Homeless Services Network Request for Proposals (RFP)

2011 Permanent Supportive Housing

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida is soliciting proposals for permanent supportive housing to be funded under the HUD 2011 CoC “Permanent Housing Bonus” for inclusion in the 2011 Continuum of Care application to be submitted by HSN to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on October 28, 2011. The funding is provided by the HUD Supportive Housing Program (SHP). Grants are based on the cost reimbursement model.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Any unit of government or organization with a 501 (c) (3) in Orange, Seminole or Osceola Counties may submit a proposal in response to this RFP.

NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: All applicants are urged to notify HSN of their intent to respond to this RFP by September 30, 2011. Send an email to .


  1. RFP issued September 27, 2011 with grant application at www.hsncfl.org.

2.  DEADLINE: Grant applications due 5:00 p.m. October 12, 2011.

  1. Grant applications are reviewed by HSN staff for minimum compliance (audited financial statement, financial stability, 501(c)3, etc.)
  1. Review committee meets by October 18, 2011 to make selection(s).
  1. Successful application(s) are included in October 28, 2011 submission of the 2011 Continuum of Care application to HUD.


SUBMISSION FORMAT: Please provide ONE electronic version on CD in Microsoft Word and FIVE hard copies to HSN. Provide ONE printed copy of each of the requested attachments. Faxed or e-mailed proposals will not be considered.

Proposals may be mailed or hand delivered to:

Homeless Services Network of Central Florida

2828 Edgewater Drive

Orlando, FL 32854

APPLICATION – EXHIBIT 2 is provided in Word. Please submit ONE electronic version on disc and 5 printed copies, numbered consecutively, beginning with page 1.

ATTACHMENTS: There are seven documents requested. Provide one printed copy of each of the following documents. Label each document. Number your attachments consecutively, beginning with page 1.

§  Mission statement

§  Current organization chart

§  Current Board of Directors

§  Current Federal Tax 990 (most recent)

§  Job descriptions of all positions proposed to be funded

§  501 (c) 3 Certificate

§  Most recent audited financial statements.


Preliminary review – HSN staff will review each submitted proposal to assure that all minimum submission requirements have been met by applicants.

Independent review and scoring – Proposals that pass inspection will be referred to an independent HSN Advisory Committee comprised of individuals who represent Seminole, Orange and Osceola Counties, with expertise in social services, homelessness, housing and addressed community needs.

The HSN Independent Review Committee will meet and recommend approval of proposal(s) which most closely meet HUD scoring requirements for the permanent housing bonus funding, reflect a proposed sponsor’s existing experience with the target population, and demonstrate the capacity to begin implementation promptly. A summary of the Scoring Rubric is included on the next page.

HSN reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications, with or without cause; to waive technicalities; or to accept proposals, which in its sole judgment, best serve the interest of the HSN, its 2011 Continuum of Care application and HUD requirements for SHP funding.


Technical questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Cathy Jackson, HSN, at (407) 893-0133, x 101 or via email at .

2011 Permanent Housing Bonus Scoring Rubric
HUD National Priorities
§  Addresses permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless individuals and/or families
§  Leverages Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funding, CDBG funding, private funding to match requested funding / 20 points available
Local Continuum of Care Priorities
§  Leverage ratio is 1:2 [funding requested, compared to additional funding leveraged]
§  Number of permanent supportive housing units developed by grant
§  Cost per unit / 20 points available
Address Goals of the HUD Supportive Housing Program (SHP)
§  Plan to increase income through SSI/SSDI or
other sources
§  Plan to access and maintain permanent housing
§  Plan to access mainstream benefits and resources
§  Plan to increase housing stability / 30 points available
Past Performance/Agency Capacity
§  Past performance
§  HMIS participation
§  Agency capacity
§  Budget accuracy / 20 points available
TOTAL POINTS / 90 points available


Maximum amount available through bonus: $590,786

Administrative set aside: $29,539

Total available for RFP: $561,246

Maximum available for Supportive Services expenses: $112,250

Minimum available for rehab and/or operating expenses: $448,996

Key evaluation point: How many permanent supportive housing units will be “created” and/or operated by this grant?

Client population to be served: Chronically homeless individuals and/or chronically homeless families

Housing type: Permanent supportive housing which includes a lease for each client household served


What is the HUD definition of “chronically homeless individual or family?”

A person who is ‘‘chronically homeless’’ is an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition or an adult member of a homeless family who has a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, OR has had at least four (4) episodes of homelessness in the past three (3) years. In order to be considered chronically homeless, a person must have been sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g., living on the streets) and/or in an emergency shelter.

A disabling condition is defined as: (1) a disability as defined in Section 223 of the Social Security Act; (2) a physical, mental, or emotional impairment which is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration, substantially impedes an individual’s ability to live independently, and of such a nature that the disability could be improved by more suitable conditions; (3) a developmental disability as defined in Section 102 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act; (4) the disease of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or any conditions arising from AIDS; or (5) a diagnosable substance abuse disorder.

The following do NOT meet the HUD definition of Homeless:

§  Persons living in housing, even though they are paying an excessive amount for their housing, the housing is substandard and in need of repair, or the housing is crowded.

§  Persons living in housing with relatives or friends, with the legal right to occupy the dwelling (lease).

§  Persons staying in a motel, including a pay-by-the-week motels unless motel costs are being paid by a housing voucher.

§  Persons living in a Board and Care, Adult Congregate Living Facility, or similar place.

§  Persons being discharged from an institution that is required to provide or arrange housing upon release.

§  Wards of the State, although youth in foster care may receive needed supportive services which supplements, but does not substitute for, the state’s assistance

What are successful applicant’s obligations to implement an HMIS system?

All applicants who receive HUD funding are obligated to provide Annual Progress Reports (APRs) through implementation of the HMIS ServicePoint internet-based software system. HSN will provide licenses, training and technical assistance at no cost to the successful applicant.

The following table describes the incremental levels of HMIS implementation which will be used to evaluate an agency’s HMIS compliance. The goal for HSN is that agencies meet the following minimum requirements:

Client data: 3; Service data: 3; Privacy policy: 3; Data quality: 4

HSN HMIS Implementation – Standard Scoring Categories
Points / Entry of required client data* / Entry of service delivery data / Privacy Policy / Data quality (completion rate)
1 / Annually / Upon program exit / Written / 85%
2 / Within 72 hours of program entry / Within 72 hours of date of service / Distributed to staff / 90%
3 / Within 24 hours of program entry / Within 24 hours of date of service / Publicly posted / 95%
4 / During client intake / Upon service delivery / Distributed to clients / 99%

* Universal client data includes basic demographic information such as date of birth, gender, race, etc.

Applicants should NOT include funding for implementation of the HMIS ServicePoint system in their proposals. Joel Remigio (407) 893-0133 x106 is available to answer questions related to HMIS implementation.

What happens to the Administrative Costs identified in the Project Summary Budget?

5% of each project award from HUD to HSN is set aside for administrative costs. These administrative costs are assigned to the Homeless Services Network. Such administrative awards will be used by HSN to complete the obligations for grant management required by HUD, including financial reporting, bookkeeping and accounting for the use of the grant funds, preparing HUD reports, obtaining audits, monitoring program performance and technical assistance.

What are the requirements for site control for permanent housing projects funded by SHP?

HSN requests reasonable assurances that the applicant has control of a site for the proposed project. If awarded the grant, HSN will request that the applicant document such ownership within 60 days. If the applicant fails to provide documentation of site control within that period, the grant will be allocated to another agency.

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