Enlightenment Thinkers

Thinker & Literature Major Ideas “Quotation” Connections to Today

Jean Jacques ROUSSEAU
The Social Contract / People are basically good, but become corrupted by society. The strong normally oppress the weak & impose unfair & unjust laws. / “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Legitimate government comes only from the consent of the people” / Idea that political authority lies with the people, and the gov. should protect the common good
Two Treatises on Government / People have a natural right to life, liberty & property. Rulers have a responsibility to protect people / “Men being…by nature all free, equal and independent, no one can be put out of this estate & subjected to the political power of another without his own consent” / Influenced authors of US Declaration of Independence, guaranteeing freedom and liberty to all people and ensuring that if people were unhappy with the government, they could change it


Candide / Freedom, tolerance and a government to protect those rights / “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” / Freedom of speech & expression First Amendment of the Constitution
On the Spirit of Laws / Powers of government should be controlled through separations. / “In order to have…liberty, it is necessary that government be set up so that one man need not be afraid of another…power should be a check to power” / Separation of pwer among branches of government to prevent one branch from having too much power (Executive, Legislative & Judicial)
Leviathan / People are driven by selfishness and greed – they give up their freedom to government to ensure order. / “The condition of many in the state of nature…is a condition of war of everyone against everyone…therefore, government is necessary to keep order” / Justification for absolute power because people are not able to govern themselves well.