Healthcare Living for Families

9216 Liberty Road

Randallstown, MD 21133

(P) 410-701-7384 (F) 410-521-7005


Client Name: ______Date: ______SS#: _____-_____-_____

Past Present Not at All


Mood Swings




Deliberately Break Rules

Interrupts others

Out of Seat

Sleep Disturbance

Talks Back

Blurts out Answers

Increase in Appetite

Argues Frequently


Poor Task Completion

Neglects Hygiene

Noisy Play

Somatic Preoccupations (preoccupied with thoughts/obsessions)

Instigates other

Disorganized Thoughts

Low Self-Esteem

Cruel to Others

Lack of Interest in Activities

Fire Setting

Appears “Spacey”

Sexually Assaultive

Client Name: ______Date: ______SS#: _____-_____-_____

Forget to do things

Suicidal Thoughts with Plan

Homicidal Thoughts


Passive Death Wishes

Frequent Lying

Euphoria/Elation (happiness, joy, exhilaration)

Cruelty to animals

Acts impulsively

Grandiosity (showiness, elaborateness)

Use of Weapon with intent to hurt others

Lack of inhibition (lack of embarrassment, lack of self-consciousness)

Doesn’t appear to be listening

Rapid Speech

Fights Frequently

No Respect for Authority


Separation Difficult (Specify from whom or what): ______

Phobias (List: ______)

Pessimistic About Future (unenthusiastic, negative)

Blames Others for Mistakes

Destruction of Property


Morbid Fear of Future Events (List: ______)