Short Summery

Hi there, my name is Chris Fortin I am a web developer. I have been studying web design and development for just under 5 years. I have a huge desire to work with technology and cutting edge software and hardware. My learning curve is very fast; I can learn new coding languages with only a few days to practice. I have experience working with a small dev team for a common goal using version control to collaborate on a single project. Using stacks and frameworks like the MEAN stack and PHP with Wordpress I have created websites from start to finish from the drawing stage, to digital design, to the development, then testing and finally all the way to the release of production. I’m easy to get along with; I can have a good conversation on mosttopics. I love hockey and astronomy. All I want is to fulfilled in my work. Technology has the potential to chance our lives hugely; I want to be involved with its development.


Book Publishing Custom Wordpress WebsiteJuly 2014–October 2014

  • Designed, developed and maintained a custom Wordpress website with PHP and wp-admin and SQL.
  • The website I created was a blog like page used to advertise new events for a small Champlain Valley book publishing company for college students and small time authors.
  • The website has been taken down because the business is no longer in a publishing company. But an archive of the website can be found here (

Wings Over Burlington January 2017 - Present

  • My duties included taking phone call orders and delivering food with my car around the city of Burlington. I became very good at driving and my customer service skills is something I strive to be good at.
  • I worked at Hannafords super market for 3 years before this and before that Hoagies pizzeria all in Essex, Vermont was my first job.


Bachelors of ScienceDegree in Web Design and Development, Full Sail University2014 - 2016

I graduated from Full Sail University with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Web Design and Development. I created dozens of websites I used dozens of different coding languages. I met a lot of great developers and I contributed to a handful of group projects. I valued my education and I hope I can make the most of it with the job I am striving for. One of my favorite projects I created can be found here (

General Education Degree, Center For Technology Essex 2010 - 2014

I attended 2 different high schools. The first one was called Mount Mansfield Union, but they didn’t offer coding and design classes. I changed schools my second year to be in this class called Computer Animation and Web Design. Thank goodness I did.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Javascript, NodeJS, MongoDB, JSON, MySQL, PHP, WordPresss, Python, React, C++, C#, Ruby, Command Line, Terminal, Github, Grunt, Gulp, Symphony, Larval, Ruby on Rails, Express, AngularJS, Angular2, Google Analytics, SEO Ranking, Digital Ocean, Heroku, MAMP, Ubuntu, Virtual Box, Adobe Software Pack, Microsoft Software Pack, Mac Software.

Hockey Player, Motorcycle Rider, Snowmobiler, Skier, Gamer, Artist, Reader, Frisbee Thrower, Volleyball Player, Long Boarder.