City of Trenton

Planning Board

Conference and Public Hearing

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trenton City Hall

Members in Attendance:

Barbara Haynes, Chairperson

Jeff Halpern

Joe Cooley

Peter Yull

Charles Hill

Staff in Attendance:

Andrew Carten, Director Division of Planning

William Valocchi, Principal Planner, Urban Renewal Supervisor

Robert Leventhal, Planning Board Attorney

Donna Maywar, Interim Planning Board Secretary

Conference Session

A quorum was verified and the conference session was opened at 7:51 PM.

Mr. Haynes moved to adopt the minutes from the last meeting; Mr. Yull seconded and all were in favor.

Mr. Cooley moved to approve Resolution # 212AAA, City of Trenton Planning Board resolution approving a minor subdivision application (Non-conforming lots). Mr.Yull seconded and all were in favor.

Mr. Yull moved to approve Resolution #212AA City of Trenton Planning Board Resolution approving a minor site application. Mr. Halpern seconded and all were in favor.

Mr. Halpern moved to approve Resolution #213AAA City o9f Trenton Planning Board Resolution approving a minor subdivision application. Mr. Yull seconded and all were in favor.

Mr. Yull moved to approve Resolution #46683AA City of Trenton Planning Board Resolution approving a minor subdivision application. Mr. Halpern seconded and all were in favor.

Added Item: the Planning board reviewed the allowable uses for 313 N. Clinton Avenue. (previously approved by the Planning Board.) The applicant went to the zoning officer and was told that he had to prove under industrial use. “Is the repair of the facilities an ancillary use?” It was agreed that this item would be brought back to the Planning Board for an interpretation. No outdoor storage of disabled vehicles and everything would have to be done inside the facility.

Mr. Halpern made a motion to approve, Mr. Yull seconded and all were in favor.

Bill Vallochi passed out a memo on in reference to a parking lot that was scheduled to be expanded. The site was part of the Nexus subdivision. Some space may be converted into office space and therefore they were asking for temporary parking. The Owner/ applicant Endov Associates LLC asked for waiver for temporary parking. They were willing to bond the improvements and then 5 years later Planning could call the bond for the improvements.

There were no cases for October 11th. Therefore, no Planning Meeting was scheduled for that date.

Public Hearing

Item #1- 46698A- Final Site Plan Application:. The applicant intends to construct two units (semi-detached) on two conforming lots: Location of Development: 949 – 951 Ohio Avenue; City Tax Map: Blocks 23904, Lots 6 and 7: Applicant: Kevin P. Nerwinski, 600 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (new applicant)

Kevin Nerwinski was sworn in by Mr. Leventhal and stated that the recommendations from the planning staff were accepted. There were no changes since the preliminary site plan.

There was a motion to approve the Site Plan Application, Mr. Yull seconded.

All were in favor.

Item #2 – 46709 – Minor Site Plan Application with bulk variances: The applicant intends to consolidate two lots and re-subdivide into two and build one single family home: Location of Development: 531 Joe Avenue: City Tax Map: Block 22802, Lots 10 and 11: applicant: Delores Fairweather, 517 St. Joes Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08638.

Applicant withdrew application. Announced by Mr. Leventhal.

Item #3 – 46707 – Preliminary Site Plan Application, with design waivers: The applicant intends to construct a surface parking lot: Location of Development: Jersey Street and Mott Place; City Tax Map: blocks 18202, Lots 4, 5 and 6; Block 8101, Lots 2 and 4: Applicant: Endov associates, LLC, One Brunswick Circle, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Mr. Leventhal stated that he may have had a conflict of interest in reference to one of his client that had a case regarding the parking lot. Mr. Leventhal recused himself but he consulted the Board to hear the case and consult other council if a legal issue were to arise.

Dino Spadaccini presented the case. According to the applicant, all but lot 6 in block 202 were paved. There were currently 112 but they would end up with 219 spaces. No landscaping in the parking areas was proposed because it was only a temporary improvement. According to Mr. Spadaccini, the need for the additional parking was compliant to the zoning laws. However, the move to additional spaces was not to satisfy the zoning board but to satisfy the existing tenants.

Russel M. Smith was sworn in by Mr. Spadaccini and Mr. Smith stated his qualifications. The Board accepted him as qualified.

Mr. Smith exhibited, an aerial view of the proposed site and it was marked as exhibit A-1.

Mr. Smith exhibited a rendered site plan, a compilation of all the sheets in the packet. It was marked at exhibit A-2. The rendered site plan showed 30 additional compact car spaces. No curbing and no landscaping was proposed in the parking area. Only lighting was proposed. Mr. Smith stated that they would post a bond that would cover the items that were not installed. If the building was not developed within a five year period, then the normal parking lot items would be put in using the bond.

Landscaping was proposed along the Riverline lot because it would not be affected by the future development.

Current loading zone standards were shown on exhibit A-1.

Mr. Smith reviewed the engineering memo from Lanning.

Item #1 would be covered in the bonding and would be subject to Mr. Goeke’s approval. There was a concern with cars hitting the light posts if there were to be no curbs. Ballards, painted yellow were to be installed.

Item #3 would also be under the bonding. No longer an issue.

Mott Place improvements were to be bonded as well.

Items 5 and 6 were agreed upon.

Mr. Smith Reviewed the Taylor Design Group memo.

Items 1 and 2 were agreed to

3 and 4 were bonding issues.

Item 5, a concern about pedestrians, a crosswalk was agreed to. It was discussed with Mr. Taylor. Sidewalks were proposed in each side.

Item 7 where the species of tree changed, was agreed to.

The location of the water main was shown on the plans.

Mr. Yull asked about the crosswalk. He asked what the pedestrian traffic was like. Mr. Smith stated that it was not a heavily pedestrian area but there were a lot of cars driving into the parking lot. Mr. Yull expressed that the crosswalk was at the wrong posture. He also briefed a concern about the temporary nature of the project. “Five years is not temporary” He suggested that the applicant look into getting concrete planters with evergreens that would break up the concrete and give landmarks to pedestrians.

Mr. Smith responded that there would be striped islands and that the parking lot would be paved in future developing. Mr. Smith agreed to consider Mr. Yull’s suggestion.

Mr. Hill expressed the concern that the Planning staff had not had a chance to review the response to the changes with the consulting professionals. Mr. Spadaccini responded that the changes were very minor and that they would add the issues into the bonding,

Mr. Halpern referenced the letter from Mr. Spadacini to Planning Staff in reference to the bond. Mr. Halpern asked for confirmation that City Officials were in agreement with the bond. He asked for consultants to send or show confirmation of their agreement.

Mr. Valocchi was sworn in by Chairperson Haynes. Mr. Valocchi stated that they were not signing off on value but that they were signing off on form. The value would have to be confirmed by the City, the consultants and the applicant.

Mr. Yull asked for clarification on when the applicant could start work if they were awarded a final approval. Mr. Valocchi stated that the permits would not be released until all of the conditions were worked into the plans and addressed.

There were no other questions or comments from the Board.

Mr. Hill motioned for preliminary site plan application approval based on the conditions with the landscaping, crosswalk and design waver.

Mr. Cooley seconded.

All were in favor.

Mr. Hill motioned for Minor based on the same conditions plus the bond value and design waiver. Mr. Cooley seconded.

All except Mr. Halpern and Mr Yull were in favor.

With no other business before the Board Mr. Hill motioned to adjourn the public hearing at 9:00 PM and Mr. Halpern seconded.

Respectfully Submitted by

Donna Maywar

Interim Planning Board Secretary