Harry Houdini makes his second appearance at the circle, invites the circle to conduct voice analysis of his voice with samples recorded while he was alive.

The Circle of the Silver Chord April 7th, 2007

William: Good evening my friends.

All: Good evening, William.

William: As always, may I welcome you all here to join the two worlds together as one.

Chris: Thank you William.

William: Now my friends I understand that recently there’s been some inquiries in reference to past communications with Mr. Houdini.

Victor: Oh, yes.

William: Now my friends, let me tell you this: that whilst communication between the two spheres is one of the most difficult forms communication via direct voice or materialized form. Of course there are times when there is the necessity to help an individual to commune, and of course quite often as I have explained before there is a need for a blueprint to help the person to communicate in the best way that they can.

And of course where Mr. Houdini is concerned it was a necessity for Mr. Armstrong to help the communication take place albeit there was only a small influence. Of course in retrospect I myself did not envisage the amount of people saying what they did in reference to the voice. So of course my friends, as I always do, I shall try and rectify this situation forthwith.
{Sound of direct voice}

Houdini: Hi. Can you hear me?

All: Yes, we can hear you.

Houdini: Can’t you people give us a break sometimes.

Chris: Yes, they’re difficult at times Harry aren’t they?

Houdini: You know you Spiritualists are difficult people to talk to. Sometimes we need to help each other to communicate. Now I sound like I hear the southern accent, maybe I should move. Where I come from this is not a Southern accent, this is an American accent.

Victor: Right

Chris: It sounds American to us, Harry.

Victor: We did have some complaints Harry, this Victor here, when you were on earth you came from north of New York and the accent there is nothing like the southern accent.

Houdini: Well, that’s right, you got that one right. And I of course do come from New York.

Victor: Yeah.

Houdini: But if you ever listen to my voice you will hear that I have not got too much of a southern accent. Listen to my voice, find a tape, find something, and listen.

Chris: It’s the content that matters to us Harry, anyway.

Victor: Yeah, what we’re doing research about how you sounded while you were on earth Harry and we’ve got three recordings that you made back in 1914.

Houdini: Correlate those voices then.

Victor: We are doing that now.

Houdini: And there will be your answer.

Victor: Ah thanks, thanks so much.

Mitch: What makes me laugh is that if we were trying to trick people I think we would have done enough research to come up with a north-of-New York accent.

Houdini: You got it boy.

Mitch: Harry, Mitch here – I met you in New Zealand.

Houdini: Yeah, you sure did.

Mitch: Nice to get you back. Was you coming through in New Zealand anything to do with the article in the newspaper that appeared there, regarding……

Houdini: Yeah, Of course it was.

Mitch:…………exhuming your body?

Houdini: Yeah, of course it was. Of course when I did come through I was aided and I am now, I’m aided by Armstrong. That is, Louis Armstrong. I couldn’t do it without him, I tell you that.

Mitch: Yeah, he’s good at it. O.K. So, I did not know about that newspaper article until after you had come through, so….

Houdini: Well, isn’t that evidence in itself?

Mitch: Yes, for me it certainly was.

Houdini: And yet they don’t talk about that, do they? All they talk about is that my voice doesn’t sound the same.

Mitch: We get that all the time with other people as well, Harry.

Houdini: You know, they “cherry-pick” what they want. They say that there’s no ladies come through, I know that there’s some ladies coming through and communicating.

Mitch: Harry, I think we concentrate maybe too much on those few that don’t believe, there’s a lot more out there who loved you coming through and love everyone else coming through.

Houdini: I tell you I was one of the ones that didn’t believe meself, so I can’t really criticize, but what I can say is this: I’ve learned, and I had to learn the hard way. And if that’s how they want to learn, then, then let’m get on with it.

Victor: What message would you give them Harry, to these hard-core close-minded skeptics who are repeating what you used to do – they’re saying no, there’s no afterlife, there are no spirits, and they claim what we’re doing here is even fraudulent. Do you have a special message for these people?

Houdini: Yup, I do. Take off your blinkers and think a little bit more laterally. Open your eyes to the inevitable because it’s staring you in your face, you just can’t see it. I never did, and nor can you. Open your eyes. If you don’t, it’s up to you, but be it on your own head.

Victor: You mind if I ask you a personal question, Harry?

Houdini: What’s the point, but they’ll say that I knew it or you knew it, or the medium knew it.

Victor: Well, it’s – there are honest, decent folk out there, they’re not close-minded skeptics, they’re open-minded skeptics, but they email me and they say “Well, look….can he tell us something that perhaps we don’t know here on earth, now that he’s in the afterlife?”

Houdini: What’s the point of that if I tell you, how they gonna justify it, and how are you gonna prove it?

Victor: Well, at least it comes from you, if there’s some confirmation or that particular meeting with Arthur Ford that you transmitted that code.

Houdini: Yeah, surely I did. But, don’t you know that that’s known by others.

Victor: Yes it is known by others.

Houdini: Yes, what’s the point? I’ll tell you this. I’ll give you something, if you want something.

Victor: Yes.

Houdini: I’ll give you something.

Victor: All right.

Houdini: This spirit world that you talk about so freely, all of you – you think that it’s far away. Well, I can tell you that it’s right under your nose. And I can also tell you this: that the only thing that stops it from opening up and being seen by all is your inability to understand each other, to understand what’s really there.
Open your minds and open it, open it wide. You’re all fools, I tell you, you’re all fools, all of ya – because you believe that it’s all down to the enlightenment of the soul – Well, it is! But it’s there for everybody just open your eyes……..

…….and I’ll tell you something else: that this spirit world that you speak about, all you need to do is see it together, like this, in the right way. You’d be surprised what you can do. But you gotta think in the right way, if you don’t think in the right way you never get anywhere. Never. Think in the right way, and you always get what you want.
Now, if those people don’t believe what I just said well that’s up to them. But I come……I surely will come again, and speak again. If they choose not to believe who it is, well that’s entirely up to them. I don’t care. I never did and I never will care what the Spiritualists say. You know, this life after death is for everyone, not just the Spiritualists.

Victor: Well, we don’t have trouble so much with these Spiritualists Harry, it’s who…….we would really love to have someone like you to really come up with something spectacular that you are who you claim to be.

Houdini: Shall I tell you something?

Victor: Yes.

Houdini: Those close-minded skeptics that you speak of. Like me, they never believe, they never believe I tell you. You are wasting your time. You’re wasting it. And sure, I will give something, but when I’m good and ready – not when they want me to.
Now I bid you all good night and….well, you good people be happy.

All: Thank you Harry.

William: My friends. As you heard, Mr. Houdini came and spoke again. Now of course you may wonder why we allow the gentleman to come and communicate. The purpose of this is simple. As Victor said voice correlations will prove. There you have the time and ability now to prove, the rest is yours.