Name of Deceased: ______Date of Death: ______

What was Decedent’s date of birth: ______SSN: ______

Did Decedent leave a will? ______Do you have the original will? ______

What was Decedent’s last residence address? ______


Did Decedent leave a surviving spouse? ______

What is name and address of surviving spouse? ______


If Decedent was widowed, what was the date of death of spouse? ______

Please list the names, residence addresses, and relationships to the Decedent of the surviving spouse and heirs. If there are any minor or disabled heirs, please list their birthdates and the names and addresses of any guardians or conservators for those minor or disabled heirs.



What is the value of Decedent’s real property situated in the State of Missouri? ______

What is the value of Decedent’s personal property situated in the State of Missouri? ______

What is the legal description of Decedent’s residence (or in the alternative, attach a copy of the

Deed of Trust), including plat or survey descriptions, book and page numbers, and street addresses? ______




Did Decedent own any corporate stocks? If so, list number of shares, names of companies,

classes of stock, and fair market values as of the date of death. Also indicate whether shares are listed on a securities exchange, sold over the counter or closely held. ______




Please list any and all furniture, household goods, and wearing apparel and their values specifically bequeathed by Decedent: ______




Please list any and all bonds, notes and other debts owed to the Decedent. List the face values, names of companies or debtors, the maturity dates, rates of interest, the amounts of interest accrued at the date of death. ______




Please list all bank accounts, including the names of banks, account numbers, and account balances. Please also list any insurance policies, including names of insurance companies, policy numbers, face values, and amount of benefits payable. ______




Please list any judgments and proceeds of lawsuits, including the cause number, the court in which it was rendered, and the amount recovered on behalf of the Decedent. ______




Please list any other personal property owned by Decedent. Describe vehicles fully, listing year, name of manufacturer, model and vehicle identification number. ______




Please list any property possessed but not owned by Decedent at the time of death. ______


