
…the official newsletter of the Tri-State Model Railroaders, Inc.


NEXT MONTHLY MEETING: Monday, June 6th, Mineral Bluff Depot, 7:00p.m.

NEXT OPERATING SESSION: Saturday, June 4th,Mineral Bluff Depot, 9 a.m.

(We anticipate guest operators from the Jasper Roundhouse Group.)

WORK SESSIONS: Five Wednesdays!June 1, 8, 15, 23, 29at the Depot, 9 a.m. – ‘til hungry. With five Wednesdays in June, we hope to get many projects started and/or completed. We always appreciate those who make the effort to come out on Wednesday mornings to help make our layout better and better all the time.
REMINDER: HO Superintendent Ken Kelleyreminds everyone that he is conducting an evening work session on the first and third Thursday of the month; 6:30 ‘til tired. This is an opportunity to contribute to our layout for those who cannot make the Wednesday work sessions.
MODULAR LAYOUT/BLUE RIDGE DEPOT: We have learned that changes are in the making at the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway. Therefore, we’re putting any plans for the modular layout ON HOLD until the “smoke clears.” Thanks to Len James and Gordon Tuenge for the work in this project to date /

IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS: Please mark your calendar

Friday/Saturday, June 2 & 4 – George L. Carter Railroad Museum Train Show, Johnson City, TN

Saturday, June 18th – Monthly Open House – M.B. Depot, 10 am-2pm; volunteers will be needed.

Friday/Saturday, June 10 & 11 – NMRA Southeastern Convention, “Rocket City Rails,” Huntsville, AL

Saturday, June 25th – 13th North Carolina Rail Fair, Charlotte, NC

UPDATE ON “RIDE THE RAILS” - PROGRESS…we have received a written proposal from the folks at GNRR in conjunction with the State of Georgia. It is being reviewed by folks who can understand “legaleeze” to insure that we are NOT taking on a responsibility we cannot afford…maintenance, insurance, etc. Details as they become available…

MAYBIRTHDAYS: You’re kidding – no birthdays in June! October must have been a very boring month…

F.Y.I.: Thomas Roskelly is working with Mayor Bill Hughes of Murphy to establish The Murphy Railroad Heritage Museum. The Mayor has taken on the role of “collector-in-chief” as we are in the process of gathering railroad memorabilia (photos, timetables, old stock certificates, passes, oil cans, lanterns, etc. to be donated – OR – loaned for display. Our focus, of course, is on early railroading in the Western Carolina, North Georgia, East Tennessee region although we have already received “stuff” from Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range and Southern Pacific…plus photos of “Big Boy,” UP’s giant locomotive. Plans for public access are incomplete at this time, but will become firmed up when wehave something worthy of public inspection and involvement. . TSMRI is listed as a cooperating organization.