OCTOBER 3, 2012

Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station in Grant County and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City OR.

9:10 am -- Call to Order. Present were Judge Mark R. Webb, Commissioners Scott W. Myers and Boyd Britton, Secretary Mary Ferrioli, Commissioner Candidates Mick Dougharity, Chris Labhart and Mike Cosgrove, Chaplain Richie Colbeth and Budget Committee member Rob Stewart. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the US flag. The invocation was given by Chaplain Colbeth.

AGENDA. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to accept the program with discussions about Tim Neilson and a policy waiver request, road department human resource issues, and possibly pursuing RS 2477 at the BLM’s request.


Myers had attended Donna Adams’ retirement celebration at the Health Department on Monday, the Commission on Children and Families board meeting last night, and plans to attend the Safety Committee meeting at the Road Department on October 9.

Webb had meetings in Prineville last Wednesday with the BLM on travel management and RS 2477 issues and with Planning Director Hilary McNary on departmental changes we might want to implement. He planned to attend the Collaborative Group meeting at the Parish Cabin Fire site this afternoon. He noted that State Librarian representative Mary Kay Dahlgreen would visit the Library on October 29 and the Cramer Fish Sciences Title 2 Project was selected for funding.

Britton had attended Donna Adams’ retirement celebration at the Health Department on Monday and planned to attend the Collaborative Group meeting at the Parish Cabin Fire site this afternoon.

MINUTES. MSP: Britton/Webb -- to approve the September 26 minutes as amended.

9:20 am – Brenda Percy entered

NaCO DUES. The court reviewed the annual National Association of Counties participation and membership benefits report and a $400.00 dues renewal invoice for 2013. MSP: Britton/Webb – to pay the NaCO membership dues for 2013.

TIM NEILSON, DNP. Webb proposed that Health Department employees be allowed to use sick leave to attend the funeral of Nurse Practitioner Tim Neilson in Madras on October 8. Personnel Manager Brenda Percy said the court had previously granted a waiver allowing use of sick leave to attend a co-worker’s funeral. MSP: Webb /Myers -- to allow county employees to use sick leave to attend the funeral of Tim Neilson. It was noted that it seems appropriate to revise county policy to allow the use of sick leave to attend a co-worker’s funeral. Percy said she would draft a proposed policy change for future consideration.

AOC CONFERENCE. Court members reviewed the Association of Oregon Counties Annual Conference Agenda and discussed their attendance in Eugene this November 13 – 15. The AOC block or rooms at the Hilton closes on October 13. Both Webb and Britton would be attending and a reservation would be made for the new Commissioner. Myers was not sure if he would be attending this year.

INVITATION TO BID. A draft Grant County Criminal Justice Facility Re-Roofing Invitation to Bid was reviewed and discussed. Specifications were previously obtained through Central Oregon Roofing and legal language had been reviewed and approved by legal counsel Ron Yockim. It was suggested that the notice be published one time in the Blue Mountain Eagle, Bend Bulletin, and Baker City Herald. MSP Webb/Britton -- to publish the Invitation to Bid one time, as soon as possible. Bid opening would be on the first Wednesday following the advertisement.

9:30 am – News Reporter Scotta Callister entered

BUDGET RESOLUTION. The court reviewed and signed Resolution 12-48 Making Budgeted Special Fund Transfers to Maternal & Child Health -- $7,000.00 from WIC, $9,000.00 from Family Planning, $300.00 from Bioterrorism, and $6,250.00 from Sanitarian.

HAND CHECK. The court was previously asked to approve a hand check in the amount of $730.83 to replenish the Treasurer’s Petty Cash due to the high amount of witness fees paid out over the last few days. MSP: Webb/Myers – to allow Judge Webb to sign the hand check to replenish the Treasurer’s Petty Cash.

RS 2477. Webb presented a map showing 4 to 4 ½ sections of BLM property in the Prairie City area that’s within the Travel Management Plan. He indicated that the road goes through patented claims on private property owned by Tom Seal and Gary Jackson. Webb said that BLM asked if the court would like to pursue RS 2477 designation since legitimate and credible marks of a 2477 road exist. The BLM would like to work with the county to administratively address the issues. Webb reported that legal counsel didn’t see any issues and felt the county could either cause the road to become a county road or a public road. Webb noted that citizens have approached the county in the past about RS 2477 policy. He recommended checking with the Forest Service to see if this would fit with their plan. Myers felt it would be a good move for the county. Britton said he was comfortable with RS 2477 designation for this road.

9:40 am -- Glenn Palmer, Bob Phillips, Kathy Smith, Zach Williams, King Williams, Lane Burton, Bruce Ward, Mark Hensley, Judy and Bob Kerr, Darrel Reimers, Ralph White, Shannon Voigt, Butch Goslin, and Byron Haberly, entered

ATV ORDINANCE. Sheriff Glenn Palmer said he was contacted last week by Darrell Reimers who asked if the county could adopt an ordinance to allow ATV’s on county roads. Palmer supported the ordinance and referred to statutes relative to adopting the ordinance. He talked about insurance and other requirements. Since adults of at least 18 years of age would be involved, Palmer didn’t see any reason why a Class 1 or Class 2 ATV could not be used on county roads. However, Palmer stated we need to make sure it is known there is no tolerance for “cutting cookies” or other wreckless behavior. Palmer felt that public education on ATV use was appropriate and would encourage self-policing. Webb said he was waiting for Byron Haberly or someone from the public to come forward with this request. Myers supported the proposed ordinance. Britton was in favor of the ordinance. Webb talked about statutory requirements for ATV’s on public roads and recommended that county counsel be asked to provide statutory language for the proposed ordinance. He added that the statutes also apply to snow mobiles. MSP: Webb /Britton – to contact legal counsel about preparing a proposed ordinance to address during the public hearing process.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. At 10:20 am the court held an executive session under ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations and (f) to consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection. Roadmaster Mark Hensley and News Reporter Scotta Callister were present. At 10:55 am the court returned to General Session. No motions were made as a result of discussion.

PARKING LOT STRIPING. The court considered a $525.00 bid submitted by sole-provider Nate Hughes of A+ Striping to strip the parking lot at 528 and 530 E. Main in John Day. The parking lot is currently not striped and could have defined parking spaces for Health Services, the L-Plaza, and OSU Extension. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to award the bid as proposed by sole proprietor A+ Striping to do the county’s 528 E. Main and 530 E. Main parking lot in John Day for $525.00

11:00 am – Lane Burton entered

ASSESSOR. Assessor Lane Burton appeared in court to say his office is currently in the process of preparing the tax rolls for this year’s tax assessment. He has been waiting for some time to receive information from the State Forestry office in John Day. He said, because of the time restraints, he may have to go forward by the end of the day without that information. If so, Burton said he intends to either cancel the assessment on that parcel or issue a “best guess” assessment that could be adjusted in the future.

11:05 am – Adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Mary R. Ferrioli / County Court Secretary