

Father Name:AzharHussain

N.I.C #:17301-5507713-3

Date and place of birth:6th May, 1959(Peshawar)

Marital status:Married


Permanent Address:AghaJee House Dagga Hassan Khan, Near Bhana Mari Police

Station Peshawar

Postal Address:H.No.F-123, Peshawar University Campus accommodation

University ofPeshawar, Peshawar.

Mobile No.0301-8870199


1. / GHS No. 4 Peshawar / Metric / 1st / Maths, Physics, Chemistry
2. / Govt. College Peshawar / F.Sc / 2nd / Maths, Physics, Chemistry
3. / Islamia College Peshawar / B.Sc / 2nd / Maths-A, Maths-B, Statistics
4. / Department of Mathematics
University of Peshawar / M.Sc / 1st / Fluid Dynamics, Electromagnetic Theory, Real and Complex Analysis,
Functional Analysis, Algebra, Topology, Measure theory and integration and Numerical Analysis
5. / Department of Mathematics
Quaid-e-AzamUniversity Islamabad / M. Phil / 1st / PDE and Boundary value problems, Group theory, Topological vecor spaces, Banach Algebra, C*-Algebra, group generalization, ordered vector spaces.

*DISTINCTION:Stood 3rd in M.Sc Mathematics examination.

Teaching Experience:

  1. Department of Mathematics University of Peshawar from 21.09.1987 t0 10.01.1988.
  2. Department of basic Sciences and Islamyat, NWFP University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar from 12.11.1991 to 13.08.1992.
  3. Department of Mathematics and department of Pharmacy, University of Peshawar from 15.9.1992 to 15/01/2005. My teaching includes, teaching to M. Phil and PhD students.


Transition from degree 1 to degree 0 circle map kicked oscillator, published in sarhad J. of agriculture Vol-VIII, 3rd June, 1992, 357-362.

Research Experience

  1. Integral representation of linear operators. (M. Phil thesis).
  2. Constriction of phase portrait from time series.
  3. Some observations about corrosion experiment (experimental approach).
  4. Modified Vander Poll oscillator and bifurcation.

Computer Experience

PASCAL one month course.

Workshop and Conferences

  1. One day conference on comparative Linguistics by department of Computer Sciences, University of Peshawar on 14th March, 1995.
  2. Workshop on uses and Teaching of Mathematics held at Bara Gali Campus, University of Peshawar from 30.07.1998 to 03.08.1998, organized by department of Mathematics sponsored by UGCI attend workshop as a speaker.
  3. Workshop on Computational Mathematics held at Bara Gali Campus, University of Peshawar from 29.07.200 to 29.08.2000, organized by department of Mathematics sponsored by UGCI attend workshop as a speaker.
  4. Workshop on Numerical Analysis and its application held in department of mathematics,University of Peshawar from 02.04.2001 to 07.04.2001, organized by department of Mathematics sponsored by UGCI attend workshop as a speaker.
  5. International Workshop of symmetry methods held in department of mathematics, Quaid-e-Azam, University Islamabad from 15.10.2002 to 17.10.2002, sponsored by National centre for Physics, Pakistan.
  6. I present a paper on topic constriction of subspaces from Nucleus in winter conference Jan 11.11.2010, LUMS.
  7. Subject specification workshop in Mathematics from 12.09.2003 to 19.09.2003, organized by Frontier Education Foundation.

Administrative Experience

  1. Coordinator of Peshawar University Blood donation Society from 1998 -2000
  2. Director Finance for PUTF from 20.11.2002 – 15.05.2003.
  3. I was assistant superintendent for M.Sc examination from May, 1993 to May, 2004.


On the recommendation of selection board, in its meeting held on 21st and 22nd December 2004, the syndicate in its meeting held on 15.1.2005, approved my appointment as a Assistant Professor in department of Mathematics, latter on the post up graded from BPS 18 to BPS 19.

In September 2005, I went to Quetta for PhD. I completed 8 courses and presented a paper in LUMS on 11th Jan, 2010.

In September 2010, I start writing a book on Complex Analysis, which will be completed in summer, because only one chapter is remaining to complete.