Name:______Date: ______

Making Ice Cream Activity

Introduction: Cooking is Chemistry! Both involve matter and it’s interactions, chemical reactions, phase changes, heat transfer, and more. In this activity, you will be asked to follow the procedure below, practice your laboratory skills of measuring mass ,volume and temperature, and investigate how making ice cream is chemistry at work.

Materials: 1 large plastic bag, 1 small plastic bag, ice, rock salt, milk, sugar, thermometer, graduated cylinder, electronic balance, gloves


1. Measure 10 cm from the bottom of a large plastic zip lock bag and use the sharpie at your lab station to mark the height.

2. Fill the bag to the line that you marked with ice.

3. Measure out 125 g of rock salt and pour it over the ice in the large bag. Important: Make sure your gloves are on when handling the rock salt!

4. Take a new, small plastic zip lock bag and mix the following ingredients into this bag:

- 100 mL milk

- 17 grams of sugar

5. Using the thermometer, measure the temperature of this ice cream mixture and record in the data table below.

6. Remove the thermometer and seal the contents of the small zip lock bag (make sure the seal is tight!)

7. Using the thermometer, measure the temperature of the ice and rock salt mixture and record in the data table below.

8. Place the small bag inside the large bag of ice and rock salt. Make sure that the ice in the large bag surrounds the small bag and it’s contents.

9. Leaving the thermometer in the large plastic bag, partially seal the large plastic bag as seen in the picture.

11. Using your stopwatch, measure the temperature of the ice and rock salt mixture every minute for 12 minutes and record the temperature in the data table below.

10. As you are waiting, make sure to gently squeeze/mix the large plastic bag with your hands every minute.

11. At the end of the 12th minute, open the large plastic bag and carefully remove the small plastic bag with your ice cream mixture.

12. Measure the temperature of the ice cream mixture now and record in the data table below.

Data Table:

Time (minutes) / Temperature (degrees C)
Ice cream mixture / Ice/rock salt mixture

Name: ______Date: ______Color: ______

Analysis and Conclusions:

1. Using the data above, construct a line graph of the temperature of the ice cream mixture and ice/rock salt mixture over time. Hint: Your graph will have two lines representing the change in temperature over time.

2. Create a diagram showing how heat energy is transferring during our ice cream making process. Use arrows to show movement of heat energy to and from the small and large plastic zip lock bags.

3. Did you observe any phase changes during this activity? If yes, what phase changes did you observe? If you did not observe any phase change, would you expect one to occur if given more time.
