Day Hospital Regulations

1.  Program hours are from 8:15am – 4:15pm. Please notify staff if you are unable to attend or plan to be late. The phone number is (908) 788-6401.

2.  If you are unable to attend it is your responsibility to cancel the Link. 1-800-842-0531

3.  Participation and attendance is expected in all scheduled activities and groups.

4.  Please inform staff if you leave the program area for any reason.

5.  The Day Hospital kitchen area is off limits except for food service trainees or coffee cart volunteers.

6.  Personal radios with headphones may be used during lunch and break time.

7.  Cell phones and personal computer equipment etc are not to be used in program.

8.  Please do not request loans of any type i.e. money, cigarettes. We advise our members not to bring large sums of money to Day Hospital.

9.  This is an alcohol and drug free environment (except for prescribed medications). Breaches of this rule will result in immediate requirement to leave the program.

10.  If you are asked by DH staff to have a BAL or UDS you must comply. Refusing to comply will result in suspension from DH.

11.  Ping Pong and Pool playing is permitted only when scheduled groups are not in progress.

12.  Speech and touch are to be used in a manner respectful to all of the Day Hospital community.

13.  All interactions at Day Hospital are confidential. Each group is confidential. Please remember to maintain this by not repeating or discussing what you hear while in DH outside of the specific group unless safety issues are a concern, then contact DH staff.

14.  Threats, intimidation, assaultive behavior, possession of a weapon, or any illegal activity will result in the individual being required to leave the program as well as the appropriate legal and or treatment consequences.

15.  Only Day Hospital members are permitted in the treatment area. Visitors and former members must check in at the medical records room and be cleared by staff.

16.  All Day Hospital members are expected to comply with the above listed regulations as a condition of attending Day Hospital. Failure to follow these regulations may result in suspension and/or expulsion from the Day Hospital.