Los Carneros Water District
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 13, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM in the Staff Development Room of Stone Bridge School
Directors in Attendance: J. Stewart, M. DeSoto, R. Mueller, C Walker, M Wilkinson, and R Jones. Director J. Thomson arrived at approximately 6:10.
There was no public comment.
Minutes of the meeting of July 12, 2016, were approved: 4-0-0 (DeSoto & Wilkinson abstain)
Minutes of the meeting of July 21, 2016, were approved: 6-0-0
Minutes of the meeting of August 9, 2016, were approved: 6-0-0 (this was a cancelled meeting)
Claims List 091316 was approved 6-0-0. Director Thomson arrives.
Auditor Controller Tracy Schulze made a presentation on a number of topics, including:
- Introduction of Charlie Pillon, CPA, our auditor
- They reported on the status and progress on our 2 year audit, and the need to do some additional work, not anticipated in the original scope of work. All is going well, and the audit should be completed on time.
- At that point, Auditor Controller Schulze asked that we go to the Special Meeting.
- President recessed the Regular Meeting (and called to order the Special Meeting.)
- President called the Regular Meeting back to order.
- Auditor Controller Schulze then reviewed the year end financials.
- Regarding the assessment rate for FY16/17, Auditor Controller Schulze indicated that she and Assessment Engineer Sara Mares were working out the details of the amount, but it would be less than last year.
Auditor Controller Schulze and the President reviewed the status of the various grants.
- Prop 84, for $2 million, is being handled by NSD, and Andrew Damron will elaborate later in the meeting on its status.
- She is maximizing the amount attributed to the Prop 1 grant, estimated to be $4.1 million.
- The BuRec Grant #1, for $1 million, is fully depleted.
- BuRec Grant #2, for $0.633 million, is the next grant to be tapped, but the District should maximize the draw from that grant as well. It was focused on metering technology.
- Measure A Grant #2, for $50,000, has been received.
Andrew Damron, from NSD, reported on:
- With regard to water quality testing and findings, chlorides remain a concern, but NSD is mounting projects to greatly reduce the amount of “tidally influenced water” that is infiltrating into the collection system.
- Construction on the project is complete, and NSD is nearing finalization, including filing the Notice of Completion. As Built Drawings are being prepared. Hydraulic modeling remains.
- NSD is handling the Prop 84 grant funding. The grant funding should be fully depleted with the final billings that are being made.
Stewart and Outreach Committee Chair Jim Lincoln briefed the Board on the Tentative Order, and the attendant Draft Environmental Impact Report, that is being circulated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, on the issue of the long discussed Vineyard Waiver. The TO and the DEIR both contain language favorable to the storage of recycled water in on-stream reservoirs (termed “on channel impoundments” by RWQCB staff.) Stewart has issued a letter asking for some changes to the specific language dealing with recycled water storage.
There was some discussion of the need to update the Mission Statement, the Vision Statement, and Guiding Principles. The matter was briefly discussed, and put over to future meeting.
Progress on AB 1200 is slow states Outreach Chair Jim Lincoln and he asked if the NSD would try to make contact with Mr. Booker at the Sonoma County Water Agency to try to make progress in legally storing recycled water in on stream reservoirs.
There was no further public comment.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM, to the next Regular Meeting,on October 11, 2016.
Minutes Approved on ______, 2016
By: ______Attest: ______