16 September 2011


Westbury Social Club, Bury St Edmunds

As per the list held by the Secretary
1.  / Apologies
Havebury, Suffolk Police and Meadland
Lan Gyte, Becky Bell, Abi Bullett, Jan Thompson, Donna Turner and Donna Sullivan
2.  / Minutes of the AGM held on the 24 September 2010
3.  / Matters Arising
4.  / Chair’s Welcome and Report – Paula Fenner
Paula welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the Committee for their work over the last year. She referred to the limited courts available over the last 24 months – two courts at Thurston. The committee had experienced problems setting up the Summer League this year with teams dropping out at short notice, and then some divisions having a reduced number of teams. Paula apologised to all those who had experienced problems, but the committee had organised the best that could be done in the circumstances. Thanks recorded to all those who had supported the league and the goodwill offered by many. Zena’s Division had been successful again with some interesting netball from the league’s junior players.
5.  / Finance Report
Julie Stone presented the accounts to those at the meeting and reported a balance of £3718.77. Julie was thanked for her effort as Treasurer.
6.  / Winter League Report
In Lan’s absence her report was circulated with the minutes of the AGM.
7.  / Summer League Report
As Becky Bell was unable to attend the meeting her report was again circulated with the agenda.
8. / Coaching Report
Alexa reported that a Defending Workshop had been organised for 26 October 2011 in Ipswich; On the Ball in Bury St Edmunds on the 12 November; and a Shooting course to be organised in Feb/March 2012. She also reported that the Taster Course into Coaching had proved very successful with around 14 delegates attending – this was funded by Suffolk Netball. Tracey Butcher had obtained her UKCC Level 2 earlier this year.
9. / Umpiring Report
Unfortunately Jan Thompson was unable to attend the meeting and her report was circulated with the agenda.
It was noted that there had been enquiries from A level and GCSE students in respect of umpiring. A question was asked in relation to a possible further Rules Update session which had been organised previously. / JT
10 / Election of Officers 2011/12
o  Chair – Paula Fenner
o  Vice Chair – Peta Gyte
o  Secretary – Tracey Butcher
o  Treasurer – Julie Stone
o  Summer Secretary – Becky Bess
o  Winter League Sec – Lan Keogh
o  Umpiring Sec – Lan Keogh
o  Press Officer – Tracey Butcher
o  Coaching Sec – Alexa Burlow
o  Social Secretary – Mandy Smart
o  Affiliations/Membership sec – Donna Turner
Divisonal Reps – elections would be sought at the Summer Fixture meeting 2012 – the following would continue as reps
o  One - Lindsey Bullett (Cockfield)
o  Two -Tracey Vatcher (Jetts)
o  Three - Becky Bell (Breckland)
o  Four - Olivia Riddell (Priors)
o  Five - Emma Gibson (Phoenix)
o  Zena's Division -Mandy Smart (Jetts)
11. / Rules
A copy of the new revised WSN Rules were circulated to all clubs and copies were available with the agenda. Tracey highlighted to those at the meeting the changes which had been made. Changes include reserves being played and new squad/score sheets. Clubs were advised that the new score sheets would require each club to notify the Membership Sec and Summer/Winter League Secretaries of the full squad names and EN affiliation numbers prior to the start of the season. Also deposits may be required to enter the Summer/Winter Leagues. All rules suggested were agreed and would be circulated via email to all clubs (also available at www.westsuffolknetball.yolasite.com).
12. / AOB
Summer Tournament 2011
This was again a great event and very well supported with £430 being donated again to St Nicholas Hospice
Zena’s Division – Tournament 2011
Tracey had organised this event at the end of the summer league for all teams competing in Zena’s Division. This had been sponsored by Abbeycroft Leisure. After discussion it was agreed that all Zena’s Division teams would be invited to participate again in 2012 however any under 16 teams competing in the Senior Summer League should not be eligible to play.
Local Free Press and Netball
Tracey advised the meeting that the Bury Free Press were keen to print match reports – please forward any match reports or netball news to Tracey.
Newmarket NC
Fiona Barnes reported that sadly one of their players was involved in a fatal accident earlier in the year and the club had taken part in a fund raising day to celebrate the life of their friend and player, Katie Coulson. The event raised over £1000.
The meeting closed at 8.45
1 – Becky Hargreaves - Moreton A
2 – Jordan Gross – Jetts A
3 – Chloe Patrick – Breckland B
4 – Justine Curry – Priors B
5 – Jordan Ward – Jubilee D
Zena’s Division Jemma Andrews – Jetts 6
Zena’s Division Rosie Dunlop – Moreton
Overall Player of the Year
Claire Higgins – Breckland C
Summer League 2010/11
1 - Moreton Hall
2 – Priors A
3 – Cockfield B
4 – Priors B
5 – Priors C
Zena’s Division – Moreton 6
Senior Charity Summer Tournament Winners
Moreton A
Zena’s Division – Summer Tournament Winners