U1-Q11: Discuss organization structure and its impact upon the Law Enforcement profession.

Justice Administration’s structure has a direct impact on law enforcement profession and the efficiency of the entire criminal justice system. There should be a clear objective and the department’s organization should strive to achieve that objective through supervision and management. The mission of the department, the mission’s relation to the organization directly impact law enforcement. The impact results in the role and responsibilities of law enforcement. Organizational structure is only as good as the administrators that are involved and the designation of jobs and duties that follow. An organization structure with strong administration has strong law enforcement and police officers enforcing the law. Every police department is managed by a chief of police and from there is organized into five bureaus. These five bureaus are the Administrative Services Bureau, Special Services Bureau, Patrol Bureau, Homeland Security and Investigations Bureau, Support Services Bureau. Depending on the department there could be additional units as well. Each bureau is divided into smaller divisions to operate each bureau. The Administrative Service Bureau has a personnel and development department, financial and contract management, police technology and technical support, planning and crime analysis, inspections, and equipment services. Special Services Bureau consists of Narcotics Division, general investigations, and youth and family support. The Patrol Bureau is the patrol officers. Homeland Security and Investigations Bureau are broke up into specific categories depending on the crime involved. The Support Services Bureau is divided by specific job functions and duties as well.(242 words)
U1-Q12: Discuss the concept of consensus versus conflict and the criminal justice system.

There are two concepts widely accepted in criminal justice. These two concepts or models are consensus and conflict. Consensus model is a criminal justice perspective thatassumes that the system’s sub-components work togetherharmoniously to achieve the socialproduct we call justice.In theory, society reaches a consensus view on whether certain acts or behavior are harmful. In cases where there is agreement, the criminal justice system may be extended to treat those matters as crimes. Conversely, when society has evidence that it is no longer at risk from such acts or behavior, they may be decriminalized.Conflict model isa criminal justice perspective thatassumes that the system’ssub-components function primarily toserve their own interests. Justice is a product of conflicts among agencies within the systemthan it is the result of cooperationamong component agencies. System conflict theory argues that worries over fame, promotions, wages, and success cause the criminal justice system to conflict with itself. This perspective argues that there is no true system and points to the role of adversarial processes, in particular, which are seen to be basic to the "system", and the fact that many criminal justice organizations habitually share as little information as possible. (202 words)
U2-Q11: Discuss the impact of COPPS and Problem Solving Policing with traditional organizational structures.

Traditional methods of policing rely heavily on deterrence through a visible presence of the police on patrol. Communities have become more diverse and the problems have changed as drugs and violent crimes have become more prevalent in urban communities. The primary function of the police was crime control and the enforcement of the law .This is the model of policing which is largely applied in the modern day world. Many problems and issues, as well as comparisons and contrasts, can be raised about both the community based administrative approach and that of the professional, controlled form of policing. The police work with the community in identifying problems and employing strategies, often focuses enforcement efforts on specific problems such as drug hot spots, to reduce both crime and the fear of crime in the community. However, community policing programs also stress a very different administrative style than previous models of policing. There are several impediments to implementing community policing strategies. An organization can implement a community policing program, though getting the officers to implement the program can be a major hurdle for police administrators. Secondly, the organizational culture within a police agency may not embrace and implement community policing strategies. The organization must adopt a more democratic organizational style if community policing strategies are to be implemented effectively. This is an idea in which the effectiveness of police work can be hindered the community based policing can cause sidetracking. Traditional police organizational structures have been characterized as being rigid, centralized paramilitary organizations. However, community policing initiatives mandate a change in organizational style with an emphasis on feedback from the lower ranks and in some instances, replacing sworn officers with civilians in clerical, technical, and professional duties. On one instance this may involve more people from the community into the structure of some of the policing initiatives, yet it could also lead to unprofessional decision making.(314 words)

U2-Q12: Discuss the steps for police selection and the importance of the field training officer.

The police officer selection process is a progressive and continuous examination process. Advancement to a step in the selection process requires successfully passing one or more prerequisite steps. Steps do slightly vary between different areas and locations of police departments. However there are eight steps that are generally taken when selecting a police officer. These steps include the written examination, departmental interview, physical ability exam, personal history questionnaire, background investigation, polygraph examination, psychological examination and a medical examination. The Written Examination is developed by the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and measures reading comprehension and writing abilities.Departmental Interview will evaluate the applicant's interpersonal skills, problem solving, oral communication and other abilities not tested by other examination components. The interview is not scored; however, the interview panel will make recommendations regarding who should proceed in the final hiring process. Only those candidates who have successfully completed the physical ability examination and departmental interview will continue in the testing process.Physical Ability Examination will measure physical performance through a series of exercises that will be administered on a pass/fail basis. Personal History Questionnaire or the PHQ identifies those candidates who appear most likely to pass the full background investigation. The PHQ is a survey in a multiple-choice format, which solicits information regarding each applicant’s background and criminal history. The employment, character and background investigation consists of a thorough study of the candidate's history prior to appointment to determine fitness for this employment. Reasons for rejection include use of controlled substances, felony convictions, repeated or serious violations of the law, inability to work cooperatively with co-workers, inability to accept supervision, or other relevant factors.Candidates may be disqualified from the background investigation process if they withhold, misstate, or lie about background information; if they have a felony conviction; if they have an unacceptable driving record; or if they have a history of use or association with illegal drugs. When the candidate's background investigation process is completed, those candidates selected begin a 28-week Academy as paid employees. This academy along with field training is a vital part of the selection and hiring process of the officer. With any job hands on training is where the majority of the learning takes place and in the case of police officers there are safety issues. Without field training there would be no training. A Polygraph Examination will be used to verify the veracity and accuracy of information submitted by candidates regarding, but not necessarily limited to: use of controlled substances; driving, criminal, medical and employment history; and other job-related factors. The Medical Examination consists of a rigorous medical screening. Each candidate will be individually evaluated and any current or past medical condition that is likely to compromise the candidate's ability to perform the essential functions of the position may be cause for rejection. Height and weight guidelines will be strictly adhered to. The Police Department Physician will evaluate the results of the initial medical examination to determine the candidate's fitness for employment as a Police Officer. The medical examination includes the taking of blood and urine samples. Vision and hearing testing are required as well.(520 words)
U3-Q11: Discuss the four major factors that emerged as crucial from the Washington, D.C. sniper incident.
U3-Q12: Discuss the categories and types of terrorism.

Terrorism is a word that tends to create a sense of fear especially since the terrorist attacks of 911.According to the Encarta World English Dictionary, terrorism is defined as, "political violence: violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes" There are different categories and types of terrorism.The different ideologies of terrorism are anarchist, anti-globalization, communist/socialist, environmental, leftist, nationalist/separatist, racist, religious, right-wing conservative, and right-wing reactionary. Along with each type of terrorist ideology come different thoughts and methods of how to spread terror. It is important to note that many terrorist groups operate globally, while others limit themselves to one country. For instance al-Qaeda is known to operate in cells around the globe, but the Freemen operate in the United States. There are three types of terrorism: religious, environmental, and nationalist/separatist. Religious terrorism comes in many of the faiths found around the world. These groups try to either force their beliefs on others, or they simply try to eliminate others who do not share their faith. It is also important to realize that terrorist and their attacks can be localized to a state and not an entire nation. Terror is exactly what results from the action of the word.(207 words)

U4: TOPIC - Court Organization, Daily Operations, Personnel Roles, Issues and Functions
U4-Q11: Discuss the practice of permitting cameras in the courtroom.
U4-Q12: Discuss whether judges should be appointed or elected to office and the pros and cons of serving life appointments.
U5: TOPIC - Corrections Organization, Operations, Roles, Functions, and Alternatives to Imprisonment
U5-Q11: Discuss whether we should privatize our correctional system.
U5-Q12: Discuss the potential impact of the rehabilitation upon the criminal justice system.
U6: TOPIC - Issues Spanning the Justice System: Ethics, Rights
U6-Q11: Discuss the importance of loyalty to an organization.
U6-Q12: Discuss whether there should be an age requirement either minimum or maximum for law enforcement employees.
U7: TOPIC - Liability and Financial Administration
U7-Q11: Discuss as to whether police officers should have the same due process as a citizen.
U7-Q12: Discuss the different types of budgets available and how they might be utilized in the criminal justice system.
U8: TOPIC - Technologies Now and For the Future in Justice Administration
U8-Q11: Discuss the importance of non-lethal weapons for police operations.
U8-Q12: Discuss future law enforcement with new technological advances. Discuss the impact upon the U.S. Constitution.


Peak, K.J. (2007). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management (5 th ed.). Upper Saddle River , NJ : Pearson Prentice Hall.