Mountain Building Notes:

Fill in the following notes while watching the video.

These will count as your lesson notes in lieu of a PowerPoint.

You may want to watch this video more than once in order to properly understand this material.

·  Geologists say a variety of forces formed the mountains and are still at work today so essentially mountains are still ______.

·  Mt. Kilauea and all of the Hawaiian Islands were built by underwater ______.

·  Mt Kilauea has been erupting for ______.

·  All around Mt Kilauea there are past lava flows that have cooled and harden to rock which have increased the size of the volcano. No one knows how tall this volcano will become. Presently it is about ______above sea level.

·  Just as mountains grow they also ______in size due to wind and water that constantly ______their exposed surfaces.

·  In Wyoming the Teton Mountains were created when the earth cracked or ______. During this time there were severe ______which are often involved in the mountain making process.

·  Erosion from ______and ______carved the fault block mountains (Tetons) into scenic peaks.

·  The Tetons are part of the group of mountains called The ______.

·  Not only do fault blocking and volcanoes build mountains but another force called ______also contributes to this process

·  Folding occurs when ______pressure on the earth’s crust push pieces of the earth crust ______.

·  With the earth’s crust most of folding occurs ______where rock gets heated and becomes more flexible.

·  Mountains that maybe once were level can be found at almost every ______.

·  Down folded rock is called a ______. They make structural valley not created by erosion or glaciers.

·  Up folded rock is called ______. These form ridges and crests.

·  A process called ______was responsible for the intense bout of mountain building that we now call The Rockies.

·  Geologists say the earth is broken into about 12 plates, which sit on the plastic (moveable) layer of the earth called the ______.

·  Some plates spread away from one another, other slide by each other, and ______head on.

·  These collisions cause folding, faulting and uplifting. Collisions may also cause faults that allow ______to reach the crusts surface which create a volcano

·  Hawaii’s volcanoes lie over a ______.

·  The Sierras and Cascades are North America’s ______mountain ranges. North America’s western mountains are younger and have the ______and most rugged peaks of this continent.

·  The Appalachian Mountains are very ______and stopped growing about the time the Rockies were forming. Erosion has been grinding these mountains down.

·  The Appalachian Mountains are facing the fate of every mountain to ______and ______to the sea.

·  Most of the surface rock around the world today was formed from ______sediment.

·  At some point this rock will be thrust ______and form new mountains, which renews the cycle of mountain building

·  Mountain building is a ______process that takes ______.