November 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

RE: Year 7 Singing Competition

It is my pleasure to announce The Forest School Sing-Off 2017. Your son’s form group is currently in the process of selecting a song that they will learn and perfect over the coming weeks with one goal in mind – to become this year’s Sing-Off champions.

The competition will take place at the Christmas Concert, 6-8pm on Wednesday 6th December. On the evening your son will need to arrive at school no later than 5:30pm. If you foresee any difficulty for your son travelling home and back to school in time, he can stay at school until the concert begins but please let us know if this is the case.

We would love for you to come and watch this prestigious event. Tickets are available to book and will be issued on a first come first serve basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

To confirm your son’s attendance at the concert please complete the slip below and return it to your son’s tutor by Friday 17th Nov.

To book tickets, you can fill out the form attached and return with the correct payment to the Admin Office. You can also book tickets online using

Finally, whilst I have your attention, the music department are raising funds for a new electric piano. If you would like to support us, all details are included in this letter.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact the school.

Yours faithfully

Martyn Cottey

Head of Music


The Forest Sing-Off 2017

My son will be attending the Year 7 Singing Competition on 6th December.

Student Name ______Form ______

Signed: ______Date: ______

□ My Son will be returning to school no later than 5:30pm

□ My son will be remaining in school and will leave with a parent/guardian after the concert

Please return this slip to your form tutor. Thank you! The Forest Christmas Concert and Year 7



Christmas Carol Concert and Year 7 Sing-Off 2017

Ticket Prices

Adults - £4

Children 5+ - £3

Children under 5 - free

Discount family ticket (2 Adults, 2 Children) - £12

Please book tickets below:

Student Name ………………………………………….. Form ………

Ticket Type / Quantity
Children 5+
Children under 5
Discount Family Tickets
Total Cost / £

Please enclose the correct payment or pay online using along with this form and return to the Admin Office.

Your tickets will be distributed by tutors.


Donation for New Electric Piano

The music department are currently raising money to pay for a new electric piano that will be used to rehearse for future school productions and concerts like this one. If you would like to support us, here is how you can.

There are 88 keys on a keyboard and each key cost’s around £10. Please indicate below how you would like to contribute. (Please tick where appropriate)

Buy a piano key (£10)

Buy more than one key (£10 each) (How many?) ______

Any other donation £______

Please enclose donations in a separate envelope with this form or you can pay online and return to the Admin Office.

Student Name ______Form ______

Signed: ______Date: ______

Thank you so much for your support.

Martyn Cottey

Head of Music