Appleford- on- Thames Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting duly convened and held in the Village Hall Applefordon Thursday 12thNovember 2015 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs L Guinn ( Chair) , L Beadle, S Harris,A Guinn and P Walker.

Apologies : None

Also Present : Cllr R Webber (Oxfordshire County Council)Cllr Gervase Duffield (Vale of White Horse District Council)

15/131 Public Participation

A resident attended to express concern about the failure by Oxfordshire County Council either to resurface the neds at either end of the Main road, or respond to his queries as to when the work would be carried out. It was agreed that the Clerk would send the correspondence she had received to Mr Webber and he would investigate why OCC had failed to respond to a number of enquiries.

Proposed development adjacent to Sinodun Walk

The owners of land adjacent to Sinodun Walk attended the meeting to discuss their proposals. They advised the meeting that they had been approached by developers of residential property for option agreements on this land , but as they were residents of Appleford they would like to involve the Village in planning a suitable small development. Following an Open event held by their planning agents they would like support for their proposals , otherwise they may have no alternative but to reach an agreement with a Developer, who would submit proposals that work for the site in question.

Councillors indicated that, in the evolving Local plan Appleford had not been earmarked for development, and, with very limited public transport social housing would not be appropriate. Councillors explained that, on the day of the exhibition, they had tried to understand the views of residents attending the meeting. Results could be seen as a two stage process – there was a straw poll taken on the day and then more detailed comments were received from residents some time later. A copy of the analysis of the public response was handed to the landowners, with the suggestion that they see whether it is possible to come up with proposals that take on board these responses.

15/132 Reports from County and District Councillors

Cllr Gervase Duffield made two main observations;-

  1. He was concerned at the extent of the growth of Didcot and the possibility that the town would swallow up smaller villages as it spread
  2. He was concerned that proposals to alleviate flooding in Oxford would shift the problems to Sutton Courtney and Appleford, and therefore current Environemnt Agency proposals should be monitored. IN event that the parish Council became concerned about the scheme he suggested they took advice from an expert hydrologist. The Vole of White Horse District Council is looking to discuss the proposals with the Environment Agency.

Cllr Richard Webber reported that he , together with other Councillors, had received emails expressing concer n at OCC’s proposals to close Children’s Centres. However OCC was still struggling with its budget, but awaited the Chancellor’s Autumn statement and information about new Homes bonus and Business rates.

15/133 Declarations of Interests

Cllr P Walker disclosed an interest in the development proposals adjacent to Sinodun Walk.

15/134 Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th September 2015


15/135 Planning Applications

P15/V2193/HH, 3 Chambrai Close Appleford ABINGDON, Single Storey extension to side aspect- no objections

OCC application 0135/15 removal of condition 5 Hansons’ site Sutton Courtney – the Council were concerned at the proposal that condition 5 should be removed to permit working 52 weeks of the year on the basis that it would potentially increase traffic and disruption through the village every week of the year.


P15/V1848/HH, Appletree Cottage Main Road Appleford Abingdon, 3 bay oak garage to replace existing that is not fit for purpose

15/136 Vale Local plan

Stage 2 of the Vale Local plan will be considered by an inspector, starting on 2nd February 2016.

15/137 Science Vale Consultation


15/138 Additional SODC Housing

A number of applications for development of adjoining areas are now being submitted. The Council have been approached to meet with representatives of the developer of land adjacent to the Ladygrove Estate Didcot and it was that a meeting should take place.

15/139 Liaison with Neighbouring Parishes

There is now good liaison between Appleford and Clifton Hampden, Culham and Long Wittenham. Correspondence from Sutton Courtney regarding planning applications was noted and it was agreed that Cllrs L Guinn and P walker would attend a meeting Sutton Courtney parish Council as soon as possible.

15/140First Great Western

An excellent meeting was held between the Rail group and representatives of First Great Western. It was agreed that the Parish Council could consider funding some cycle racks at the station, so that the Appleford train would be more attractive to train users. It was also agreed that the parish would look to ascertain the ownership of a small piece of land near the station that could become a car park.

15/141 Village Hall

The Clerk and Chairman have met with the Administrator to the Village Hall Committee to discuss issues around the village Hall. The Council nominated Andy Guinn as its representative on the Village Hall Committee, and noted that arrangements will be made for the Hall to be professionally cleaned on a regular basis.

The Clerk was asked to contact the Administrator to suggest that the Village Hall instructs a solicitor to formalise its lease with the Parish Council.

Signs are needed to stop vehicles parking by the double gates, and also to limit the appropriate use of play equipment. .


The hedge along the track has now been cut. It was agreed that the Committee Chairman should be thanked for making such a good job of it.

15/143 Liaison groups

Cllr Beadle has attended liaison group meetings. Following village complaints litter has been cleared and FCC have indicated they will organise an Open day for residents to look around the composter.

It was reported that FCC have ordered signs to makrk the bridleway, and Hansons have put up a gate and levelled off the land where motorcyclists were congregating, ad the noise and disturbance from motorbikes has now stopped.

The Millennium Common Committee will be seeking adoption by OCC of the footpath through the site.

It was agreed that the parish was not as well served with cycle routes as adjoining areas. The Clerk was asked to make arrangements for a representative of Sustrans (or equivalent) to attend a meeting of the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the new Noticeboard should be erected on the site of the existing boards. It was agreed that the village signs need cleaning and vegetation, particularly around speed limit signs, cleared away.

15/144 Website Update

The Chairman, having had no quotes from any of the companies approached, has asked Creative Badger – the company that designed the Clifton Hamden and Burcot parish web site, to quote for the creation of the village web site. This company has quoted £1500 to create the site ( which would include an online booking form for the Village Hall) and 320pcm to manage it. An approach for funding has been made to the Appleford trust, who have agreed to give a grant of £1000 towards the cost. It was suggested that the Village Hall should be asked for a contribution of £500 and the parish Council would then accept responsibility for the ongoing management fee.

15/145 Neighbourhood watch

It was agreed that the Neighbourhood Watch signs should be refurbished, and the group re-invigorated. The Chairman agreed to approach residents to ascertain current activity. Concern was expressed over the number of HGV’s passing along weight restricted roads, and it was suggested that the web site should contain links to facilitate easy reporting of such issues.

15/146 Finance

The Parish Council finances are contained in the report in Appendix 1

The Council agreed the following payments:-

Appleford PCC (burial ground )(300165)£250.00

Calico Uk(domain)(300166)£ 18.00

JimBoyland Trading (grass) (300167)£480.00

Jim Boyland Trading (grass) (300168)£720.00

HMRC (clerk tax)(300169)£73.00

Mrs A Davies (salary)(300170)£345.84

River Thames A (membership)(300164)£25.00

15/147 Budget

Councillors noted the budget to date. It was suggested that the budget for 2016/17 should include an allowance of £240 to manage the web site, and a contingency to support the provision of a car park. It should also contain a sum to maintain the play equipment and to erect the basket ball net.

15/148 Community facilities

Councillors will consider what facilities will be needed to mitigate the effects of planning applications in the Parish.

15/149 Correspondence

The parish Council suggested that Christmas tree collection (after Christmas) could be from a point in the Village Hall car park.

The Chairman will contact a resident to become the parish Council nominee on the Appleford United Charity Committee.

15/150Electrification of the rail line.

The Parish Council noted that Savills needed to be instructed to provide a Charity Act valuation of the Playing Field, ad authorised the Chairman and Vice Chairman to sign the letter of instruction. The Clerk confirmed that network rail had agreed to reimburse the Parish for Savills’ costs.

Ownership of the Community orchard land is yet to be ascertained.

The Council noted that St Edmunds Football Club have asked for permission to run two pitches for their team games. The Coucnil agreed to the proposal in principle provided that an additional pitch would not be a nuisance to adjoining land owners, and asked Cllr A Guinn to approach the team and ascertain their proposals for the second pitch, and also to start negotiations for an upward variation in the rent for the pitch paid to the Parish Council.

15/151Speedwatch campaign

The Council agreed to ask OCC highways for a speed monitor to be placed in the Village, and to invite the local PCSO to attend a meeting to discuss Community Speedwatchiniatives.

15/152SSE Resilience Fund


15/153 Items for report

It was agreed that the Council’s next meeting will take place on 14th January 2016.

The Chairman will consider what community facilities are needed in the Village.

15/154 items for September’s Agenda

First Great Western


Planning – Gravel/residential development

Village Hall

Community facilities

Speeding/Speedwatch/ road safety


15/155Date of Next Meeting

14th January 2016 at 7.00pm.

Appleford Parish Council / Monthly Financial Report
Parish Council Meeting / 11 November 2015
Payments processed since last meeting / £4,065.93
10-Sep-15 / S.Gelens / 300156 / £168.00
10-Sep-15 / Jim Boyland Trading / 300157 / £816.00
10-Sep-15 / BDO / 300158 / £120.00
10-Sep-15 / Appleford Village hall / 300159 / £70.00
10-Sep-15 / Wicksteed leisure / 300160 / £16.20
10-Sep-15 / Playsafety / 300161 / £535.00
10-Sep-15 / HMRC / 300162 / £73.00
10-Sep-15 / A.Davies / 300163 / £331.89
10-Sep-15 / S.Gelens / 300164 / £24.00
12-Nov-15 / Appleford PCC / 300165 / £250.00
12-Nov-15 / calico Uk / 300166 / £18.00
+ 5 more / £1,643.84
Receipts processed since last meeting / £3.98
30-Sep-15 / Unity Trust bank / £3.98
Bank Reconciliation / Statement dated / 31 October 2015
Savings Account / £2,000.00
Current account / £17,288.69
Items not yet cleared:
Receipts / None