Educational Television Programmes 2006 – 2008
English Language Key Stages 1 to 2
Disk 1
ProgrammeNo. / Programme Title / Learning Objectives / Suggested Level
1 / Two by Two / Recognize the plural forms of nouns, e.g., toothbrushes, towels, etc.
Use the word “pair” to describe things that are intended to be used together such as a pair of socks, and things in which two parts are joined together such as a pair of glasses.
Use the possessive adjectives “his”, “your”, “my” and “her”to show possession. / P2
2 / It Is Magic / Identify some food and drinks and describe quantities.
Identify some insects and sea creatures.
Use interrogatives to ask questions such as “Is he a thief?” and “Is this a new magic book?”.
State opinions such as “I don’t think he’s a thief.”and “I think he’s a magician.”. / P2
3 / Happy Father’s Day / Describea person’s father in terms of his appearance, abilities and habits.
State opinions and express feelings by writing a card, a short poem, etc.
Learn about the history of Father’s Day. / P3
4 / Happy Mother’s Day / Understand that some countries celebrate Mother’s Day on different days of the year.
State opinions and feelings about a person’s mother. / P3
5 / Show and Tell / Identify some common objects and plants and give simple descriptions.
Seek and provide information and elucidation.
Use formulaic expressions to begin and end a presentation. / P3
6 / When I Grow Up / Make predictions and refer to future events.
Make simple conditional statements.
Understand simple processes of preparing and doing oral presentations such as collecting information, organising ideas, writing scripts, practising, etc. / P6
7 / Eating Like a Bird / Understand the meaning of “idiom”.
Ask for and give explanations of the meanings of animal idioms.
Learn how to use idioms in daily conversation. / P6
Educational Television Programmes 2006 – 2008
English Language Key Stages 2
Disk 2
ProgrammeNo. / Programme Title / Learning Objectives / Suggested Level
1 / Getting Around by Tram / Introduce names of some places and buildings in Hong Kong.
Find and provide information about trams.
Make simple comparisons of the old and new trams.
State opinions and express feelings. / P5
2 / Travelling by Boat / Introduce names of some placesin Hong Kong.
Talk about different types of boats and their functions.
Draw pupils’ attention to people and things and describe them briefly. / P5
3 / Up, Up and Away / Identify some kinds of planes in Hong Kong such as passenger planes, helicopters, cargo planes, etc.
Talk about planes in terms of their structure, size and functions.
Draw others’ attention to the job of air traffic control officers and briefly describetheir duties. / P5
4 / The Airport Challenge / Learn about the vocabulary related to boarding a plane at the airport.
Learn how to process information on signs, tickets, etc and make use of those information to solve problems.
Learn about the importance of working as a team and following instructions. / P5
5 / The Mermaid / Give evaluative comments on the characters and events of a fairy tale.
Make predictions about future events. / P6
6 / Two Forms of Writing / Learn about the format of two different text types namely instructions and recipe.
Develop students’ interest in engaging in some interesting hobbies like flying a kite or cooking. / P5
Educational Television Programmes 2006 – 2008
English Language Key Stages 2
Disk 3
ProgrammeNo. / Programme Title / Learning Objectives / Suggested Level
1 / Who Needs Good Manners? / Describe simple processes and situations such as table setting and foodordering.
Draw others’ attention to people and things and describe them briefly.
Make simple comparisons of various kinds.
Set regulations and give warnings. / P4
2 / Good Telephone Manners / Start, maintain and close telephone conversations.
Offer one’s services in taking phone calls for one’s family.
Give warnings to mobile phone users in public places. / P5
3 / Party Manners / Learn about good manners at parties.
Exchange messages through activities such as writinginvitation cards and thank-you notes.
Make evaluative comments.
Express preferences, ideas and plans. / P5
4 / Know Your Neighbours, Mind Your Manners / Introduce oneself.
Start a conversation with neighbours.
Express concern and sympathy.
Offer one’s services to people in need.
Express and respond to thanks. / P5
5 / Interviewing a Celebrity / Learn to ask effective interview questions.
Describe simple steps of conducting an interview.
Make simple suggestions. / P6
6 / Going for an Interview / Ask and answer questions in interviews.
Interact with people and express ideas effectively with a purpose.
Set regulations and give warnings. / P6
Educational Television Programmes 2006 – 2008
Teacher Development Series
Disk 4
ProgrammeNo. / Programme Title / Synopsis / Remarks
1 / Enhancing Pupils’ Presentation Skills (Part 1) / “Enhancing Pupils’ Presentation Skills”are shown in two parts. Part One is for teachers teaching lower form pupils and Part Two is for upper form teachers. The whole programme aims to provide useful ideas on the teaching of presentation skills in the primary English classroom. / For primary school teachers
2 / Enhancing Pupils’ Presentation Skills (Part 2)
3 / Providing Quality Feedback / The aim of this programme is to show teachers how to give pupils constructive feedback during reading and writing lessons. The programme also explains how quality feedback can be aneffectivewaytoshow young learners what they can do to improve their learning. / For primary school teachers
4 / Storytelling in Primary English Classroom / This programme explores the use of storytelling in English classrooms to enable pupils to engage more actively in a reading text. Examples of how teachers prepare their pupils for storytelling, how to involve pupils in the storytelling process and post-storytelling activities like retelling the story, role-play, etc. are shown in the programme. / For primary school teachers