National Shooting Complex

San AntonioTX

June 4, 2010


The meeting was called to order by Phil Murray at 7:00 PM. Roll Call was done by Glynne Moseley. Those present were:


Scott Grange - BrowningJohn Commerford - NRA

John Bauer - Clay Shooting USAJohn “Mo” Parsons - Target Setter

Brent Fleming - GP TrapsAndrew Perkins - Promatic

Betty Krieghoff - Krieghoff InternationalBruce Ney - The Stock Market - Bruce Ney & Son

Lonesome Charlie Parker - Lonesome Charlie’sPhil Murray - White Flyer

Range Owners

Joe B Cantey III - Hermitage Farm Shooting SportsDavid Niederer - Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds

Frieda Lancaster - Claythorne LodgeDavid Rippetoe - Silverleaf Shotgun Sports

Anthony Matarese, Sr - M & M Sporting ClaysScott Robertson - Elm Fork Shotgun Sports

Tim Miles - Coyote Springs Sporting Clays Randy Voss - Caribou Gun Club


Vance Barnes- TXRobert Lepor - NJ

Brian Brewton - LAAdam Pinto - NV

Jeff Demmon - GASteve Schultz - TX

Todd Kemmerer - OHJerry Veneklasen - KS

Joe Kennedy - CA

Those absent were:


Mike McAlpine - Target SetterEllie Schad - Promatic

Cyndi Dalena - NSSFShane Naylor - Remington

Jay Delphey - No-Fly-zone

Range Owners

Kim Carswell - Cajun Elite Shooting ClubGeorge Hopkins - Hopkins Game Farm

David Fiedler - Battleborn Sporting Clays & Shooting SchoolRichard Lanzilotta - Mid Hudson Sporting Clays

Jeff Foster -CapitolCity Trap & SkeetMichael Mohr - SevenSpringsMountain Resort


Dan Cluff - NJDerek Moore - NJ

Don Henderson - FLKirk Todd - MI

Randy Montgomery - OKHarry Wiley – NM

Guests attending were:

Sherry Kerr - NSSA-NSCA MarketingDebbie Rippetoe - Silverleaf Shotgun Sports

Ann Osborne - Caribou Gun ClubBrian Skeuse - White Flyer

Sam Lancaster - Claythorne LodgeGeorge Conrad - Sporting Clays Magazine

Diane Grange – WifeKen Wood - Sporting Clays Magazine

Dana Parker - Lonesome Charlie ParkerSherry Wiebush - FITASC Referee

Anna Barnes – WifeBarry & Dawn Kelly - The Willows

Johnny Meitzen - Delegate, TXCarlton Nethers – Beretta

Phil Murray thanked Robert Crow, NSCA director and Barry Kelly of The Willows for the fine job of setting up the courses and getting everything set up in the new location in time for the US Open. A new location was chosen due to flooding on the regular shooting grounds.

A motion was made by Adam Pinto to accept the minutes of the February Advisory Council meeting. Vance Barnes seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Reports from NSCA – As of June 1, 2010 there are currently 804 entries, with 1 cancellation there are 319 entries ahead of last year for the 2010 Nationals. There is an increase of CLM memberships & club membership. Target totals are down due to the World Sporting Clays Championship being held in England this year.

Finances – We are ahead of the projected budget. Investments are doing well. Membership numbers are good. Long range planning committee for Skeet and Sporting Clays, have a quarterly conference call to discuss the Master Plan update.

Rules Change Ballot - #5 on the ballot – Do we want to change it to read Open only or do we want to include the concurrent team and leave the wording as is? Motion to leave as is, by Vance Barnes, Seconded by Adam Pinto. Item #5 will be on the ballot as is for the Delegates to vote on.

Barry Kelly – Thanked Robert Crow and the Executive Council for the assistance and support for allowing the Willows to go forward with holding the US Open for 2010.

US Open bids for 2010 are from: Caribou Gun Club, Oak Creek Sporting Club and the Willows. The presentations will be made by the clubs in this order. All presentations will be made and voted on by the Advisory Council at the Nationals Advisory Council meeting.

Criteria and bid forms for the 2012 World FITASC Championship are on the NSCA website. At this time we have received only 1 enquiry from a ski resort, Holiday Valley,NY. All pricing in the bid forms are subject to change depending on changes in the Euro. All bids must be received by October 15, 2010. The bid form is very similar to the US Open bid form. The bid must be signed by the FITASC President, the host club manager& the NSCA Director. The FITASC President has the right to refuse the club. The club presentations and voting will be made at the winter meeting.

Facebook Report – Thank you to Sherry Kerr for helping get us on Facebook. At this time, we have 1600 fans with the age group of 50+ as the main users.

Sherry Kerr’s Report – Sherry Kerr is working with the individual Field Agents. Updates are in the handouts from Sherry Kerr. Sherry Kerr is the liaison between NSCA and those creating the new website. An example of the new website is in the handouts. The new website will have space for videos and it will be easier to navigate. There will also be advertising and social media. It will be a very searchable website. We aim to have it completed with in the next 30 days. They are in the process of re-writing some of the content.

Class Review – Report by Joe Kennedy – will put out for review at a later date. There is background material in the binder. One of the discussion points - we want more than two people on the committee. Personal opinion by Joe Kennedy, Class achievement is a human condition, we reward achievement. We need to make some adjustments to the current system. Our system should be a performance system. David Clifford with iClays is doing some interesting stuff. Do we want to change the system we have now or do we want to make adjustments to what we have? Adam Pinto made a request to get a recommendation from NSCA staff. He asked for Glynne Moseley, Lois Lessing & Skip Laughlin to give a report on classification. John Commerford made a recommendation which you will find in the binder after Joe’s Kennedy’s report. Michael Hampton stated that we can’t come up with a perfect plan; we can’t please everyone. We do need to make some adjustments; however, we all have to agree on what we do, we’re all in it together.

New Style FITASC at Nationals – We will need additional money for additional referees. In 2009 there were only 18shooters on the waiting list. We have a land problem, not enough space for new style FITASC. Andy Perkins is interested in putting a 50 target Super Sporting event for 2011 Nationals. Golf cart rentals will stay the same. It is not cost effective to drop the price. Winter meeting 2011 topic – add rules for Super Sporting in the rule book.

David Rippetoe – Zone 6 meeting report – How to increase participation in the Zone Shoots? The last 4 years, 6.5% of shooters in Zone 6 shot the Zone Shoot. Some ideas are: have qualifying shoots leading up to the Zone Shoot. Offer trophy packages at the Zone Shoot where the different states in the zone would sponsor awards for the different events; this would help the range owners with their shoot budget. Change the names of the zones to geographical locations, for instance, NE Zone, SE Zone, etc. This would give better recognition to the zones. Johnny Meitzen suggested we open the bidding for the zone shoot to all clubs in the zone. Try to move the shoot to where the shooters want to go. We are handicapping the Texas clubs by not letting all the clubs in the zone have an opportunity to bid. We made a rule to hold the zone shoots on 2 certain dates, the first weekend in May and the old Nationals weekend in September; however, we don’t follow the rule. We need to get the clubs in each zone to respect the dates of the other zone and state shoot dates. The zone shoot date requirement has been lifted effective immediately.

Phil Murray – Hall of Fame Report – This year there is no one to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. We will still have a dinner where we will recognize the All Americans and Team USA. Steve Schultz is the new Chairman of the Hall of Fame Committee. The committee has been charged to come up with nominees and to get the membership involved in the nomination process. It is suggested that we do away with the age limit and that we try not to limit the criteria. After nominations come in the committee presents the chosen people to the Advisory Council and then the Executive Council for consideration. Robert Crow has copies of the proposal.

Jeff Demmon– Team USA Report – Team USA has received $13,200 worth of donations with the Team having $11,500 worth of expenses. We have some other donations that have not been added to the total at this time. NSCA & Krieghoff have sold all of their K-80 tickets. Team USA members need to sell their tickets to support themselves. Krieghoff has agreed to continue the program for next year. We will direct people, who want to buy tickets, to Team USA members so the Team members can sell their tickets. Each Team member has 5 tickets. Some members have sold more than the 5 tickets they were given. Team USA shirts cost $3,300. Each Team member will receive $1,000 in stipend. We need to have the ability to show we can make money for the Team, now, so we can push to get more sponsorship in the future. Scott Robertson added that Pilla has a tournament schedule which will culminate at Nationals, with money made going to Team USA. Jeff Demmon addressed the penalty for withdrawing after signing the contract. Three members resigned after signing their contracts, with good reasons, so they have been excused. We did not have a full turn out for the Team USA meeting. None of the Open Team members attended the meeting. The World Sporting Clays Championship is 5 weeks away.

The 2011 World Sporting Clays Championship will be held April 27-May 1 at the National Shooting Complex. We will have entries available for the World Sporting Clays, at the Nationals. England will send their Teams in 2011.

The Governance Committee will be formed with Joe Kennedy as Chairman. Anyone interested in being on the committee, please let Robert Crow know.

The 2011 Winter Advisory Council Meeting will be held January 28-29.

LongRange Planning Committee Report is in the binder. Some of the items are: how to generate funds, recreational membership, capital campaign and NSSA/NSCA investments. We are trying to make NSCA membership better.

Kolar raffle – 220 tickets have been sold out of 1,000 at $20 each.

Junior Associate Membership will be $10. Parents with multiple children can get a $10 membership which does not include the magazine. One of the parents must have a regular annual membership before the $10 Junior Membership can be used.

National Shooting Complex project list is in the binder – An events list is included in the binder. Corporate events are up. New things are being attempted, such as recycling of cardboard and lead reclamation will generate additional money. We are trying to get new groups to use the complex besides the shooters. We are being proactive in getting exposure for the media. We are open on Thursdays for league and public shooting. We plan on opening on a more regular basis, which will help develop new members. We will be open to any member, no matter where they live, to shoot whenever they come to NSC. We are encouraging the instructors to give more lessons at the Complex. We want to open the RV Park for those who want to visit San Antonio at any time without having to attend a shoot. This should generate more money. We are offering night time shooting on Wednesdays and Thursdays, open to the public.

New business – Bruce Ney; the Awards Committee is in favor of All American small gauge. He asked if there has been anything brought up about separate classes for small gauge. This item got put on hold for further discussion at the Winter Meeting.

Anyone who wants to work Nationals, please call Mo Parsons.

Michael Hampton asked that everyone; please read the binder, especially the section on the class system. Get with Joe Kennedy if you have any comments or suggestions. Once a decision is made we are all going to have to live with it. If you want to help, please contact us at NSCA or Joe Kennedy directly.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lonesome Charlie Parker, Brian Brewton seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.