Welcome to Fashion Merchandising!
Ms. Henning, Room 319
Check my website for more information!
What is Fashion Merchandising?
In this course, you will learnabout business marketing and merchandising through the industry of fashion.
•Explore the variety of fashion throughout history and around the world
•Learn the basics of marketing fashion and buying centers
•Examine different fashion trends, fabrics and fibers
•Understand the process of manufacturing, buying and selling fashion, fashion pricing and applying technology
•Focus on selection/research of fashion and visual merchandising
•Identify skills and traits needed to succeed on the job in this industry
•…And much, much more!
Materials Needed for Class
These items must come to class with you every day!!
- 1” Three-ring binder with 2 dividers to be used ONLY for this class
- Pen or pencil
- Flash Drive (optional but very helpful)
- Class set of Textbooks will be here in the classroom for you to use
Course Requirements
- You are required to keep an organized notebook. You will label your work with assignment numbers to keep in order as directed. There will be notebook checks/grades ensuring that all notebooks are in order.
- Three unit exams will be given marking the end of each unit. The final exam will be a comprehensive review of the course. Quizzes, class assignments and projects will make up the remainder of the grade.
Grading policy:
How will I be graded?
Tests , Quizzes, Class Participation, Homework, Projects, and Notebook Quiz will each be assigned a point value based on the amount of effort required to complete the assignment. The higher the point value, the more it will affect your overall Grade Average. Please be sure to complete all projectsand assignments to get credit for the daily work you do. This will help you offset any Test or Quiz grades that may need boosting.
Marking Period Grade = Amount of points earned
Amount of point possible
Rules & Expectations
- Come to class prepared and motivated to learn each day. Bring your notebook, pen or pencil, flash drive and a positive attitude.
- Be in seat and logging onto your computer when the bell rings. Check front board for daily agenda and any welcome work assigned.
- Show RESPECT for the rights and opinions of your fellow classmates and for the teacher at all times. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
- Use computers only when directed. Do not go into games or other sites on the computer unless directed. This will result in suspension of your computer privileges and/or alternate assignment.
- Listen carefully to and follow directions when they are given. Take responsibility for yourself and your work. The quality of work you do now DOES affect your future.
- Stay in seats until bell rings, do not crowd the door at the end of class or get up randomly during instruction. Raise your hand if you need something.
- No food, drinks or cell phones will be allowed in the computer lab. These items will be confiscated.
- Listen for printing instructions. Do not print anything unless instructed
- Save all your computer work inside your network home folder, flashdrive or both.
- Open your mind and participate in discussions and activities.
I know you will learn a lot!