Journal articles

February 2011

ARCHIVES, Volume 35, Number 123, October 2011

Simpkin, D. New muster-related sources for Henry IV’s army in Scotland, August 1400

Shannon, W.D. ‘On the left hand above the staire’: accessing, understanding and using the archives of the early-modern court of Duchy Chamber

Thomas, J. The sea captain, the nawab and the pilgrimage: a maritime yarn examined

Spurrier, L. The Broadmoor archive: a preliminary survey of the historic records of Broadmoor Hospital and their research potential

Barclay, A. George Monck’s role in the drafting of the Declaration of Breda

COMMONWEALTH & COMPARATIVE POLITICS, Volume 49, Number 1, February 2011

Flinders, M. Devolution, delegation and the Westminster model: a comparative analysis of developments within the UK, 1998-1009

Weiner, R.J. Why so little strategy? District-level electoral entry in theory and practice

Elliott, C. Moving from clientelist politics toward a welfare regime: evidence from the 2009 assembly election in Andhra Pradesh

Deegan, H. Religious conflict in Kano: what are the fundamental issues?

Yoon, M.Y. Factors hindering ‘larger’ representation of women in parliament: the case of Seychelles

Clegg, P. & Gold, P. The UK overseas territories: a decade of progress and prosperity?

CULTURAL & SOCIAL HISTORY, Volume 8, Number 1, March 2011

Hailwood, M. Sociability, work and labouring identity in seventeenth-century England

Mannherz, J. Knots in the fourth dimension: mathematics, spiritualism and society in post-reform Russia

Waddington, K. The dangerous sausage: diet, meat and disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain

Burchardt, J. Rethinking the rural idyll: the English rural community movement, 1913-26

Morgan, S. Celebrity: academic ‘pseudo-event’ or a useful concept for historians?

EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES, Volume 44, Number 2, Winter 2011

Del Donna, A.R. ‘Rinfreschi e composizioni poetiche’: the feste di ballo tradition in late eighteenth-century Naples

Garb, J. The circle of Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto in its eighteenth-century context

Schellenberg, B.A. Coterie, culture, the print trade and the emergence of the lakes tour, 1724-1787

Klemann, H. the matter of moral education: Locke, Newbery and the didactic book-toy hybrid

Wolloch, N. The civilizing process, nature and stadial theory

Reilly, M. ‘No eye hath seen nor ear hath heard’: Arabic sources for Quaker subjectivity in Unca Eliza Winkfield’s Female American

THE ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, Volume 126, Number 518, February 2011

Naismith, R. The origins of the line of Egbert, king of the West Saxons, 802-839

Payling, S.J. Legal right and dispute resolution in late medieval England: the sale of the Lordship of Dunster

Warren, I. The English landed elite and the social environment of London, c.1580-1700: the cradle of an aristocratic culture?

Barros, A. Razing Babel and the problems of constructing peace: France, Great Britain and airpower, 1916-28

EUROPEAN HISTORY QUARTERLY, Volume 41, Number 1, January 2011

Bracke, M.A. From politics to nostalgia: the transformation of war memories in France during the 1960s-70s

Barry, G. Marc Sangnier and ‘the other Germany’: the Freiburg International Democratic Peace Congress and the Ruhr invasion, 1923

Randeraad, N. The International Statistical Congress (1853-1876): knowledge transfers and their limits

La Porte, P. ‘Rien à ajouter’: the League of Nations and the Rif War (1921-1926)

Kwan, J. Nationalism and all that: reassessing the Habsburg Monarchy and its legacy [review article]

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL THEORY, Volume 10, Number 1, January 2011

Rostbøll, C.F. Freedom of expression, deliberation, autonomy and respect

Schaap, A. Enacting the right to have rights: Jacques Rancière’s critique of Hannah Arendt

Dimova-Cookson, M. Justice as a secondary moral ideal: the British idealists and the personal ethics perspective in understanding social justice

Sensen, O. Human dignity in historical perspective: the contemporary and traditional paradigms

Kapust, D. Cicero on decorum and the morality of rhetoric

Horton, J. Peggy Lee’s question: Charles Taylor, secularism and the meaning of life [review article]

Colliot-Thélène, c. Recent studies in German political thought [review article]

HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, Volume 91, Number 1, February 2011

Special issue: Labors of love: production and reproduction in Latin American History

Olcott, J. Introduction: researching and rethinking the labours of love

Milanich, N. Women, children and the social organization of domestic labor in Chile

Blum, A.S. Speaking of work and family: reciprocity, child labor and social reproduction, Mexico City, 1920-1940

Pite, R.E. Entertaining inequalities; Doña Petrona, Junaita Bordoy and domestics work in mid-twentieth-century Argentina

Hutchison, E.Q. Shifting solidarities: the politics of household workers in Cold War Chile

THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL, Volume 54, Number 1, March 2011

Dialeti, A. Defending women, negotiating masculinity in early modern Italy

Merritt, J.F. Contested legitimacy and the ambiguous rise of vestries in early modern London

Rose, J. Kingship and counsel in early modern England

Greenspan, N. Charles II, exile and the problem of allegiance

Harris, B. Cultural change in provincial Scottish towns, c. 1700-1820

Qureshi, S. Robert Gordon Latham, displayed peoples and the natural history of race, 1854-1866

Stack, D. The death of John Stuart Mill

Thackeray, D. Rethinking the Edwardian crisis of conservatism

Sapire, H. African loyalism and its discontents: the royal tour of South Africa, 1947

Mailer, G. Nehemias (Scotus) Americanus: enlightenment and religion between Scotland and America [historiographical review]

HISTORICAL RESEARCH, Volume 84, Number 223, February 2011

Forrest, I. The archive of the official of Stow and the ‘machinery’ of church government in the late thirteenth century

Ray, M. Administrative efficiency in fourteenth-century England: the delivery of writs based on evidence from the register of Bishop Martival

Roberts, D.C.D. An annotated and revised copy of The Institution of a Christen Man (1537)

Pogson, F. Public and private service at the early Stuart court: the career of William Raylton, Stafford’s agent

Gibney, J. Protestant interests? The 1641 rebellion and state formation in early modern Ireland

Hardwick, J. Vestry politics and the emergence of a reform ‘public’ in Calcutta, 1813-36

DiVanna, I.N. Politicizing national literature: the scholarly debate around La chanson de Roland in the nineteenth-century

Lees, L.H. Urban civil society: the context of empire

Rietzler, K. Before the cultural cold wars: American philanthropy and cultural diplomacy in the inter-war years

Crossland, J. A man of peaceable intent: Burckhardt, the British and Red Cross neutrality during the Second World War

Swanson, R.N. Crusade administration in fifteenth-century England: regulations for distribution of indulgences in 1489 [notes and documents]

HISTORY TODAY, Volume 61, Number 2, February 2011

Stubbs, J. A cavalier defence

Foister, S. Norther light

Colls, R. Jimmy’s blob

Jones, N. A tale of two scandals

Steinberg, J. How did Bismarck do it?

Showman, D. Changing tempos

Guerrini, A. Road beef and … salad?

Brogan, S. The royal touch

Robinson, W. Right honourable historians

Middleton, J. An aristocratic spectre

Cavendish, R. Months past

Stanley, T. The contrarian

Mercer, P. Point of departure: holding the ring

HISTORY TODAY, Volume 61, Number 3, March 2011

Lee, A. The sins of the fathers: Italy’s democratic deficit

Wise, S. Pride of poor London

McEnroe, N. Grant’s museum of Victorian zoology

Lay, P. Mad men?

Best, G. Hague rules OK

Orme, N. The great escape

Burge, J. Dante: reason and religion

Warner, J. The people’s palaces

Bickers, R. China’s age of fragility

Milton, G. Innocent in a guilty world

Thrush, A. King versus commons

JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, Volume 46, Number 1, January 2011

Special section: Conflict and cooperation in the Cold War – guest editor Jeremi Suri

Suri, J. Conflict and cooperation in the Cold War: new directions in contemporary historical research

Greenberg, U.E. Germany’s postwar re-education and its Weimar intellectual roots

Gordon, A. The need for West: Hans Kohn and the North Atlantic community

Roberts, G. Moscow’s Cold War on the periphery Soviet policy in Greece, Iran and Turkey, 1943-8

Miller, J.M. The struggle to rearm Japan: negotiating the Cold War state in US-Japanese relations

Walker, V. At the end of influence: the Letelier assassination, human rights and rethinking intervention in US-Latin American relations

Thompson, N. Nuclear war and nuclear fear in the 1970s and 1980s

Zaidi, W.H. ‘Aviation will either destroy or save our civilization’: proposals for the international control of aviation, 1920-45

Jensen-Eriksen, N. Industrial diplomacy and economic integration: the origins of all-European paper cartels, 1959-72

JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS, Volume 72, Number 1, January 2011

Weststeijn, A. The power of ‘pliant stuff’: fables and frankness in seventeenth-century Dutch republicanism

Harrison, P. Adam Smith and the history of the invisible hand

Goodrum, M.R. Recovering the vestiges of primeval Europe: archaeology and the significance of stone implements, 1750-1800

De Ceglia, F.P. ‘It’s not true, but I believe it’: discussions on jettatura in Naples between the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries

Billings, J. Epic and tragic music: the Union of the Arts in the eighteenth century

Burgers, J.H. max Nordau, Madison grant and racialized theories of ideology

Marshall, D.L. The current state of Vico Scholarship

JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY, Volume 37, Number 1, March 2011

Special issue: Feasts and gifts of food in medieval Europe

Kjær, L. & Watson, A.J. Feasts and gifts: sharing food in the middle ages

Woolgar, C.M. Gifts of food in late medieval England

Pollington, S. The mead-hall community

Roach, L. Hosting the king: hospitality and the royal iter in tenth-century England

Bellis, J. The dregs of trembling, the draught of salvation: the dual symbolism of the cup in medieval literature

Byrne, A. Arthur’s refusal to eat: ritual and control in the romance feast

Kjær, L. Food, drink and ritualised communication in the household of Eleanor de Monfort, February to August 1265

Watson, A.J. Mongol inhospitality, or how to do more with less? Gift giving in William of Rubruck’s Itinerarium

Crombie, L. Honour, community and hierarchy in the feasts of the archery and crossbow guilds of Bruges, 1445-81

Grinder-Hansen, P. Aspects of gift giving in Denmark in the sixteenth century and the case of the Rose Flower Cup

THE JOURNAL OF PEASANT STUDIES, Volume 38, Number 1, January 2011

Moore, J.W. Transcending the metabolic rift: a theory of crises in the capitalist world-ecology

Vanhaute, E. From famine to food crisis: what history can teach us about local and global subsistence crises

Brooks, S. is international agricultural research a global public good? The case of rice biofortification

Edelman, M. & Peasants’ rights and the UN system: quixotic struggle? Or emancipatory

James, C. idea whose time has come?

Giménez, E.H. & Food crises, food regimes and food movements: rumblings of reform

Shattuck, A. or tides of transformation?

Martinez-Alier, J. The EROI of agriculture and its use by the Via Campesina

Rosset, P.M. et al. The Campesino-to-Campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba: social process methodology in the construction of sustainable peasant agriculture and food sovereignty

THE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, Volume 19, Number 1, March 2011

List, C. Group communication and the transformation of judgements: an impossibility result

March, A.F. Theocrats living under secular law: an external engagement with Islamic legal theory

Gilabert, P. Feasibility and socialism

Symposium: Ownership and self-ownership

Quong, J. Left-libertarianism: Rawlsian not luck egalitarian

Miller, D. Property and territory: Locke, Kant and Steiner

Steiner, H. Sharing mother nature’s gifts: a reply to Quong and Miller

JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HISTORY, Volume 44, Number 2, Winter 2010

Foulkes, J. The arts in place: an introduction

Tebeau, M. Sculpted landscapes: art & place in Cleveland’s Cultural gardens, 1916-2006

Looker, B. Microcosms of democracy: imagining the city neighborhood in World War II-era America

Isenberg, A. ‘Culture-a-go-go’: the Ghirardelli Square sculpture controversy and the liberation of civic design in the 1960s

Foulkes, J. Streets and stages: urban renewal and the arts after World War II

Schrank, S. Public art and the global crossroads: the politics of place in 1930s Los Angeles

Reynolds, G. ‘Africa joins the world’: the missionary imagination and the Africa Motion Picture Project in Central Africa, 1937-1939

Serviddio, F. Exhibiting identity: Latin America between the imaginary and the real

Nicoletta, J. Art out of place: international art exhibits at the New York World’s Fair of 1964-1965

Shaya, G. How to make an anarchist-terrorist: an essay on the political imaginary in fin-de-siècle France

Florio Lane, Y. ‘No fertile soil for pathogens’: rayon, advertising and biopolitics in late Weimar Germany

Kim, S.J. Culture of remembrance in late Choson Korea: bringing an unknown war hero back into history

THE JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HISTORY, Volume 7, Number 1, February 2011

Cooper, W.J. The critical signpost on the journey toward secession

Behrend, J. Rebellious talk and conspiratorial plots: the making of a slave insurrection in Civil War Natchez

Parsons, E.F. Klan scepticism and denial in reconstruction-era public discourse

Janney, C.E. War over a shrine of peace: the Appomattox Peace Monument and retreat from reconciliation

JOURNAL OF WORLD HISTORY, Volume 21, Number 4, December 2010

Andrade, T. A Chinese farmer, two African boys and a warlord: toward a global microhistory

Salvadore, M. The Ethiopian age of exploration: Prester John’s discovery of Europe, 1306-1458

Gunn, J. Creating a paradox: Quobna Ottobah Cugoano and the slave trade’s violation of the principles of Christianity, reason and property ownership

Runstedtler, T. White Anglo-Saxon hopes and black Americans’ Atlantic dreams: Jack Johnson and the British boxing colour bar

Abul-Magd, Z. Rebellion in the time of cholera: failed empire, unfinished nation in Egypt, 1840-1920

PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, Volume 30, Part 1, February 2011

Special issue: A century of constitutional reform

Norton, P. Introduction: a century of change

Ballinger, C. Hedging and ditching: The Parliament Act 1911

Blackburn, R. Laying the foundations of the modern voting system: the Representation of The People Act 1918

Norton, P. Divided loyalties: The European Communities Act 1972

Feldman, D. Extending the role of the courts: The Human Rights Act 1998

Winetrobe, B.K. Enacting Scotland’s ‘written constitution’: The Scotland Act 1998

Kelso, A. Stages and muddles: The House of Lords Act 1999

THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, Volume 25, Number 2, Autumn 2010

Curtin, K. Jacobean congregations and controversies in Thomas Wilson’s Christian Dictionary (1612)

Haugen, K.L. Apocalypse (a user’s manual): Joseph Mede, the interpretation of prophecy and the Dream Book of Achmet