February 15, 2017 SCC meeting minutes
People in attendance: Carolyn Siemens, Robert Dewey, Brenna Kampen, Jason chambers, Kim Hobbs, KelsiMoser, Kim Hawken, Tricia Morton, Bernie Morton, Rebecca Siemens
Meeting brought to order at 7:43
Adopt the agenda and minutes by Brenna Kampen second by Carolyn
Treasurer report
Total: 11022.00
Grant: 2436.42
Fundraising: 632.00
Playground: 7960.08
Adopt treasurer report Carolyn second Rebecca All in favor
Principal report
Literature day: science fair
Writing complete sentences and story writing
Puppet show- Harris and Roseville schools are attending
Learning zones of regulations- it teaches children to tell how they are feeling using colors and tools to help them to control their feelings
Change school logo- Jason will send a note out in the march newsletter for anyone who wants to participate. Staff and SCC will make final decision on the logo change
February 28 is the SCC chair meeting
March 28 is SWSD AGM at 7:00 SCC will meet this day as well and Skype the AGM
Staff made a wish list for SCC and home and school
#1 plastic chairs for the kids need approx. 30 trade west supplies them
#2 stand up desk for the kids
#3 sphero
#4-line painter
Teacher report
March 15 WE DAY raising money from hat day and bake sale proceeds will go to global- clean water split money between both
Grade 6
Doing a collaboration unit with Harris and Roseville school the children will be shown and outcome and they have to decide how to get there. They use email or skype to communicate between schools April 11 is the presentation through Skype
April 13 literature day
Question regarding if the children's basics are still being met. Teachers explained that they have a list of outcomes that need to be met at the end of the year, there are many ways to reach those outcomes and they are meeting them in many different ways. SCC was Asked to help the teachers to explain to other parents how the new teaching strategies are helping them to achieve their outcomes.
Old business
Writing goal April 28 in the afternoon
Teacher appreciation week teachers had coffee and muffins, lunch and supervision as well as a little treat for their desk
SCC asked to make lunch for march 8 for 100 kids $500 budget Brenna, Kim, Tricia and Carolyn to organize will have grilled cheese, veggies, pickles, grapes and iced tea
Approved by Brenna second by Rebecca all in favor
Brenna and Tricia will not be attending rural congress Tricia will cancel for them
Playground update
Wheelchair accessible button needs to be put in back door approximately $2000.00 negotiate with SWSD to share cost
Waiting on a quote one for large cement pad and sidewalk from back door to playground and another quote for a simple sidewalk to playground guessing at 8000.00 Kindersley concrete to possibly donate concrete
Kim Hobbs superintendent report
Ron hope has our updated floor plan
Lock- they will go ahead with moving the secretary to the front and put the buzzer in at the same time
Use old office for possible servery, servery will go in back room with a window open to the gym SWSD will fund renovations but SCC would have to raise funds for appliances
Kim showed us a true colors questionnaire
Next meeting date march 28
Meeting adjourned at 9:15