Sanne Nyke Wortel

EDUCATION: March 2016

Ph.D. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Expected 2019

Clinical Psychology, concentration in Child, Health Psychology

Advisor: Stephanie Milan, Ph.D.

M.A. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2015

Clinical Psychology, concentration in Child, Health Psychology

Advisor: Stephanie Milan, Ph.D.

Bachelor of Arts, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 2010

Major: Psychology

GPA: 3.90


Weight Loss Group Interventionist (August 2015-Present)

Weight Loss for Couples, TEAMS Study, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Supervisors: Amy Gorin, Ph.D. and Theodore Powers, Ph.D.

  • Provide weekly interactive group sessions using behavioral weight loss treatment approaches (e.g., didactic information related to weight loss and nutrition, demonstrations and discussion). Receive weekly group supervision.

Adult Psychotherapy Practicum Clinician (August 2015-Present)

Psychological Services Clinic, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Supervisor: Juliane Fenster, Ph.D.

  • Provide weekly psychotherapy sessions to individual adults using interpersonal, CBT or exposure and response prevention methods. Receive weekly group and individual supervision. Prepare quarterly written reports of treatment progress. Referrals include panic attacks, trauma, anxiety, and interpersonal issues.

Life Stress Interview Administrator (September 2014-Present)

Study of Daily Life, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT

Supervisors: Howard Tennen, Ph.D.

  • Conduct weekly follow-up phone interviews with graduated college students assessing stress, health behaviors, and drug/alcohol use. Receivebi-weekly group supervision.

Child and Family Psychotherapy Practicum Clinician (August 2014-May 2015)

Psychological Services Clinic, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Supervisor: Barbara Bunk, Ph.D.

  • Provided weekly psychotherapy sessions to children, adolescents, and families using a family systems approach. Received weekly group and individual supervision. Prepared quarterly written reports of treatment progress. Referrals included bullying, loss, and interpersonal issues.

Adolescent Workshop Interventionist (May 2014)

YMCA, New Britain, CT

Supervisor: Stephanie Milan, Ph.D.

  • Adolescents included high-risk teens enrolled in a specialized high-school graduation program. Intervention included implementing workshops on identifying mental health concerns in themselves and others, emotion regulation, coping skills, effective communication, and improving relationship functioning.

Child and Adult Vertical Teams First Year Observer (August 2013-May 2014)

Psychological Services Clinic, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Supervisors: Barbara Bunk, Ph.D. and Dzintra Kingsley, Ph.D.

  • Observed child, adolescent, family, couples, and individual adult cases as a first year student. Attended weekly group supervision.


Milan Lab; Graduate Student Researcher

University of Connecticut– Storrs, CT

Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephanie Milan, Ph.D. (August 2013- Present)

Current grants: The cultural context of health disparities in adolescent girls (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, total costs $478,900) Current duties: Analyze data and prepare manuscripts for publication. Supervise undergraduate research assistants. Develop coding system for video interactions. Train undergrads on coding system for reliability.

IPT Project (Interpersonal Therapy for Teens); Project Coordinator

Mt. Hope Family Center, University of Rochester – Rochester, NY

Principal Investigators: Dr. Dante Cicchetti, Dr. Sheree Toth, Dr. Jody Todd Manly (January 2013- June 2013)

Coordinate the longitudinal NIMH-funded study of maltreated and depressed teenage girls; manage the research team including hiring and oversight of research duties; liaison between the research team, recruiters, therapists, and principal investigators; assess teens for eligibility and facilitate the assignment of teens to either IPT therapy, Enhanced Care therapy or to the non-symptomatic comparison group; compile progress reports for NIMH, RSRB, and the Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB); assist with research visit activities as needed.

IPT Project (Interpersonal Therapy for Teens); Research Assistant

Mt. Hope Family Center, University of Rochester Rochester, NY (September 2011- December 2012)

Principal Investigators: Dr. Dante Cicchetti, Dr. Sheree Toth, Dr. Jody Todd Manly

Interview mothers and daughters in a longitudinal NIMH-funded study of maltreated and depressed teenage girls; administer and score questionnaires and diagnostic tests; participate in extensive training to administer the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged Children (K-SADS); collect and manage genetics data; manage emotion recognition task and databases; track participant payments; compile research and organize data.

CLASS Project (Traumatic Stress Among Violence Exposed Youth); Primary Research Assistant

Mt. Hope Family Center, University of Rochester – Rochester, NY

Principal Investigators: Dr. Jody Todd Manly, Dr. Michael Lynch (September 2010- June 2013)Conduct visits with parent and child participants in a longitudinal NIMH-funded study of maltreated and neglected children exposed to traumatic stress; administer and score questionnaires and diagnostic tests; manage and archive data; compile research; manage a coding team; compose literature reviews and assist with manuscript preparation.


Abnormal Psychology, Instructor of Record (August 2015-December 2015)

University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology, Storrs, CT

  • Provide weekly lectures on psychopathology, mental illness, or behavioral disorders, broadly covering a) definitions, history, and theories of abnormal behavior; b) types of disorders as classified by the DSM 5; c) what is currently known about the correlates, causes, and treatments for these disorders. Evaluate students through exams, homework reading assignments, and in-class activities. Incorporate honors conversion project for advanced students.

Obesity Prevention through Community-Based Participatory Research Student Lecturer (August 2014-May 2015)

Obesity Prevention Learning Consortium, supported by the Bennett Fund for Innovative Education

University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology, Storrs, CT

  • Provide weekly instructionof obesity as a social, ecological problem; lead discussions of theories of health behavior change, the physical, psychological, and economic consequences of obesity; review how health disparities arise and are maintained. Lead students in developing, implementing, and evaluating an obesity prevention program.

Introduction to Psychology II, Laboratory Instructor (January 2014- May 2014)

University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology, Storrs, CT

  • Provide weekly instruction and discussions of basic theory, application, and research in clinical/abnormal psychology, social/cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology.

Introduction to Psychology I, Laboratory Instructor (August 2013-December 2013)

University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology, Storrs, CT

  • Provide weekly instruction and discussions of the principles that impact mental processes and behavior (i.e., biopsychology, research methodology, sensation, learning, perception, language and memory).


Milan, S.,Wortel, S. N., Ramirez, J.,& Oshin, L. (Under review). Depressive symptoms in mothers and daughters: Attachment style moderates reporter agreement. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Milan, S.,Wortel, S. N. (2014). Family obligation values as a protective and vulnerability factor

among low-income adolescent girls. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(11).

Oshri, A., Handley, E., Sutton, T. E.,Wortel, S. N., & Burnette, M. L. (2014). Developmental trajectories of substance use among sexual minority girls: Associations with sexual victimization and sexual health risk. [Special Issue]. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Manly, J. T., Lynch, M.,Oshri, A., Herzog, M. M., Wortel, S. N. (2013). The impact of neglect on initial adaptation to school.[Special Issue]. Child Maltreatment.

Manly, J. T., Oshri, A., Lynch, M.,Herzog, M. M., Wortel, S. N. (2012). Child neglect and the development of externalizing behavior problems: Associations with maternal drug dependence and neighborhood crime.[Special Issue]. Child Maltreatment, 18(1), 17-29.

Wortel, S. N. (2009). The role of autism in the sexual development of adolescents. Amsterdam Social Science, 1(4), 31-44.


Wortel, S. N.Milan, S., (2015, November). Do post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociation symptoms act as distinct mediators in the relationship between potentially traumatizing events and risk behaviors in adolescents? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Kronschnabel, K., Plotke, A., Frymus, L., Everett, V., Khiem, N., Habib, N., Gorin, A. &Wortel, S. N., (2015, November). Effect of physical activity calorie equivalent labeling on selection of high-calorie foods in a college-dining hall.Oral presentation at the annual Obesity Week, Los Angeles, California.

Wortel, S. N.,Meggie, N.,Milan, S., (2015, March). How do mothers with a sexual abuse history manage their daughter’s sexual development? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Acker, J.,Wortel, S. N.,Milan, S., (2014, November). Childhood sexual abuse, obesity, and ptsd in low-income women. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, Florida.

Wortel, S. N.,Acker, J.,Milan, S., (2014, November). The moderation of family obligation on the relationship between potentially traumatizing events and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescents. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, Florida.

Meggie, N., Wortel, S. N.,Acker, J.,Milan, S., (2014, July). Maternalchildhood sexual abuse (csa) andmother-adolescent interaction. Poster presented at the McNair Scholars Program Poster Session, Storrs, Connecticut.

Wortel, S. N., & Milan, S., (2014, March). The influence of mother-daughter sexual communication on risky sexual behaviors among externalizing adolescents. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psycological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.

Wortel, S. N., Oshri, A., O’Connor, B., & Burnette, M. L., (2013, April). Parallel alcohol and cannabis use trajectories and sexual health outcomes among adolescent girls with a history of sexual abuse. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington.

Manly, J. T., Lynch, M.,Oshri, A., Herzog, M. M., Wortel, S. N. (2013, April). Externalizing behavior in context: The role of child neglect, maternal drug dependence, and neighborhood crime.Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington.

Oshri, A., Handley, E. D.,Wortel, S. N., & Burnette, M. L. (2012, September). Parallel alcohol and cannabis use trajectories among sexual minority and heterosexual girls: Association with sexual health outcomes. Poster presented at the Centers for AIDS Research symposium, Providence, Rhode Island.

Wortel, S. N., Burnette, M. L., Oshri, A. (2012, March). Substance use and risky sexual behavior in sexual minority youth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC.

Wortel, S. N., Burnette, M. L. (2011, March). Everyone else is doing it! Peer, family, and mental health influences on adolescent risk behaviors. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Miami, FL.

Wortel, S. N., Rogge, R. D. (2010, November). Can you feel the love tonight? Links between sexual behavior and both individual and relationship well-being over time. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.


University of Rochester:Merit Scholarship (2006-2010), Graduated Magna Cum Laudewith High Distinction in Psychology, Dean’s List 8 of 8 semesters, Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key Society.


Language: Fluent in Dutch and English. Studied Mandarin Chinese for six years

Computer: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, SPSS, BIOPAC equipment, HLM, Photoshop

Laboratory: Survey and Observational Data Collection, Administration of the K-SADS, DIS-IV, WISC-IV, WASI, CANTABeclipse, and CVLT-C assessments, Questionnaire Design

Trainings: Cultural Sensitivity Training at Mt. Hope Family Center