Oldfield School Autumn Term
Year 6 Home Learning Activities Term 1
Half an hour daily homework to include set work below, reading, times tables and spellings.
· Weekly research topics will be given out on a Monday and expected back the following Monday (as set out in Home Learning journals)
· Spellings will be given out on a Thursday and must be learnt for a test on the following Thursday.
· They will be given some additional maths/ literacy on a Wednesday to be back for the following Monday
· Please ensure any work the children hand in is their own and not just downloaded from the internet.
· Children may on occasions be given additional work
· Work should be completed in their homework book unless otherwise stated
Weekbeginning / Focus Home Learning Activity
Weekly research will be set on: Monday
To be returned on following: Monday / Pupil Feedback
I enjoyed it a lot J
It was OK K
I didn’t enjoy it L / Pupil Feedback
I learnt a lot C
I learnt a little B
I didn’t learn anything D / Parents Signature/Comment / Teacher’s Comment
05.09.16 / Weekly research
Find out some facts about William Shakespeare and his play The Tempest
We will be working on this for our production at Norden Farm.
Wednesday : Literacy/Maths
12.09.16 / Weekly research
Find out some facts about the Amazon Rainforest think how you will present the information so it is clear and visual
Wednesday : Literacy/Maths
19.09.16 / Weekly research
Find out and write about the Artist Georgia O’Keeffe
There is currently an exhibition at the Tate Modern in London until 30th October.
Wednesday : Literacy/Maths
26.09.16 / Weekly research
Research on the internet about pollution (all the information you need is on Kids 4 Clean Air site) write about some of the ways it affects our environment
Wednesday : Literacy/Maths
03.10.16 / Weekly research
Choose 4 animals from different environments (eg: desert, arctic, woodland, seashore) write about how they adapt to their environment explain in detail why their habitat is suitable for them.
Wednesday : Literacy/Maths
10.10.16 / Weekly research
Choose a newspaper article that has interested you; stick the article in your homework book and annotate it explaining the features of newspaper writing (more information will be given in class prior to this) re-write the article in your own words.
17.10.16 / Weekly research
Find out about the work of Louis Pasteur, and Edward Jenner’s work on Smallpox and write a report about their discoveries (bring back after half term)