Formal Consultation:Have your say on the future of gluten-free foodson NHS prescription

From Monday 3 August to Friday 30 October 2015

What is this consultation about?

We want to hear your views about gluten-free foods and if they should continue to be prescribed on the local NHS for adults and children with coeliac disease.Nationally the NHS spends £25m on providing gluten-free products on prescription such as bread, flour, pasta and cereal. Across South Nottinghamshire* the total annual spend is£245,000.The NHS does not provide food on prescription for any other patients,such as diabetics,lactose intolerant or those with allergies. Over the past few years, gluten-free foods have become widely available in supermarkets at more competitive prices compared to 30 years ago when choice was limited.

Dr Mansford, Chief Clinical Officer forNHS Nottingham West Clinical Commissioning Group said: “Gluten is not essential to people’s diets and many basic foods such as meat, vegetables, cheese, potatoes and rice are naturally free from gluten. Many gluten-free alternatives are now widely available in supermarkets and health food shops.

“Given the ever-growing pressures on NHS services and the NHS budget, we must ensure we get the best value for taxpayers’ money. We understand the proposals to withdraw or limit gluten-free foods on prescription may have an impact on some patients with coeliac disease. That’s why we are keen to hear as many views as possible to help inform our decision”.

What is coeliac disease?

It is a common digestive condition, triggered by the protein gluten which is found in wheat, barley and rye. Symptoms range from being mild tosevere and can include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, weight loss, headaches and osteoporosis. There is no cure for coeliac disease, but switching to a gluten-free diet can help.

Why are gluten-free products available on the NHS?

Over 30 years ago there was limited availability of gluten-free foods in supermarkets, grocers and even restaurants, therefore the decision to include these products on prescription was made. Since then, the availability of gluten-free foods has increased dramatically and many non-coeliacs have taken the decision to exclude gluten from their diet. Bread is the most popular item on prescription.

Who is leading this consultation?

It is being led by NHS Nottingham North East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Nottingham West CCG and NHS Rushcliffe CCG and who are working in partnership across South Nottinghamshire. We plan and pay for the healthcare services for our communities, ensuring best value for money for our patients.

What are the proposed options?

With an ageing population and greater demand for services, the NHS must act now to address the financial challenges that lie ahead. We are considering whether to:

  1. Stop all prescribing of gluten-free foods.
  2. Limit to 8 units of bread and/or floureach month.
  3. Limit the products available to flour only (maximum of 4 units per month).

How to have your say

To complete the survey online, please visit

1.This survey is anonymous, but please provide us with the name of your GP Practice& town to help us identify which CCG area you live in.


2. Which of the following applies to you?

☐I have coeliac disease

☐I am the parent/guardian of a child with coeliac disease

☐I am a carer for an adult with coeliac disease

☐I do not have/care for someone with coeliac disease (go to question5)

3.Do you (or the person you care for) receive gluten-free foods on NHS prescription?


☐No (go to question 5)

4. Which gluten-free products do you receive on prescription?




☐Crispbreads or crackers

☐Pizza bases

☐Breakfast cereals


5. Locally the NHS spends £245,000 a year on gluten-free foods even though they arenow widely available in supermarkets at competitive prices. This money could be used for other NHS services and medicines e.g. cataract treatment, hip replacements etc.

Please select which proposal you agree with for the future prescribing of gluten-free products.

☐Stop all prescribing of gluten-free foods

☐Limit to 8 units of bread and/or flour each month*

☐Limit the products available to flour only (maximum of 4 units per month)


*NHS Nottingham North & East CCG has had this unit reduction in place since January 2015.

Please explain your answer:



6. Is there anything else we could do to support people with coeliac disease to better manage their condition?


7. For Nottingham North & East (NNE) CCG patients only:

In January 2015, NNE CCG made changes to gluten-free prescribing by reducing the monthly unit limit to 8. What impact has this reduction in units had on your diet?


8. Your additional comments:





Equality & Diversity

The following questions are optional. They help us to ensure we are talking to a range of people across the area.

1. Gender:☐Male ☐Female2.Age:__ 3.Do you have a disability:☐Yes ☐No

4. Ethnicity: White - ☐British ☐Irish

Black or Black British - ☐Caribbean ☐African

Asian or Asian British - ☐Indian ☐Pakistani ☐Bangladeshi ☐Chinese

Mixed - ☐White & Black Caribbean ☐White & Black African ☐White & Asian

5. Religion and belief:

☐Buddhist ☐Christian☐Hindu ☐Jewish ☐Muslim ☐Sikh☐No religion/belief

6. Sexual orientation:

☐Heterosexual ☐Lesbian ☐Gay ☐Bisexual ☐Prefer not to say

7. Marriage and civil partnership: ☐Civil partnership ☐Divorced ☐Living with someone ☐Married ☐Separated ☐Single ☐Widowed ☐Prefer not to say

8. Pregnancy and maternity (Are you pregnant or on maternity leave?)

☐Yes ☐No ☐Prefer not to say ☐Not Applicable

9. Is your gender the one assigned to you at birth?

☐Yes ☐No ☐Prefer not to say

Next Steps

The closing date for responses is 5pm on Friday 30 October 2015. We will consider all responses and our respective CCG Governing Bodies will receive a report on the views collected before a decision is made.

Please return this form either by email

or by freepost to:

Freepost RTHU-JLJL-LGLT, Patient Experience Team, Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU.

If you would like to be informed of the outcome, please leave your email address or home address so we can contact you directly: ______

Thank you for taking part in this consultation.

This information is available in different languages and formats.Please contact 0800 0283693 (option 2).