Melinda Muller MD FACP
1200 NW 23rd Ave (o)
Portland OR 97210
503-413-7981 (vm)
503-413-6769 (fax)
Date of Birth: August 23, 1968
Place of Birth: Medford, Oregon
2000-2002 General Internal Medicine Fellow, Legacy Portland Hospitals
Portland, Oregon
1999-2000 Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, Legacy Portland Hospitals
Portland, Oregon
1997-1999 Resident, Internal Medicine, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1996-1997 Intern, Internal Medicine, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1992-1996 School of Medicine, MD
Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU)
Tartar Research Fellow, Amer Ht Assoc Summer Research Fellow
Academic scholarship recipient
1989-1990 Medical Technology Program, OHSU
BS, Medical Technology
1987-1990 Southern Oregon State College
Ashland, Oregon
BA, General Studies Math/Science, Pre-Medical Technology
(finished concurrently with BS above), Summa Cum Laude, President’s
Honor Roll 3 years
Sep/Oct 2004 Physician Leadership for the 21st Century, Institute Two, The Foundation
For Medical Excellence, Portland, Oregon
Apr/May 2004 Physician Leadership for the 21st Century, Institute One, The Foundation
For Medical Excellence, Portland, Oregon
Sep 2003 Competency Assessment: Forethought not Afterthought, Tufts Health Care Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Sep 2002 Practical Approaches for Achieving Required Competencies in Systems-Based Practice and Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Tufts Managed Care Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sep/Oct 2000 Physician Leadership for the 21st Century, Institute Two, The Foundation for Medical Excellence, Portland, Oregon
Apr/May 2000 Physician Leadership for the 21st Century, Institute One, The Foundation for Medical Excellence, Portland, Oregon
Nov 1999 Improving End-Of-Life Care: Internal Medicine Residency Education Project, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/American Board of Internal Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
1989-1996 Laboratory Assistant & Medical Technologist, Good Samaritan Hospital
& Medical Center, Portland, Oregon
1999 American Board of Internal Medicine #191457
1997-Present DEA Certification
1995-2002 Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support
1994-1997 USMLE Certification Part I, II, III
1990-Present American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Medical Technologist
1997-Present Oregon Board of Medical Examiners (Number MD20786)
2002 Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland OR
2006- Medical Director, Legacy Clinics, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2006- Medical Director of Quality for Primary Care, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2006- Co-Chair, Legacy Medicine Interdisciplinary Quality Council, Legacy
Portland Hospitals
2003-2006 Medical Director, Legacy Teaching Clinics, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2003-2006 Associate Program Director, Legacy Internal Medicine Residency Program
2003-Present Site Medical Director, Legacy Clinic Good Samaritan, Legacy Portland
2002-2003 Associate Medical Director, Legacy Clinics, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2002-Present Legacy Representative to the ACP Regional Meeting Planning committee
2002-2005 Legacy Clinics Quality Improvement Committee Co-Chair, Legacy
Portland Hospitals
2002-2005 Legacy Department of Medicine Quality Council, Legacy Portland
Hospitals, Chair 2005
2002-Present Legacy Clinics Information Technology Committee, Legacy Portland
Hospitals, Chair 2005
2000-Present Faculty, Department of Medicine, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2000-Present Coordinator Diabetes Quality Improvement program, Legacy Teaching
2000-2003 Member, Ethics Committee, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2000-2003 Consultant, Comfort Care Team, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2000-2006 Legacy Representative to the Oregon Diabetes Coalition Workgroup on
Diabetes Tracking, Oregon Health Division.
1999-2001 Member/Interviewer, Residency Interview committee, Legacy Portland
2002-Present Interviewer, Legacy Internal Medicine Program, Legacy Portland
1999-2000 Chair, Code 99 committee, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1999-2000 Member, GME committee, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1998-2006 Member, Curriculum committee, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1998-2000 Member, Evaluation committee, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2002-2004 Facilitator, Outpatient Morning Report, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1999-2001 Ward teaching attending, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1999-2002 Facilitator, Morning Report, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1999-2006 Clinic Preceptor, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1999-2006 Facilitator Clinic Block Conference, Legacy Portland Hospitals
1993-Present Founder/Presenter/Facilitator, Principles of Clinical Medicine course,
“Sexual Orientation issues in Health Care”, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland, Oregon
2003 Faculty Chair, Oregon Diabetes Collaborative II, Portland Oregon.
Legacy Portland Hospitals
2000 Teaching Managing Care Competencies: A Faculty Development Program
for UME-21 and PQE Physicians, Providence, Rhode Island
1998 Winner, Research Poster, American College of Physicians/American
Society of Internal Medicine (ACP-ASIM) Associate Competition,
“Medical Student Attitudes toward Homosexuality: Evaluation of a
Second year curriculum”. National Scientific Meeting. San Diego, CA.
1997 Winner, Research Poster, ACP-ASIM Associate Competition, “Medical
Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: Evaluation of a second year curriculum”.
Annual Scientific Meeting, Oregon Chapter. Eugene, OR.
2004-Present ACP Fellow
2000-Present Society of General Internal Medicine, Reviewer for JGIM (2002-Present)
1994-2003 ACP-ASIM Associate/Member
1993-Present Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA), Board of Directors
(1998-2002), Treasurer (2000-2002), Reviewer for Journal of GLMA
1993-Present Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Physicians’ of Oregon (GLBPO), Founding
Member, Treasurer (2000-Present), Chairperson (1997-1999), Co-
Chairperson (1995-1997)
1993-2002 Oregon Medical Association
1993-2002 Metropolitan Portland Medical Society
1992-2002 American Medical Association
1989-Present American Society of Clinical Pathologists
American College of Physicians
2003-Present Resident/Medical Student Clinical Vignettes/Research Presentation Judge
American Medical Student Association
1992-1996 Students Teaching AIDS to Students (STATS) instructor, OHSU
Coordinator (1993-1994)
1992-1998 AIDS Task Force member, regional co-coordinator (1993)
1992-1998 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered People in Medicine Task Force
1992-1994 Portland Public Schools Talented and Gifted Evening High School
Program instructor
1995-1996 Wallace Medical Concern (non-profit inner city health clinic) volunteer,
Portland Oregon
1994-2003 Neighborhood Health Clinics (non-profit free health clinic) volunteer,
Portland, Oregon, medical technologist and physician
1992-1995 Oregon AIDS Hotline volunteer
1990-Present Rose City Gay Freedom Band, Portland, Oregon
Held positions of Secretary and Librarian in addition to playing
2005 Medical Grand Rounds, HIV for the PCP, What Primary Care Physicians
need to know, Legacy Portland Hospitals
2004 Medical Grand Rounds, Psychiatric Prescribing for the Primary Care
Physician with John Bischof. Legacy Portland Hospitals
2003 Medical Grand Rounds, Diabetes Management: Making the System Work
with D Shute. Legacy Portland Hospitals.
2003 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered Health. National College of
Naturopathic Medicine. Portland OR.
2002 Diabetes in Primary Care. Clinical Problem Solving: Management of Difficult Patients with J Neifing, K Ward. Portland OR.
2002 Faculty Development, Practical Teaching Tips for Outpatient Preceptor
with J Bowen, E Eckstrom et al. Portland OR.
2001 Faculty Development, Practical Teaching Tips for Outpatient Preceptors with J Bowen, E Eckstrom et al. Portland OR.
2001 Medical Grand Rounds, Diabetes Tracking Systems: A Real Life Experience. Legacy Portland Hospitals.
2000 Medical Grand Rounds, Relief of Suffering or Hastening Death: The Principal of Double Effect with J White, P Bullock, et al. Legacy Portland Hospitals.
2000 Faculty Development, Palliative Medicine/Symptom Management with J White. Legacy Portland Hospitals.
2000 Lesbian Sexuality and Healthcare. Savvy about Sex: A Conference for Women’s Healthcare Practitioners. Oregon Chapter of the American College Nurse Midwives. Portland, OR.
2001 Muller MJ, Eckstrom E. So Your Patient’s a Lesbian. Regional Society of
General Internal Medicine Meeting. Portland, OR.
2001 Muller MJ. HIV 101: What Primary Care Physicians Need to Know. Regional Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting. Portland, OR.
2004 Teaching Students and Residents in the Office with E Eckstrom et al.
Workshop, National American College of Physicians Meeting, New Orleans, CA.
2003 Teaching Students and Residents in the Office – Priming for Efficiency,
with E Eckstrom, J Drummond, et al. Workshop, National American
College of Physicians Meeting, San Diego, CA.
2002 When Precepting Doesn’t Go as Planned: Precepting Strategies for Challenging Situations, with E Eckstrom, E Haney, J Drummond, et al. Precourse, National Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
2002 Turning Cases into Teaching: Writing Cases for Case-Method Teaching, with G Noel, E Eckstrom, E Haney. National Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
2002 The Advanced One Minute Preceptor: Applying Teaching Microskills in Problematic Teaching Situations, with E Eckstrom, E Haney, J Drummond. National Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting. Atlanta, GA
1997 Medical Student Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: Evaluation of a Second-Year Curriculum. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Symposium. San Francisco, CA.
2005-Present Medication Reconciliation: Bridging Communication Across the
Continuum. AHRQ Grant 1 U18 HSO15904-01
2004 ACCOMPLISH (Avoiding Cardiovascular Events through Combination Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension). Novartis Hypertension Study SubInvestigator.
2003-2005 Robert Wood Johnson Depression in Primary Care Grant. Acted as
2001-2004 Oregon Diabetes Collaborative to improve quality of Diabetes Care.
Legacy Portland Hospitals.
2000-2001 Usefulness of a Diabetes Flowsheet in improving diabetes care in a
Resident clinic. Legacy Portland Hospitals.
1998-2001 Usefulness of Peak Flow Meters in mild-moderate asthma. In
collaboration with E Eckstrom. Legacy Portland Hospitals.
1995-1998 Evaluation of a Second-Year Curriculum on Homosexuality. In collaboration with J White. OHSU/Legacy Portland Hospitals
Ongoing Co-Investigator:
“A large, simple trial comparing two strategies for management of anti-retroviral therapy (SMART)”
“A Randomized Study of a Prescribed 4-Month Structured Treatment Interruption (STI) Followed by Initiation of a New Antiretroviral Regimen Versus Immediate Initiation of a New Antiretroviral Regimen in HIV-Infected Patients with Multidrug Resistant (MDR) Virus
“Adherence Strategies Using a Medication Manager and an Electronic Medication Reminder System for HIV-Infected Patients Receiving HAART”
“Metabolic Consequences of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in HIV-Positive Individuals”
“A Study of Long-Term Clinical, Virologic, and Immunologic Outcomes in
HIV-Infected Individuals”
“A Randomized, Open-Label Study of the Long-Term Effectiveness of Three Initial Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) Strategies in HAART-Naïve, HIV-Infected Persons”
“A Randomized, Open-Label, Study of the Impact of Two Doses of Subcutaneous Recombinant IL-2 (Proleukin) on Viral Burden and CD4+ Cell Count in Patients With HIV-1 Infection and CD4+ Cell Counts greater than or equal to 300/mm3”
“A Randomized Study of the Virologic Efficacy of Different Antiretroviral (AR) Treatment Strategies in HIV-Infected Individuals With Detectable Plasma HIV RNA Measurements After At Least 16 Weeks on Their Initial Protease Inhibitor-Containing AR Regimens”
“Effects of Prophylaxis for Disseminated Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) Disease With Azitromycin Versus Deferred Prophylaxis on Carriage of Antibiotic-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: A Substudy of the CR-MAC Protocol (CPCRA 048)”
2005-2007 AHRQ Grant: Medication Reconciliation: Bridging Communication
Across the Continuum of Care, Principal Investigator
2004-2005 AAIM/ABIM/ABIM Foundation Resident-Faculty Practicum in System
Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement with S
2001-2003 Coalition of Healthcare Purchasers Diabetes Tracking Grant with M
Watson, J Goodwin, H Klein.
1999-2004 HRSA Faculty Development Project with T Cooney, J Bowen, E
Eckstrom, et al.
Muller MJ, White JC. Medical Student Attitudes toward Homosexuality: Evaluation of a second year curriculum. J Gay Lesbian Med Assoc 1997;1:155-159.
Muller MJ. Palliation. J Gay Lesbian Med Assoc 2000;4:31-32.
Muller MJ. One Physician’s Experience in Palliative Medicine Chronicled and Published as a Result of Attending Training Conference. (Abstract) J Pall Med 2001:93-94.
White JC, Muller MJ. Physician Best-Practice Standards for the Inpatient Care of Dying patients and their families for a Residency Program and Community Hospital System. (Abstract) J Pall Med 2001:93.
Muller MJ, White JC, Ashcraft L, Misaki C. End-of-Life Care Survey on Pain Assessment at the Time of Hospital Admission Reveals Effectiveness of Teaching Moments and Increased Awareness by Residents. (Abstract) J Pall Med 2001:91.
Muller MJ, White JC. End-of-Life Faculty Development Sessions are Instructive for Faculty and Promote Increased Interest in Developing Effective Teaching Strategies. (Abstract) J Pall Med 2001:91-92.
White JC, Muller MJ. End-of-Life Care Curriculum Development for Faculty and Residents: FastFacts Teaching Tools are Used by Faculty and Found Helpful by Residents. (Abstract) J Pall Med 2001:92-93.
Muller MJ, Sewell GS. Coexistence of Eosinophilic gastroenteritis and Helicobacter pylori gastritis: Causality versus coincidence. Digestive Dis & Sciences 2001;46:1784-86.
Muller M, Kenny S, et al. A New Method for Teaching Quality Improvement in Diabetes Care: Residents as Peer Champions. (Abstract) JGIM 2002;17 (Suppl 1): 98.
Bowen J, Eckstrom E, Muller MJ, et al. Enhancing the Effectiveness of One-Minute Preceptor Faculty Development Workshops. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2006;18:35-41.
Play flute and oboe, interested in gardening, snowboarding
Melinda Muller MD Curriculum Vitae