Intro: We are world changers because of the FIRST world changer~ Jesus. We receive who He is and what He has at the beautiful exchange of rebirth.

“IT is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Jesus unzipped us and moved Himself into our space.  What an exchange~ all of me for all of HIM!

What does it look like to be a world changer? We have spent the last 10 weeks looking at the various aspects of the journey…today I’m going to wrap it up with some bullet points.

  1. You have an empty tomb(John 20:1-7)
  1. We are baptized in His death and in His resurrection ~ our past is in an empty tomb
  2. If we want to experience Jesus and His power, we must get up and start moving in HIS direction.
  1. You don’t hang around the tombs anymore (John 11:38-44 Jesus raised Lazarus)
  1. Life comes from His Words over us
  2. Death has a stench ~ our thoughts attract the demonic with “stinkin’ thinkin’” or attract the angelic with “right thinking”
  3. We are to remove our grave clothes and leave them in the grave~ mindsets, patterns of behavior, attitudes, etc.
  • Matthew 8:28 ~ The demon possessed men from Gadarenes –they came running from the tombs (death hangs out with death)
  1. You have friends who rise too (Matthew 27:52-53)
  1. Life doesn’t hang around the tombs…instead life gathers with life and goes into the city (Sphere of influence) to release the Kingdom of God
  2. Life comes out of Jesus so much that they couldn’t stay dead! Life released life!
  1. Angels talk about you (Matthew 28:1-7; Hebrews 1:14)
  1. We are born to have help from the angels ~ God sends His ministering spirits to aid us
  2. World Changers are known in heaven
  3. We are to be releasing the Kingdom of God in such a way that we need help from the angels! 
  4. Healing angels getting prepared in heaven for the new healing revival that is coming upon the earth….and they will be sent to help those who are preparing here on earth in the area of healing.
  1. Your Testimonies are “community” property (John 20:18)
  1. People talk about your testimonies
  2. Acts 9:27 Barnabas talks about Paul’s testimony to the apostles
  3. Revelation 19:10 We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony
  4. Our testimonies should get greater~ a life with God that increases, not stagnant
  • Joshua 14:9-13 Caleb went to Joshua and asked for the mountain land “So here I am today, 85 years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day…” (vs 10-12);
  • The young ones are not the only ones to carry the testimonies
  1. You can get into places where there is no door (John 20:26)
  1. We get access to a place that has no opening
  2. Moses took the Israelites through the Red Sea when there was no “opening”
  • Between you and your promised land is a door…but you have a “staff” to extend~ whatever is an obstacle before you—speak to that mountain
  • Father, release authority to move forward
  • There may be some kind of prophetic act you need to do—ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom to know what you need to do
  1. You help people who don’t believe to believe (John 20:27)
  1. We patiently love people, seeing them through the Spirit
  2. Prophetically call out the gold/greatness in them
  3. You are sharing in part of the resurrection story “Put your hands into my experience”
  1. Demons are mad that you are alive (Colossians 2:15)
  1. Jesus made a spectacle of the enemy “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”Col. 2:!5
  • Jesus plundered the enemy
  1. Acts 19:13-15 Seven sons of Sceva were driving out demons ~ “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?”
  • World changers are known in hell
  1. You love people (Acts 1)
  1. You get along with people you didn’t like before; loving people
  2. Unity in the upper room
  3. Disciples argued so much of the time while Jesus walked with them
  4. You are to reconcile people

The Well Ministry: