavior Genetics /
TAG: Development: Cognitive /
TAG: Development: Perception /
TAG: Development: Social /
TAG: Language /
TAG: Learning /
TAG: Memory /
TAG: Perception /
TAG: Performance /
TAG: Personality /
TAG: Problem Solving /
TAG: Psychometrics and IQ /
TAG: Psychopathology/Clinical /
TAG: Social Cognition /
TAG: Social Psychology /
TAG: Thinking /