The Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival Aims to be the Premier Festival in the Country
83rd theme: “Appily Ever After” – May 27 to June 1, 2015
AVABF Board of Directors Meeting
May 19, 2015 – 6:30 pm – ABF office
“Appily Ever After”
Call to Order: 6:37 pm
Present: Gary, Angie, Sarah Lindsay, David C, Phyllis, Dave R, Marsha, Amy, Lisa (7:15 pm)
Regrets: Amanda
Minutes of last meeting: Motion to approve as circulated. Phyllis/Lindsay/carried
Business Arising from the Minutes:
- Update re 50/50 draw: Big Brothers will pass for this year, not enough time to get ready, will do it next year if plenty of notice. They will do Friday night if we are stuck. ABF Board decided to pass for this year. Add to Agenda for fall.
- Update re Ken Bezanson: Not attending. Team not experienced.
- L’Arche selling glow sticks. No further contact. Remove from agenda.
President (Gary): Responding to phone calls as they come in.
Corresponded with Betty Jean Tupper (Pt Wms community rep) regarding some issues that Leadership brought up. Betty Jean requested a meeting. Issues were nothing to do with upcoming ABF & Gary was unable to attend. Gary will communicate with Betty Jean that all issues will be dealt with at the fall Community Rep meeting.
Treasurer (DavidC): submitted.
Office Manager (Marsha): submitted.
Marsha will e-mail current sponsors’ RSVP to Amy re appreciation certificates.
Secretary (Phyllis): submitted
Cultural: (Amanda): submitted. Scotty unable to do Dan D.
NKEC Volunteer Fair: not discussed.
Events (Lisa): Show & Shine in park has been added. Vehicles for parade will happen. We have a parade marshal – Gordon Hansford. Herald will provide vehicle – Shelley Philips will drive. Dog Agility is confirmed. Have 5 bands.
Leadership (Angie): Submitted. Pharmasave is providing gifts.
Medical forms needed!
Meet 5:15 pm Wed at Old O to leave for Opening Ceremony.
We have 2 RCMP escorts for all requested events.
Gordon (Wildcats bus) has the itinerary & says all is fine. Medical forms were sent for drivers.
Angie contacting White’s for limos for Friday.
Capes have been dry cleaned & repaired.
Suggested that the cadets who attend the Town Criers could carry the Queen’s banner. Gary will check with Lloyd as he arranges for the cadets.
Publicity & Public Relations (Lindsay): Souvenir Edition should be here tomorrow. Phyllis will help distribute.
Temp Tattoo is at print & Lindsay is trying to arrange a school ceremony (Mon or Tue preferred)
Organizer of 5k run is using ABF logo & name without permission. Marsha will forward the info to Lindsay & she will look after it.
FB following has increased by a couple hundred (now almost 4,000)
Press inquiries dealt with: Ashley TC Media re economic impact. Why harder to find candidates. Digby backing out.
TC Media Princess publication is running, but without one princess who feels they misrepresented what they were doing.
Banner dropped off to Speed Pro & will be up shortly.
Children’s Parade (Sarah): submitted.
Trophies ready? Phyllis will check.
Ribbons on time line? Lisa will ask Greg W.
Sponsorship (DaveR): Submitted.
MoK passed grant request with much discussion. Mayor Corkum had our Economic Impact Study from 2008 & spoke in support of the grant. Ignore all media inquiries.
NSTA approved our request.
ALC has approved funds.
County Fair Mall will send their regular donation.
Tourism: (Amy): Submitted. Certificates & frames are ready to go.
Motion to Adopt Reports: m/s David/Angie/carried
New Business:
1. Correspondence: nothing
2. Coronation tickets: those who are attending need to confirm & pick up their tickets at Box Office. Besides Angie, Gary, Sarah, Amy, & Phyllis will attend. Bus leaves Acadia for Fireworks at 9:15. Amy takes Judges & brings them back after deliberations.
3. Emergency Plan: Lisa will update when she has more info.
4. Mark Pound wants to come back. Ask him to do Crescent Ave.
5. This is the last meeting before the 83rd Festival & we are losing a number of board members. Part of P&P states that outgoing board members make every attempt to find replacement. Must work on this over the summer. Three alternatives: 1. Find board members, 2. If no new members, the remaining board will have to look at downscaling significantly or 3. shut down the Festival. Lindsay, Angie, Amy, Marsha, Sarah will remain on the board. We will still do the cards, for distribution over the summer, looking for board members. Note that we want working board members, not Festival volunteers & not advisory members. Maybe join with AVCC or NSFG. AVCC does have a Tourism Committee. Current commitment for current board members lasts until AGM in Oct.
Meetings: Next BoD meeting date: Tues, Jun 16, 2015 – 6:30 pm. Pot luck.
Motion to adjourn: Lindsay/everyone J 7:30 pm.
217 Belcher Street, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4N 1E2
T 902.678.8322 | F 902.678.3710 | E