Biomedical Innovations
Instructor / Ms. Monroe / School Phone / 732-229-7300 x 41030Room / 215 / E-mail /
After School Hours / SAP-Tuesday &Friday1:53 - 2:25 Hmk Club /
Counselor / Ms. Gwathney, Ms. Mc Anneny/ Ms. Camacho. Ms. Solanki
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a non-profit organization that specializes in writing activity, project, and problem-based national curriculum for STEM education. Please visit more information.
Course Description:
In this capstone course, you will the use understanding of the previous Biomedical Courses (PBS, HBS, MI) to build a coherent knowledge base to complete the activities called missions. You will design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st century. As you work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, you will address topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public health. You may have the opportunity to work on an independent project with a mentor or advisor from a university, hospital, physician’s office, or industry. Throughout the course, you may be expected to present your work to an adult audience that may include representatives from the local business and healthcare community.
Course Goals:
Students will:
- think critically and problem solve
- write scientifically and analyze scientific writing
- master relevant lab skills using proper lab equipment
- use proper medical terminology
- gain a deeper understanding of the Biomedical Sciences field including content and career aspects.
Units of Biomedical Innovations:
Problem 1 Design of an Effective Emergency Room
Problem 2 Exploring Human Physiology
Problem 3 Design of a Medical Innovation
Problem 4 Investigating Environmental Health
Problem 5 Combating a Public Health Issue
Problem 6 Molecular Biology in Action (Optional) Problem 7 Forensic Autopsy (Optional) Problem 8 Independent Project (Optional)
Biomedical Innovations
Instructor / Ms. Monroe / School Phone / 732-229-7300 x 41030Room / 215 / E-mail /
After School Hours / SAP-Tuesday & Friday 1:53 - 2:25 & Hmk Club /
Counselor / Ms. Gwathney, Ms. Mc Anneny/ Ms. Camacho. Ms. Solanki
Categories of grades include classwork, career journals, homework, lab participation, and projects. Most assignments will receive a rubric so students will know how they will be graded.No activities will be accepted more than 3school days (NOT classes) past the due date. At 3 days past, the highest grade that can be earned on the assignment will be a 50%. Cut off dates will be strictly adhered to.
Class Procedures:
This course is a highly digitalized course. It will require you to use a laptop and the internet DAILY. You will need to have a Google Docs account.
3-ring binder (given)
Pencils, pens
Lab journal (given)
Tissues, sharpies
- When you arrive in class, you will grab your laptop, and only log on.
- Complete the Do now question – You have 5-7 minutes after the bell rings in order to complete the ‘Do Now’ task.
- Open the curriculum file that we are working on, begin reading and take out any relevant papers that are associated with the activity.
- Turn in any relevant work. “Collectibles”
Class Expectations:
1.Be on time - this mean be inside the room when the bell rings WITH ALL MATERIALS.
2.Wear appropriate clothing - follow the school dress code –as well as our lab dress code - we do many labs and you will need to wear CLOSED TOED SHOES FOR ALL LABS! If you don’t have closed toed shoes the day of a lab,you cannot participate in the lab! This means you lose your lab participation points. Keep a pair of sneakers in your hall locker.
3.Absences-Take responsibility for your work - It is up to YOU to get your make up work, after school, not during class! There will a bin for missed work. Be sure to check there first, other-wise you MUST then come after school. If you are absent from class, you have that many class days to make up the work before it is docked 10% per day.
4.If you are having trouble, it is up to YOU to seek help! Please come to me. I am here for you.
5.NO FORM OF CHEATING WILL BE TOLERATED!!!!This includes copying conclusion questions homework, etc. Both the copier and the one who allows the other to copy will receive a zero on the assignment and a possible referral!
a.Plagiarism Code of Ethics -taking over the ideas, methods, or written words of another, without acknowledgment and with the intention that they be taken as the work of the deceiver, is plagiarism. It is theft of a special kind.
i. l, k b. “Ethics Codes Collection.”Statement on Plagiarism (1990) | Ethics Codes Collection, American Association of University Professors, 24 Oct. 2011,
6. Most homework work will be prepping for a lab by reading or completing conclusions to a lab. Other than that,work is done in class to complete. Don’t get behind.
- CELL PHONES- Please turn silence them when you arrive. They are not to be on your desk, nor your bench nor your back pocket.Put them away, unless we are using them.
- Have Fun!! Learn all you can, and have a great year!
Tutoring/Extra Help:
As stated above, I am available after school on Tuesdays and Fridays for SAP. If those days do not work for you please contact me for a special appointment time. You will receive 5 extra point if you come to my SAP or my Homework Club tutoring days to study before a test.
Study Skills -Please try a few of the suggestions below to help you study.
- Make notecards
- Come to Homework Club (Tues &Thurs.)
- Quiz Buddy
- Review your notes daily!
- Re-write notes in a way you understand
- You Tube videos/ Khan Academy on You tube
8. Come to SAP
Remember – I am here to help you.All you have to do is ask!
Bio Innovations Syllabus Contract
Please acknowledge by checking the box, sign and return to Ms. Monroe by next class.
I, the student and the parent/guardian, have read the syllabus and we understand the grading policy and the expectations that are set forth in this class.
Plagiarism Code of Ethics -taking over the ideas, methods, or written words of another, without acknowledgment and with the intention that they be taken as the work of the deceiver, is plagiarism. It is theft of a special kind. A grade of a zero will be issued as well as notification to the parent and administrator if plagiarism is found.
L, k b. “Ethics Codes Collection.”Statement on Plagiarism (1990) | Ethics Codes Collection, American Association of University Professors, 24 Oct. 2011,
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Please choose the best way for me to contact you.
_____Parent/Guardian Phone #:______
______Parent/Guardian Email: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Note to Teacher:(please feel free to write me a message below if you feel there is something extra I need to know or work on with your child) I look forward to working with you!
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