Instructors: Mr. Samilenko and Mr. Graham

Phone extension: 6393 and 6222


9th Grade Environmental Science guidelines

Please place these guidelines in your notebook.

What will we be doing in science class?

This course is a mixture of earth science and environmental science. We will be covering many topics throughout the year.


  1. Introduction to Science and Planet Earth
  2. Ecology – Population Ecology
  3. Ecology – Energy in the Ecosystem and Cycles
  4. Ecology – Environmental Issues
  5. Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy
  6. Geology and Geo-history
  7. Soils and Agricultural
  8. Water in the Ecosystem
  9. Meteorology

How can I do well in this class.

You must cooperate and pay attention to directions. Stay on task during class and make sure your assignments are done on time. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to make up the work. Many of the handouts can be found on Mr. Samilenko’s web page. Have a good attitude. If you need help you must come and ask. Doing nothing will only make the problem worse.

Assignments are posted everyday in class and on Mr. Samilenko’s web page under the homework section.

How are grades determined?

Your grades will be determined by your total points earned in a marking period. These totals will vary among marking periods. Grades will come primarily from class work assignments and tests. You will also be given a grade for class preparation, participation and notebook organization. Homework will also be graded. Homework may consist of the completion of a class work assignment.

*Class participation and cooperation is required and is part of your grade. Failure to cooperate will result in a reduction of your overall grade.

What will I need for this class?

You need to bring your science notebook, charged I-Pads, pens, and pencils everyday. You will also need your textbook when instructed. Your notebook should consist of a folder to hold handouts and blank lined paper for note taking. There will be random notebook and material checks for a grade.

General classroom rules.

1)  Be respectful to your teacher and fellow students.

2)  Be prepared and on time for every class.

3)  Cell Phones are not to be used during class.

4)  Science class is not a study hall and should be used to only work on material related to this course.

5)  Food, drink, hats, and phones are not allowed.

6)  Stay on task and try your best.

If you have a concern or problem regarding this class or this course, discuss it with your teacher. Don’t be afraid to address your concerns and solve your own problems. I am available most days after school.