Julie L. Globokar, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology
P.O. Box 5190 - Kent, OH 44242
330.672.2196 -
Ph.D., 2011University of Illinois at Chicago
Criminology, Law, and Justice
Dissertation: Probation and Gentrification in North Lawndale
M.A., 2004University of Illinois at Chicago
Criminal Justice
B.A., 2001University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
Major: Psychology
Minor: Criminal Justice
Summa Cum Laude
Race and Gender Inequality
2014 – PresentKent State University, Department of Sociology
Coordinator, Online M.A. in Criminology and Criminal Justice
2011 – PresentKent State University, Department of Sociology
Assistant Professor (NTT)
2007 – 2010 Kaplan University, School of Criminal Justice
Academic Chair
2008 – 2009Northern Illinois University, Sociology Department
Visiting Assistant Professor
2005-2010University of Illinois at Chicago, Criminology, Law, and Justice
Issues in Law and Society; Race, Class, Gender, and the Law; Minorities in Crime and Justice; Gender and Crime;Criminology; Criminology II (online); Policing in America; Introduction to Criminal Justice/Justice Studies; Associate’s Capstone (online); Academic Strategies for the Criminal Justice Professional (online); Social Problems; The Sixties; Ethics (online); Theories in Crime and Delinquency (online graduate)
Journal Articles
Lazarus-Black, M., & Globokar, J.L. (2015). Foreign attorneys inU.S. LL.M. programs: Who’s
in, who’s out, and who they are. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 22(1), 3-65. (Keystone article)
*Erez, E., Globokar, J.L., & Ibarra, P.R. (2014). Outsiders inside: Victimmanagement in an
era of participatory reforms. International Review of Victimology, 20(1), 169-188.
*Berko, A., Erez, E., & Globokar, J.L. (2010). Gender, crime, and terrorism: The case of
Arab/Palestinian women in Israel. British Journal of Criminology, 50(4), 670-689.
Erez, E., & Globokar, J.L. (2007). Immigrant women, domestic violence, and community
policing. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, (November), 1-15.
* Articles with equal author contributions. (Author names appear in alphabetical order.)
Globokar, J.L. (Forthcoming). Chicago’s Conservative Vice Lords: 1967-1971. Arcadia Publishing.
Winters, R.C., Globokar, J.L., & Roberson, C. (2014). An Introduction to
Crime and Causation. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).
Globokar, J.L. (2010). Introduction to Online Learning: A Guide for Students. Sage
Book Chapters
Erez, E., & Globokar, J. (2009). Compounding vulnerabilities: The impact of immigration
status and circumstances on battered immigrant women. In Immigration, Crime and Justice (Sociology of Crime Law and Deviance, Volume 13), Ed. Mathieu Deflem, 129-145, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Encyclopedia Entries
Globokar, J.L. (2008). Probation. In Parrillo, V.N. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Problems.
Sage Publications.
Globokar, J.L. (2008). Labeling theory. In Parrillo, V.N. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Social
Problems.Sage Publications.
Erez, E., & Globokar, J.L. (2008). Victim impact statements. In Renzetti, C.M., & Edleson,
J.L. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention. Sage Publications.
In Progress
Globokar, J.L., & Erez, E. Breaking boundaries and bridging gaps: Unpacking the nature of “victm work.”
Globokar, J.L., & Toro, M. Tracing the roots of “promise versus practice” in probation: A study of the passage of the 1925 federal probation act.
2014Understanding the Political Institutionalization of Probation Through the Passage of the 1925 Federal Probation Act. Law and Society Association annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
2014 Lessons from the Past: Exploring Probation as an Alternative Sentence. Presentation at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
2013 Looking Back to Move Forward: Understanding Probation’s Failed History as an
Alternative Sanction. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual
meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
2013Narratives and Counter-Narratives Surrounding the Passage of the Federal Probation Act of 1925. Presentation at the Law and Society Association annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
2012Returning Promise to Probation Work: Lessons of the Past. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
2011The Disappearing “Inner City”: A New Landscape for Probation. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Washington, DC.
2011The Space in Between: Probation in Transitioning Communities. Presentation at the
Law and Society Association annual meeting, San Francisco, California.
2010Probation Work and Community Change. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, San Francisco, California.
2010Making an International Lawyer: The Geneology of a New Expertise. Presentation with Dr. Mindie Lazarus-Black at the Law and Society Association annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
2009Probationand Gentrification: An Exploratory Case Study. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2009 Journey to the U.S.: Foreign Lawyers in American LL.M. Programs. Presentation with
Dr. Mindie Lazarus-Black at the Law and Society Association annual meeting, Denver,
2008A Social Control Theory of Corrections: Understanding our System in Terms of “Why Not”? Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, St. Louis, Missouri.
2007 Community Corrections: The Last Frontier. Presentation at the American Society of
Criminology annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
2006Understanding Complacency: Exploring Views of our CorrectionalSystem in Terms of Race. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Los Angeles, California.
2006Crime, Race, Discourse, and Actors of the Legal System: A New Way of
Understanding Race and Incarceration. Presentation at the Midwest Law and Society
Retreat, Madison, Wisconsin.
2005Expanding Notions of Stigmatization: Implications for Restorative Justice. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
2004 Media (In)Attention to Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice: The Problem of
Decontextualization. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual
meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
University and Department Service Work:
2015Faculty Mentor, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program
Mentee: LaKysha Robinson
2014Faculty Mentor, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program
Mentee: Matthew Toro
2014-Faculty Advisor, Alpha Phi Sigma
Kent State University, Department of Sociology, Criminology & Justice Studies Program
2014-2015Ad Hoc Committee for Issues in Law and Society Assessment
Kent State University, Department of Sociology, Criminology & Justice Studies Program
2014Comprehensive Exam Committee Member for Holli Vah Seliskar
Kent State University, Department of Curriculum & Instruction
2013-2014Ad Hoc Committee for Online Criminology Master’s Degree
Kent State University, Department of Sociology, Criminology & Justice Studies Program
2012Senior Exit Exam Committee
Kent State University, Department of Sociology, Criminology & Justice Studies Program
2011 Late Policy Committee
Kaplan University, School of Criminal Justice
2009New Faculty Training Committee
Kaplan University, School of Criminal Justice
Invited Lectures and Appearances:
2014Careers in Criminal Justice
Invited Speaker, Kent State University, Living-Learning Community for Arts & Sciences
2013Internal and External Constraints on Probation Agencies
Guest Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago, Processes & Institutions, Graduate Class of Dr. Edna Erez
2013Probation and Gentrification: A Discussion of Methods
Guest Lecturer, Kent State University, Research Methods, Undergraduate Class of Dr. Greg Gibson
2011McGraw-Hill Symposium on Criminal Justice
Invited Participant
2007Faculty Roundtable on Best Practices
Invited Guest, Kaplan University
Served as reviewer for:
Peak, K. (2014). Introduction to Criminal Justice. Sage Publications.
Siegel, L.J. (2012). Essentials of Criminal Justice (8thed.). Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Cole, G.F. (2012). The American System of Criminal Justice.Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Law and Society Review (occasional, 2011)
Walsh, A., & Hemmens, C. (2008). Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader. Sage Publications.
Created ancillary materials for:
Walsh, A., & Hemmens, C. (2011). Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader (2nded.). Sage Publications.
Stohr, M.K., Walsh, A., & Hemmens, C. (2008). Corrections: A Text/Reader. Sage Publications.
Walsh, A., & Hemmens, C. (2008). Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader. Sage Publications.
Hagan, F. (2007). Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior (6thed.). Sage Publications.
Created Online Courses:
Theories in Crime and Delinquency (JUS 66763), Kent State University
Community Corrections (JUS 56705), Kent State University
2014Criminology & Justice Studies Professor of the Year, Kent State University, Department of Sociology
2014Inductee, Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society, Faculty Member
2011Graduate Student Publication of the Year, University of Illinois at Chicago, Criminology, Law, and Justice Program
2011Showcased Book, Online Literary Festival, Kaplan University
2010Featured Book, Sage Criminology eNewsletter, Sage Publications
1998-2001Dean’s List (High Honors) – 7/7 Semesters, University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
1999-2001Parents’ Foundation Scholarship Recipient, University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
1999-2001Essay Scholarship Recipient, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 224
2001Inductee, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
2001Inductee, Golden Key National Honor Society
2000Inductee, Psi Chi National Honor Society
Curriculum VitaeJulie Globokar