Mrs. Peskey’s Science Class Policies, Expectations, Consequences, and Procedures
Grading Scale:
Tests: 40%
Daily: 35%
Lab: 25%
Science Test Day
Reteach Policy
*** PreAP students are not given opportunities to retest***
A student SHALL be permitted a reasonable opportunity to be retaught an assignment or retake a test for which the student initially received a failing grade.
- For a daily grade, the student must submit the new assignment within two school days after receiving the failing grade.
- For a major grade, the student must submit/retake the new assignment/test within two school days after receiving the failing grade .
●How to make corrections: The teacher will choose which of the following options the student will need to do:
●Correction Option: On a sheet of notebook paper, write out thequestion and the CORRECT answer. See instructions below.
○Retake Option: The teacher will announce a date IF you are to RETAKE the test. RETAKING a test will occur during homeroom or you may schedule a time before or after school if you are unable to retake the test during homeroom.
c. The student will receive a maximum grade of 70 on any reassessed work.
Redo Instructions for Homework:
For all worksheets/ homework:
- Write the number you missed.
- Write the correct letter (if multiple choice or true/false).
- Write out the correct answer.
Remember: You are responsible for getting the corrections one and turned in TWO days from when the work was returned. I will not remind you to turn work in.
Missed Work
A folder holder hanging by the student center is where students will be able to pick up missed homework, assignments, and notes.
The student is responsible for verifying with the teacher concerning missed assignments, notes, homework, and turn it in time.If you know you are going to be absent get with me before you will be absent so that I can get your work for you ahead of time. The student has one for every day they are absent to complete work and turn it in.
- Be prepared
- Be respectful
- Be productive
If you choose not to follow the above expectations, then the following consequences are used. The checks are accumulated through the entire six weeks. This determines the conduct grade for that particular grading period.
1 check / Verbal Warning / E in conduct2 check / Phone Call Home / S in conduct
3 checks / Detention / S in conduct
4 checks / Counselor Referral / N in conduct
5 checks / Assistant Principal / U in conduct
Tardy Policy
Students will be marked tardy if not in their assigned seats before the bell rings.
Start of Class Procedures
- Come in the room, sharpen pencils, and have your science journal on our desk.
- Sit in your assigned seat, if you are not there when the bell rings you will be considered tardy.
- Write your assignments in your assignment journal that’s posted on the board and/or start on your warm- up.
End of Class Procedures
- The bell doesn't dismiss the class. You do not dismiss the class. I will dismiss the class.
- I will tell you when to start putting things up. Make sure your area is clean
- Remain in your seat and I will dismiss you Make sure your chair is pushed under your table (8th period has a little different routine with chairs).
Finishing Early Procedures
- Remain quiet and in your seat. Do not disturb the students around you.
- You may read, work on your journal, study, complete homework, or play a science game located in red container.(you will not be allowed to go to your locker to retrieve these items)
Getting Materials, Supplies, and Equipment Procedures
- All materials and equipment will be ready for the class.
- If needed, one student from each table will be responsible for getting and returning the supplies at the correct time.
- You will be held responsible for damages to any supplies.
Science Journal Procedure
- Your science journal will NOT be kept in class. Please keep them in your binder. It is your responsibility to keep up with your science journal!!
- Bring your journal every day to class. It serves as a mini- textbook. The majority of your work will be accumulated in your journal.
- I take grades on your journal on test days… keep up with your table of contents, page numbers, titles, etc…
Class Discussion Procedure
- Raise your hand to speak. Wait to be called on.
- Speak in a classroom voice (no yelling).
- If we are having a brainstorming discussion, it will not be necessary to raise your hand. It will be necessary to speak one at a time without interrupting.
Getting my Attention Procedure
- Raise your hand and remain quiet and in your seat. I will come to you.
Assignment Procedure
- I will instruct you on how and where to complete the assignments.
- All assignments must have the following heading:
First and Last Name
Class Period
Homework Procedure
- Homework is due the next day unless I tell you otherwise.
- I will not remind you or track you down to turn it into the box. Turning in homework is your responsibility.
My conference period is from 9:45- 10:41
Remind 101
HMH Textbook-
District webpage via BISD website
Mrs. Peskey’s Class Page-
I am so glad that you are in my class and am looking forward to a fantastic year!