1. It originally stretched from pole to pole 100 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands. Spain was given exclusive rights to all newly discovered and undiscovered lands in the region west of the boundary and Portuguese expeditions were to keep to the east of the line. Neither power was to occupy any territory already in the hands of a Christian ruler. FTP, what border was later moved another 800 miles West in the Treaty of Tordesillas, altering the papal bull of Alexander VI?

Answer: Line of Demarcation

2. In the 1930s Fritz Zwicky, Walter Baade, and Rudolph Minkowski developed several models of them. The first type involves a carbon-oxygen white dwarf pulling matter from a companion star until it passes the Chandrasekhar limit. In the second type, heavy elements are produced in a star's core until silicon is produced, which fuses into iron in less than a day. Both types involve catastrophic collapse of the core. FTP identify these dramatic star deaths, the most energetic bangs since the Big one.

Answer: supernova

3. "I wish either my father or my mother… had minded what they were about when they begot me." Although these opening lines are spoken by a fictional character, they could as easily have come from the author, still bitter when his novel became the toast of London in the 1760s. For ten points, what fictional autobiographical tale begins with the title character’s conception, when his mother interrupts the act by asking her philosophically minded husband Walter a question about the winding of the clock, written by Laurence Sterne.

Answer: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

4. The practice of presenting these holiday objects is Magian or Persian, and alludes to the object of an eternal struggle between Ahura Mazda and Ahriman. According to Christian tradition, the first one was presented by Mary Magdalene to the Emperor Tiberius; when Tiberius did not believe Mary, it turned a bright red. Adopted by the Christians as a symbol of the resurrection, the Faberge firm was famous for producing them. FTP identify these decorated items hidden in late March or April.

Answer: Easter eggs or Pasch eggs

24. The individual names of the objects that collectively make up the name of the game are Jake, Zod, Midoribe, Geji, Sunny, Mildred, Spike, and Numbskull. Five difficulty levels ranging from Child to Evil are available along with special settings like puzzle and journey. The title objects are shot from a cannon into the game area and when three like pieces connect they all disappear. FTP what shareware computer game has destroyed the life of tournament director Alexis Neuhaus?

Answer: Snood

6. Of Swedish ancestry, he distinguished himself during the Russo-Japanese War and in World War I rose to the rank of corps commander in the Russian army. After the October Revolution, he returned to his native country and assumed command of the “White,” anti-Bolshevik forces. In 1931 he became chairman of the national defense council, constructing a line of fortifications bearing his name. FTP, name the Finnish military leader and statesman who defended Finland against Soviet forces during World War II and served as the country's president from 1944–46.

Answer:Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim

7. This scalar-valued function possesses a kind of linearity called n-linearity, and is often defined recursively using cofactor expansion along any row or column. Given two vectors, it can be used to calculate the area of the parallelogram determined by those vectors. For any matrix A, A is invertible if and only if this quantity is nonzero. FTP, identify this quantity, which for a 2x2 matrix with row by row entries a,b, c, and d, is given by “a times d minus b times c”.

Answer: determinant

8. It employed 120,000 people and required thirty-seven factories and laboratories in nineteen states and Canada, at a total cost of $2 billion, an amount equaling the federal budge twenty years before. Leading universities, as well as the nation’s largest corporations such as Du Pont and General Electric devoted substantial resources to the undertaking, FTP what program headed by General Leslie R. Groves produced a prototype nicknamed “Gadget,” before its two more famous brothers, which exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Answer: Manhattan Project

9. It is a collection of hymns praising the gods, first passed down orally until it was set down in writing as a collection somewhere around 900 BCE. Indra is easily the most praised, with nearly a quarter of the over one thousand hymns dedicated to him. Vishnu has his origin here, but he is of minor importance, and neither Shiva nor Brahma make an appearance. FTP, what book considered the most holy of all Hindu texts (despite the near-irrelevance of most of its subjects) is the oldest and most important of the four Vedas?

Answer: Rig Veda

10. His mother, a descendant of Edvard Grieg, was his only teacher until age ten, at which point he’d already been composing for five years. In 1952, soon after his graduation from Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music, he isolated himself, and working only with a tape recorder, developed an individual style of playing with his head horizontal to the keyboard. FTP, what eccentric pianist who withdrew from live performance to the recording studio in 1964, is best known for his 1955 recording of J.S. Bach's Goldberg Variations?

Answer:Glenn Gould

11. A devoted Quaker from his youth, he was later nicknamed the "Fighting Quaker." As a Congressman in 1912 he played a prominent role in securing the presidential nomination for Woodrow Wilson. After an unsuccessful Senate bid two years later, he was appointed alien property custodian, and in 1919 he was named U.S. attorney general. For ten points, name this man who deported anarchist Emma Goldman, and used the Espionage and Sedition Acts as a basis for the events of January 2, 1920, when government agents in 33 cities rounded up and detained thousands suspected of subversive activities in his namesake “raids”.

Answer: Alexander Mitchell Palmer

12. This molecule has a porphyrin ring with a magnesium atom at its center. Attached to the porphyrin ring is a hydrophobic tail, which anchors the molecule to the thylakoid membrane. There are two forms of this pigment, which absorbs red and blue light best. FTP identify this green pigment of central importance to photosynthesis.

Answer: chlorophyll

13. In 281 BC Tarentum asked for his assistance against Rome. He crossed over to Italy in the 38th year of his reign with 25,000 men and 20 elephants, where he tried to create a kingdom of Sicily and lower Italy. He advanced within twenty-four miles of Rome; but as he found it impossible to compel the Romans to accept the peace, he withdrew. His second campaign saw more victories, but at such costs that he had to withdraw for good. FTP, what king of Epirus’ remark 'Another such victory and I shall be ruined' gave name to the term for a victory obtained at too great a cost?

Answer: PyrrhusI

14. He was upset when he encountered the first joggers in his native Coos Bay, but the spirit soon caught him, and by age 16, he was predicting an Olympic future. Two years later he broke the U.S. high school record for 2 miles by 7 seconds, and quickly came to hold every American outdoor record from 2000 through 10,000 meters, breaking the 4-minute-mile barrier nine times. FTP, what man who led the University of Oregon to three NCAA running titles before dying in a May 1975 car crash was recently depicted in two Hollywood films?

Answer: Steve Prefontaine

15. While in Paris she was invited to one of the notorious Saturday night parties at the home of a prominent expatriate. She soon became a regular visitor and began going to the galleries and theater with her, helping in proofreading "Three Lives" and transcribing "The Making of Americans" manuscripts. In 1910 she moved in with Gertrude Stein, and would remain her companion for 39 years. For ten points, name this secretary, the titular author of an autobiography actually written by Stein in 1933.

Answer: Alice B. Toklas

16. He visited the stables at Versailles often, painting a series of horses, including Grey Horse and Horses' Hindquarters. In 1816 he went to Italy, and produced multiple paintings on the race of the Barbarini horses. For his most famous work he built a full-scale model, and used live models in exact poses. That work, exhibited in the Salon of 1819, was based on an 1816 shipwreck. FTP, name this painter of The Raft of the Medusa.

Answer: ThéodoreGericault

17. It is an archipelago consisting of a main landmass and 30 smaller islands, a mere 3.5 times the size of Washington, DC. Although frequently plagued by draught, dust storms, and coastal degradation, with almost no forests, arable land, or natural resources, it has a robust economy with a GDP per capita comparable with most developed nations. This is due almost entirely to the 1932 discovery of petroleum and natural-gas deposits. FTP, what Constitutional monarchy ruled with an iron fist by Amir Hamad Al Khalifa lies 120 miles southwest of Iran in its namesake Gulf?


18. Each month out of a pool of 120,000 pre-selected, representative families, 5,000 are sent a questionnaire. About 3,500 families return the five-question survey, which asks them to rate current business conditions, their expectations of conditions six months from now, their current employment situation, employment expectations in six months, and expectations in six months for family income. FTP, The Conference Board, a non-profit organization, then calculates what number, representing public sentiment about the economy?

Consumer Confidence Index

19: It is divided into four connected stories, each centering on young Jody Tiflin. The first describes his family ranch, the setting of all the events, and the titular gift given to Jody by father, which the boy promptly names Gabilan. Every morning Jody brushes the horse and after school works on training it. Just as he is about to teach the horse to let him ride it, the animal catches a cold and dies, despite the promise of the ranch’s hired hand, Billy Buck. FTP, what story is set in the Salinas and Monterrey area, in keeping with most of John Steinbeck’s fiction?

Answer: The Red Pony

20. It was published in two volumes in 1925 and 1927, and in 10 years had sold more than five million copies. The first volume, entitled "The Settlement [of Accounts]," or "Revenge" discusses the First World War, and calls for vengeance against France, and the destruction of Slavs and Russian Marxists. In style, it has been appropriately deemed turgid, repetitious, illogical, and grammatically erratic. For ten points, name this political manifesto written in the Bavarian fortress of Landsberg am Lech, the bible of National Socialism, and memoir of Adolf Hitler.

Answer:Mein Kampf (German: “My Struggle”)


1. Identify the following composers who wrote in uncommon time signatures FTPE.

A. “Mars, the Bringer of War”, from this man's suite The Planets, is in 5/4 time.

Answer: GustavHolst

B. The metrical mishaps of this fictitious composer include the “Six Contrary Dances”, which can be found on the album Music For an Awful Lot of Winds and Percussion.

Answer: P. D. Q. Bach

C. The aria in the fifth of the Bachianas Brasileiras of this composer switches between 6/4, 5/4, 4/4, 3/4, and 3/2 time.

Answer: Heitor Villa-Lobos

2. Identify these supporting characters from Huckleberry Finn FTPE.

A. Huck’s father is refered to by this name.

Answer: Pap

B. At the end of the book Tom Sawyer is pretending to be this person because Huck is pretending to be Tom.

Answer: SidSawyer

C. This character gives a mob a good tongue lashing when they come to try to lynch him.

Answer: Sherburn

3. Name these current or former NBA Williams’s for ten points each.

Selected by the Phoenix Suns with 21st pick overall of the 1990 NBA Draft, he ended the 1997-98 season ranked 2nd in NJ Nets franchise history in offensive rebounds and 4th in total rebounds. A series of injuries led him to announce his retirement following the 2000 season.

Jayson Williams

Picked by the Pistons in the first round of the 1996 draft, he saw limited action as a rookie, but made great strides in his second season when he played in 77 games and was the Pistons' third-leading rebounder. Nicknamed, the Junkyard dog, he came in 10th in the NBA in rebounding last year.

Jerome Williams

An honorable mention All-America selection by AP following his senior year at Villanova, he was tapped by the Portland Trail Blazers with the 48th pick in the second round of the 1997 NBA Draft. He played in 41 games for the Blazers before being traded to in 1998 with Kenny Anderson, Gary Trent, three draft picks for Damon Stoudamire.

Alvin Williams

4. Greek myth is full of strange monsters. Given a monster, identify the Greek hero that slew it 5-5-10-10.

A. Medusa

Answer: Perseus

B. Minotaur

Answer: Theseus

C. Chimera

Answer: Bellerophon

D. Calydonian Boar

Answer: Meleager

5. Identify the Russian tsars from descriptions, FTPE.

A. He ascended to the throne during the Crimean war, and abolished serfdom in 1861.

Answer: Alexander II

B. This Great nephew of Ivan the Terrible’s wife was elected by the assembly of the land and began the Romanov dynasty.

Answer: MichaelRomanov

C. Ruling between the two enlightened Russian rulers Catherine the Great and Alexander I, he was a despotic reactionary and was murdered after palace intrigue in 1801.

Answer: Paul I

6. Answer the following questions about works of George Orwell FTPE:

A. This main character of 1984 rebels against the repression of Big Brother.

Answer: WinstonSmith

B. This character in Animal Farm is analogous to Leon Trotsky, and is exiled from the farm.

Answer: Snowball

C. This Orwell work recounts the author’s experiences in the republican militia during the Spanish Civil War.

Answer: Homage to Catalonia

7. Identify the following on the history of writing supplies, FTPE.

A. A plant of the same name grows in Egypt, where it was used to make this sort of paper, the primary writing material of classical antiquity.

Answer: papyrus

B. Paper is believed to have been invented in China by Ts’ai Lun circa 105 AD, during the Late or Eastern period of this dynasty.

Answer: Han

C. This is a finer quality parchment made from specially prepared and untanned animal skins, specifically the skins of kids, lambs, and young calves. This name was applied during the Middle Ages to any parchment used in manuscripts.

Answer: vellum

8. Identify these signers of the Declaration of Independence FTPE.

A. This Virginian penned the formal document of Richard Henry Lee’s proposal that was approved on July 2.

Answer: ThomasJefferson

B. This delegate and namesake of the town north of New Fairfield, Connecticut was a member of the five-man committee to draft the declaration. He would later be important in the eventual inclusion of the Connecticut compromise in the U.S. constitution.

Answer: RogerSherman

C. This Maryland delegate would later go on to be one of the first senators from his state, but is most remembered as the last of the 56 signers of the document to die, in 1832.

Answer: CharlesCarroll of Carrollton

9. Identify the algebraic construct 30-20-10.

A. It is an uncountable ordered field with the Archimedean property. Given any subset of this field with an upper bound, the least upper bound exists in this field.

B. The rational numbers are dense in this field, and it can be constructed from the rationals using Dedekind's cuts.

C. This field includes the rational numbers as well as the irrational numbers.

Answer: Realnumbers (prompt on R)

10. Identify the following political theorists on a 15-5 basis.

A. (For 15) His works include On the Art of War and Discourses on the First 10 Books ofLivy, in which he stressed the importance of an uncorrupted political culture and a vigorous political morality.

(For 5) Much more widely read, but less indicative of his politics, is his work The Prince.

Answer: NiccoloMachiavelli

B. (For 15) He helped with the Encyclopedie, and with Voltaire was one of the first to call for the abolition of capital punishment. His works include Persian Letters, which satirizes French institutions.

(For 5) He is more famous for his work The Spirit of Laws, a comparative study of three types of governement—republic, monarchy, and despotism—which argues for separation and balance of powers.

Answer: Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de la Brède et deMontesquieu

11. Simpsons stuff, FTPE:

A. Elephant given to Bart by TV station KBBL.

Answer: Stampy

B. Foreign exchange student. You might say there's a little of him in all of us.

Answer: Uter

C. Always discovers a fjord, or an inlet...

Answer: Knightboat

12. Identify the following female authors of the South from works FTPE.