Pamphlet for spreading Theosophy – Anand Gholap

Page below with heading Theosophy describes what Theosophy is. And on the page below that is given a list of most important Theosophical books.

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It is very effective in spreading Theosophy.

Theosophy -

(Divine Wisdom or Atmavidya )

There are thousands of people in this world who feel that there must be something beyond material world which they can see and perceive with senses. They want to know who they are. 'Am I body or am I soul ?’ Such questions arise in the mind. What is right to do and what is wrong? How to decide that? What happens after death? What is the purpose of life and doing hundreds of things? Is there any possibility of relieving from continuous struggle and to establish in bliss and peace forever? Why bad things happen in our lives without any apparent fault on our part? What is fate or luck? How can we minimize effect of bad ‘luck factors' ? How to set in motion new causes which would make our life and that of people better and happier? How phenomena like telepathy, healing by Pran, working of thought power occur? What is the science or laws of Nature behind miracles? Is there God and if He is, what is His nature? How can I know Him by direct experience? What is true spirituality and consciousness? They try to find answers to these fundamental questions about human life. They read books on religions, perform ceremonies, chant names of Deities, go to temples and do many things to satisfy inner hunger to know truth.

Theosophy (Divine Wisdom or Atmavidya) answers these questions in most logical manner in detail and in a language which modern man can understand. It is so comprehensive that generally one should not define what it is. Theosophy includes everything. Yet to give some idea, one can say it is the Synthesis of Spirituality, Science, Philosophy and Religion.

Most part of Theosophical literature is written by highly evolved Yogis after careful observation of their own direct experiences and investigation of laws of nature. Number of principles given by them through Theosophy are proved by scientists.

It not only satisfies seekers of truth but also solves problems in our daily life if one studies principles and lives them.

Theosophy is not difficult to understand if one takes easier books first and then goes to more comprehensive works. That is why a list with recommended sequence of reading is given at the back of this page so that reader, beginner as well as advanced, would understand important principles quickly and easily.

For good understanding of Theosophy each book should be read minimum seven times. Reading more number of times than that would further deepen and widen understanding.These books can be borrowed or purchased from the Theosophical Lodges.

Anand Gholap

Online books-


Most Important Books on Theosophy -

Recommended Sequence of Reading

For good understanding of Theosophy each book should be read minimum seven times. Reading more number of times than that would further deepen and widen understanding.

  1. Outline of Theosophy – C. W. Leadbeater
  2. Life After Death - C. W. Leadbeater
  3. The Astral Plane - C. W. Leadbeater
  4. The Devachanic Plane - C. W. Leadbeater
  5. Study in Karma - Annie Besant
  6. Karma - Annie Besant
  7. Man Visible and Invisible - C. W. Leadbeater
  8. Thought Forms - Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater
  9. The power and use of Thought - C. W. Leadbeater
  10. Thought Power it's Control and Culture - Annie Besant
  11. The Masters and the Path - C. W. Leadbeater
  12. The Path of Discipleship - Annie Besant
  13. The Masters - Annie Besant
  14. The Chakras - C. W. Leadbeater
  15. Self Culture - I. K. Taimni
  16. The Inner Government of the World - Annie Besant
  17. Talks on the Path of Occultism - Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater
  18. Vol. 1 - Commentary on ' At the Feet of the Master'
  19. Vol. 2 - Commentary on 'The Voice of the Silence'
  20. Vol. 3 - Commentary on 'Light on the Path'
  21. Inner Life - Vol. I and II - C. W. Leadbeater
  22. Hidden Side of Things - C. W. Leadbeater
  23. Invisible Helpers - C. W. Leadbeater
  24. Seven Human Temperaments - Geoffrey Hodson
  25. Vegetarianism and Occultism - C. W. Leadbeater
  26. Our Relation to Children - C. W. Leadbeater
  27. The Monad - C. W. Leadbeater
  28. Clairvoyance - C. W. Leadbeater
  29. Man: Whence, How and Whither – C. W. Leadbeater
  30. Study in Consciousness - Annie Besant
  31. Basic Theosophy - Geoffrey Hodson
  32. Way of the Disciple - Clara Codd
  33. K. H. Letters to C. W. Leadbeater with commentary by C. Jinarajadasa
  34. Principles of Theosophical Work - I. K. Taimni
