SpEd 4310: Adapting for Diverse Learners in General Education Settings
4 credits, Spring Semester 2007
Instructor:Gerry Nierengarten
UMD Office: Kirby Plaza 166-C
Office Hours:Wednesday 10-12 am or by appointment
Class alias: sped4310-1-s2007, sped4310-2-s2007
Class meeting time: Tuesday and Thursday 8 and10 am
Course Description:
Application of foundational knowledge of special education, Section 504 requirements, and students with disabilities and diverse learning needs to school curricula and environments at all levels. Understanding general educators’ responsibilities in the special education process. Develop skills in making adaptations and accommodations.
Required Texts:
Vaughn, S., Bos, C.S., Schumm, J.S. (2007). Teaching exceptional, diverse, and at-risk students in the general education classroom (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Choate, J. S. (2004). SuccessfuI inclusive teaching: Proven ways to detect and correct special needs (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Weishaar, M. and Scott, V. G. (2006). Practical cases in special education for all educators. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Standards of Effective Practice & INTASC Standards / Conceptual Framework / ISTE/NET Standards for TeachersStandard 1: Subject Matter
Standard 2: Student Learning
Standard 3: Diverse Learners
Standard 4: Instructional Strategies
Standard 5: Learning Environment
Standard 6: Communication
Standard 7: Planning Instruction
Standard 8: Assessment
Standard 9: Reflection and Professional Development
Standard 10: Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships / Diversity (D)
Reflection (R)
Empowerment (E)
Collaboration (C)
Technology (T) / Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts
Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum
Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation
Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice
Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
Course Outcomes:
/ Standards ofEffective Practice / Conceptual
Framework / Assignments
Candidates will develop an awareness of instruction, assessment, grading and management strategies that can facilitate the integration of exceptional learners. / 4.22, 3.37, 4.31, 7.33 / 4F, 3Q, 4G, 7F / D, E, R, C, T
Candidates will be able to identify the characteristics of the disabilities areas that will most likely be integrated into their classrooms. / 3.12, 2.12 / 2E, 3B, 2C / D, E, R, C
Candidates will understand the process of learning and development for students with disabilities. / 2.12, 2.31 / 2B, 2C, 2E / D, E, R
Candidates will be able to adapt classroom instruction, environment, and requirements to meet the needs of the diverse learner in the classroom. / 2.12, 3.21, 3.31, 3.33, 4.31, 7.33 / 2B, 3I, 3Q, 3L, 3K, 3M, 4G, 7F / D, E, R, C, T
Candidate will develop and demonstrate a respect and appreciation for the diverse needs in the classroom. / 2.21, 3.14, 3.32, 3.37 / 3A, 3B, 3E, 3F, 3L, 3N, 3Q / D, E, R, C
Candidates will understand and reflect on their interactions with all students and colleagues as a means of self-assessment. / 9.12, 9.22, 9.25 / 9B, 9C, 9E, 9G / D, R, E, C
The teacher must know about areas of exceptionality in learning, including learning disabilities, perceptual difficulties, and special physical or mental challenges, gifts, and talents. / 3B / Readings in case book that relate to disability area as well as main textbooks (VBS 3-8, Choate 2) for all disability areas.
The teacher will understand that all students can and should learn at the highest possible levels and persist in helping all students achieve success / 3I / Create Layered Curriculum Lesson plan
RTI portfolio
The teacher must identify and design instruction appropriate to a student’s stages of development, learning styles, strengths and needs. / 3K / Create Layered Curriculum Lesson plan
RTI portfolio
Creation of games/tools
The teacher must use teaching approaches that are sensitive to the varied experiences of students and that address different learning and performance modes / 3L / Create Layered Curriculum Lesson Plan
RTI portfolio
Creation of game/tool
The teachers must accommodate a student’s learning differences or needs regarding time and circumstances for work, tasks assigned, communication and response modes. / 3M / Create Layered Curriculum Lesson plan
The teacher must engage students in individual and group learning activities that help them develop the motivation to achieve, by relating lessons to students’ personal interests, allowing students to have choices in their learning, and leading students to ask questions and pursue problems that are meaningful to them and the learning. / 5M / Create Layered Curriculum Lesson plan
Creation of game/tool
Practicum in special education classroom
The teacher must design lessons and activities that operate at multiple levels to meet the developmental and individual needs of students and to help all progress. / 7F / Create Layered Curriculum Lesson plan
The teacher must understand and apply strategies for selecting and using texts and materials that correlate individual student abilities with developmentally appropriate learning experiences / Arts and Literature A10 / Creation of RTI portfolio
Creation of game/tool
Knowledgeable, creative, inclusive, sense of humor, authentic, cooperative, compassionate, open-minded, problem solver, reflective, respectful, sensitive, responsible, organized, life-long learner.
Instructional Strategies:
Lectures, group discussions, study/activity groups, individual and group presentations, demonstration lessons, peer teaching, videos, vignettes, cases, guest speakers. Where appropriate, hands-on experience with materials will be included to coincide with practicum experience.
All classrooms are made up of a group of students that are diverse in many ways. This course will focus on the diverse nature by which children learn especially those with learning needs.
Course Requirements
1. RTI(Response to Intervention) Resource Guide
You are going to be placed in a small group and will be assigned a case. Each case has three sets of questions: Questions to Ponder, Case Study Framework Questions, and Thinking Critically About the Case. Please answer these sets completely and thoroughly.
You will collect 2 interventions for each of the disability areas that we will study in class for a total of 20 strategies. The following disabilities must be included:
Learning Disability
Emotional Behavior Disorder
Developmental Cognitive Delay
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Communication Disorder
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Physical Disabilities and Health Impairments
You must secure at least 10 interventions from journals. Each intervention must include the following (please present this as a word document):
Intervention Title and Source
Skill addressed
Short description
Intervention sites:
Journals that have researched based interventions:
Teaching Exceptional Children
Intervention in School and Clinic
When your disability chapter arrives that correlates to your case, your small group will share briefly about your case and one intervention that you would use for your particular student. Your intervention needs to be something tangible that you can share with the class.
This portfolio is due prior to you leaving for your eight-week practicum. Start now!
2. You must spend one hour per week during your six week assignment in the special education classroom in your school. If your school does not have this classroom, please talk with me to make other arrangements. Journal your efforts to meet the needs of exceptional students during your field experience. This hour must be entered in your journal as well as two other entries per week documenting your efforts, observations, etc. in the general education classroom. There will be a total of 18 journal entries.
3. You will create a game/tool that you will use to meet the needs of the student(s) that you will be working with. Two separate games in two different subject areas must be made. These will be shared the last class of the semester.
4. Review the article Lost in Action on reserve in the library. Write your reaction to this article. Do you agree or disagree? On what basis do you take your stand? Reflect on how this article may challenge the way you think about teaching and instruction. Has this article challenged some of your previous held beliefs? This review will be 2-3 pages long, preset margins, 12-point font, double-spaced, MLA for citing resources. Please use a cover page with your name, assignment with class and section number indicated.
5. There may be weekly tests and quizzes. You will be held accountable for every chapter that is assigned.
6. Conduct a Curriculum-Based Measurement. After you have done your informal assessment, choose an intervention that you believe may remedy the student’s difficulties. This is due after your practicum. Write a brief summary of this process including the CBM, detail of the intervention and how it worked. Please include any work samples, or handouts that you gave to the student. Follow the format for writing all papers for this class. The written summary of this paper should be 3 pages long with additional pages for work samples and handouts. In summary, this is what I want to see in your paper:
1. Description of student and behavior (qualitative piece)
2. Data to verify problem and provide a baseline (pre-data) – this is where the student currently is (quantitative piece)
3. Intervention plan
4. Justification for plan
5. Data from intervention
6. Post – data
7. Reflection on intervention
7. You will develop a lesson plan based on the concept of the Layered Curriculum. This can be in any content area that you desire and you may use a lesson plan that you have already developed. This will all make sense once we cover the layered curriculum. The beauty of the layered curriculum is that it allows you to meet student needs, provide choices and integrate curriculum across content areas.Due when you get back from your practicum.
8. For each of the articles that you are going to read (#1, 2, 3, 5, 6), please take notes and I will check these for main ideas and completeness. Each summary will be worth 5 points. Email these to me the day they are due. Do not get behind.
Class Expectations
1. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and are responsible for all material covered in class and in the required text. Attendance will be taken every class. It will be noted if you are late to class and your grade will reflect your tardiness at the instructor’s discretion.
2. Excused absences include immediate family emergencies, illness and university or school business activities. Two unexcused absences will result in a lowering of the student’s course grade by a factor of one (from A to B, etc.) Three absences, excused or unexcused, will also result in one letter grade drop for the course.
3. Assignments are due at assigned dates and times. Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified. Late assignments will be dropped one letter grade per day. Assignments later than 3 days will not be accepted and result in a failing grade for the assignment.
4. Professional conduct. Professional conduct is here defined as skills required for successful future teaching and/or appropriate interpersonal interactions in educational settings. In addition to fulfilling class assignments, you are expected to participate fully in class activities and to demonstrate a positive, cooperative attitude toward all course participants and course activities. Up to one full letter grade can be added or deducted to your final score at the instructor’s discretion. Extreme acts demonstrating lack of professional conduct, such as academic dishonesty or disrespect, will warrant a grade of “F” for the course.
5. Academic Dishonesty. Dishonesty in any forms such as (but not limited to) plagiarism or cheating on tests and assignments will not be tolerated. Students who misrepresent their work or commit another act of dishonesty will receive a failing grade for the course.
6. All work must be original for this class and intended to fulfill the requirements for this class only.
Course Evaluation
1. RTI Resource Guide
Interventions40 points
Case Questions20 points
Total for guide60 points
2. Lesson plan – Layered Curriculum style20 points
3. Curriculum-Based Assessment30 points
4. Journal20 points
5. Games (2 in 2 different content areas) 10 points each20 points
6. Article Review on Lost in Action20 points
7. Quizzesdetermined by quiz
8. Attendance/Disposition issues25 points
9. Notes on articles 5 points each
Lesson plan / Lesson plan / AttendanceTests and quizzes / Games / Participation
Interventions / Article review / Journal (reflection)
Curriculum-Based Assessment / Interventions
Curriculum-Based Assessment
Course Grading
An individual’s percentage will be determined by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. Grades will be determined by the following distribution:
100-93% A92-90% A-
89-87% B+86-83% B82-80% B-
79-77% C+76-73% C72-70% C-
69-67% D+66-60% D
Class Schedule:
Week 1Jan. 16, 18 / •Introduction to course/Dispositions
•Review of law and regular
education responsibilities
•Collaboration and co-teaching / Review notes from last semester
Weishaar – chpt. 1
Read VBS-chpt. 2 & Choate chpt. 16 - quiz
Week 2
Jan. 23, 25 / •Metacognition
•Instructional tools from
Kameenui and Carnine
•Layered Curriculum / Article review due Jan. 23 – Lost in Action (#4)
Notes due on article #5 – Jan. 25
Week 3
Jan. 30, Feb. 1 / •Planning and Grouping
•Study skills and learning strategies / VBS chpt. 9 – quiz
VBS chpt. 17, Choate chpt. 3 – no quiz
Week 4
Feb. 6, 8 / •Teaching students with learning
disabilities (LD)
•Teaching students with ADHD
•Presentation / VBS chpt. 3, pgs. 65-80
Choate chpt. 2 (all disability areas included in reading)
Weishaar – chpt. 5, Benjamin
VBS chpt. 3, pgs. 80-91, notes due on article #3.
Weishaar – chpt. 14, John
Quiz on Sept. 21 over chpt. 3 of VBS
Week 5
Feb. 13, 15 / •Teaching students w/EBD
•Teaching students w/ DD/DCD
•Presentation / VBS chpt. 5 – quiz and notes due on article #1 below
Weishaar – chpt. 6 - Adam
VBS chpt. 7 – quiz
Weishaar – chpt. 4 – Miki, chpt. 10 – Alexandrea
Week 6
Feb. 20, 22 / • Teaching students w/ visual impairment, hearing loss, physical disabilities/health impairments, TBI
•Teaching students w/ autism spectrum disorders/pervasive developmental disorders
•Presentation / VBS chpt. 8 - quiz
Weishaar – chpt. 9, Sveta; chpt. 8, James; chpt. 11, Mark; chpt. 13, Andrew
VBS chpt. 6 – quiz
Weishaar – chpt. 12, Rashmi
Notes due on article #6 – Alone in the World
Week 7
Feb. 27, March 1 / •Facilitating Reading
•CBM in reading / VBS chpt. 13 – quiz
Additional readings assigned for chapter
Notes due on article #2
Week 8
March 6, 8 / •Facilitating Writing
•CBM in writing
•Helping all students succeed in math
•CBM in math / VBS chpt. 14 - quiz
“How I will Teach Reading” paper due
VBS chpt. 15 – quiz
Resource Guide Due
March 12-16 / Spring Break
Week 9-14
March 19-April 27 / •Field Assignment
Week 15
May 1, 3 / •Behavior management
•Graduating Peter / VBS chpt. 10
CBM and journal due on Dec. 12
May 4 / •Share instructional games
•Course Evaluation
- Heading Off:
Please read - Heading Off Disruption: How early intervention can reduce defiant behavior and win back teaching time (pg. 6) and How disruptive students escalate hostility and disorder – and how teachers can avoid it (pg. 22).
- Drop Everything and Read – but How?
- Ask the Cognitive Scientist: Understanding ADHD –
- Lost in Action:
- Ask the Cognitive Scientist: Do Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners Need Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Instruction?
- Alone in the World -
Class Schedule:
WEEK / DATE / TOPICS / ASSIGNMENTS/READINGSWeek 1 / Jan. 16 / • Introduction to course/dispositions
• Review of law and regular ed responsibilities / • Review notes from last semester
• Weishaar – chpt. 1
Jan. 18 / • Collaboration and co-teaching / • Read VBS-chpt. 2 & Choate chpt. 16 - quiz
Week 2 / Jan. 23 / •Metacognition
•Instructional tools from Kameenui and Carnine / • Article review due Jan. 23 – Lost in Action (#4)
Jan. 25 / •Layered Curriculum / • Notes due on article #5
Week 3 / Jan. 30 / •Planning and Grouping Strategies / • VBS chpt. 9 – quiz
Feb. 1 / •Developing independence in learning: Teaching self-advocacy, study skills, and strategies / • VBS chpt. 17, Choate chpt. 3 – no quiz
Week 4 / Feb. 6 / •Teaching students with learning disabilities (LD)
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 3, pgs. 65-80
• Choate chpt. 2 (all disability areas included in reading)
• Weishaar – chpt. 5, Benjamin
Feb. 8 / •Teaching students with ADHD
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 3, pgs. 80-91, quiz
• Notes due on article #3.
• Weishaar – chpt. 14, John
Week 5 / Feb. 13 / •Teaching students w/EBD
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 5 – quiz and notes due on article #1 below
• Weishaar – chpt. 6 - Adam
Feb.15 / •Teaching students w/ DD/DCD
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 7 – quiz
• Weishaar – chpt. 4 – Miki, chpt. 10 – Alexandrea
Week 6 / Feb. 20 / • Teaching students w/ visual impairment, hearing loss, physical disabilities/health impairments, TBI
• Presentation / • VBS chpt. 8 - quiz
• Weishaar – chpt. 9, Sveta; chpt. 8, James; chpt. 11, Mark; chpt. 13, Andrew
Feb.22 / •Teaching students w/ autism spectrum disorders/pervasive developmental disorders
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 6 – quiz
• Weishaar – chpt. 12, Rashmi, chpt. 7, Kerim
• Notes due on article #6 – Alone in the World
Week 7 / Feb. 27 / •Facilitating Reading / • VBS chpt. 13 – quiz
• Additional readings assigned for chapter
March 1 / • Notes due on article #2
Week 8 / March 6 / •Facilitating Writing
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 14 - quiz
• “How I will Teach Reading” paper due
March 8 / •Helping all students succeed in math
•Presentation / • VBS chpt. 15 – quiz
Resource Guide Due
March 12-16 / Spring Break
Week 9-14 / March 19-
April 27 / • Field Assignment
Week 15 / May 1 / • Behavior management / • VBS chpt. 10 – quiz
• CBM, journal and lesson plan due on May 1
May 3 / • Graduating Peter
Friday / May 4 / • Share instructional games
• Course evaluation
- Heading Off:
Please read - Heading Off Disruption: How early intervention can reduce defiant behavior and win back teaching time (pg. 6) and How disruptive students escalate hostility and disorder – and how teachers can avoid it (pg. 22).