AGREEMENT NAME:______AGMT #:______AGMT TYPE:______
____Complete and assemble booking package ____Review spend plan ____Input mtce. & care tasking sheets into CMMS
to include: ____Prepare Annual Agreement Task Schedule ____Insert spend plan information sheet into new
____This form ____Estimate labor requirements by month and agreement file folder.
____Sales report labor categories. Summarize results on ____Schedule and dispatch lead service tech to
____Signed agreement (2 copies) spend plan to be entered into CMMS. correct current problems, perform first PM,
____Inventory of equipment ____Attend New Agreement First-Visit Start-up and do visible work. Give New Agreement
____Completed Credit Application meeting at jobsite. (Sales Rep to schedule) Start-up sheet to service tech with a copy of
____Purchase order ____Use New Agreement Start-up Meeting equipment inventory to store in truck or in
____Pricing worksheets checklist to ensure all requirements of job box.
____Spend plan customer meeting are met. ____Prepare welcome letter and forward completed
____New agreement start-up sheet ____After customer meeting, Supervisor and booking package to Manager of Service for
____Complete CARE tasking sheet Sales Rep walk job to locate all equipment signature on agreement document and
____Schedule In-house mtg. w/Supervisor Sales Rep leaves but Supervisor remains welcome letter.
____Forward booking package to Service to: Date______
Clerk / Dispatcher
Date______ ____Verify equipment inventory (6) MANAGER of SERVICE
____Confirm Agreement Task Schedule
____Confirm PM labor estimates ____Review completed booking package
(2) SERVICE CLERK / DISPATCHER ____Verify maintainability ____Sign original and one copy of agreement
____Highlight first PM visit tasks document
____Assign agreement number and enter it on: ____Install emergency service stickers ____Sign welcome letter
____This form ____Make list of items to be stocked at ____Return completed booking package to Service
____Maintenance agreement number log jobsite Clerk/Dispatcher for mailing and filing.
____Sales report ____Install job box (if required)
____New Agreement Start-up Sheet ____Locate drawings (if available) and put Date______
____All agreement pages in job box
____Assign customer number and enter on: ____Identify visible work for first PM (7) SERVICE CLERK / DISPATCHER
____Customer number log
____Sales report ____Use Annual Agreement Maintenance Task ____Mail welcome letter and file new agreement
____Enter customer number into CMMS Schedule as a reference to survey job and
____Enter sales report information into CMMS equipment for conditions that might require Date______
____Set up new agreement hanging file folder changes in tasks or frequency of mtce
____Forward booking package to Manager visits. Modify task schedule as required.
of Service Highlight those items to be completed on the
Date______ first PM visit. Verify that estimated PM hours
are sufficient to accomplish PM tasking
necessary for the job.
(3) MANAGER of SERVICE ____After jobsite first visit, review / revise spend
plan and Annual Agreement Task Schedule
____Review agreement documents to become to reflect conditions noted at jobsite.
familiar with customer and any special or ____With Manager of Service and Sales Rep,
unusual conditions. discuss task schedule, highlighted task
____Review and approve credit application master items to be done on first PM visit;
____Forward booking package to Service current problems; visible work requirements;
Supervisor additional work and repair requirements.
(4) SERVICE SUPERVISOR NOTE: Sales Rep to follow up with customer
on chargeable additional work and repairs.
____Review documents to become familiar
with agreement obligations ____Add this new agreement to unit manpower plan
____Conduct In-house Maintenance Agreement ____Order necessary parts & supplies for jobsite
Start-up meeting with Service Clerk / ____Add completed New Agreement Start-up
Dispatcher, Manager of Service and Sales sheet to booking package
Rep within five (5) working days of ____Forward booking package to Service Clerk /
Date of Sale. (On-site start-up meeting Dispatcher
to be scheduled with customer by Sales Date______
Rep. after this meeting)