P.O. BOX 2289
January 16, 2012
6:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of the Onalaska Independent School District met for a Regular Board meeting on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., in the Administration Building. Roll was called and the following were present:
Board Members
Linda Vincent, President
Brandon Smith, Vice President
Caryn Price, Secretary
Tom Curran, Member
Greg Cook, Member
Staff Members Guests
Lynn Redden, Superintendent
Angela Foster, Business Manager
Hannah Williams, Elementary/Intermediate School Principal
David Murphy, Assistant Principal Elementary/Intermediate School
Charles Boyce, Junior Senior High School Principal
Anthony Roberts, Assistant Principal, Junior Senior High School
Stella Todd, Curriculum Director
James Ard, Food Service Director
Lisa Smith, OES Teacher
Ashley Porter, Secretary to Superintendent
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Linda Vincent, President.
The invocation was given by Charles Boyce.
The pledge was given in unison by everyone.
1. Motion was made by Tom Curran, seconded by Caryn Price, to adopt the Agenda, as presented. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
2. Motion was made by Greg Cook, seconded by Brandon Smith, to approve the minutes of the previous Regular Meeting November 14, 2011. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
3. No one spoke in open forum.
4. Hannah Williams, Elementary-Intermediate School Principal, reported the following: Enrollment is 564 students, with attendance at 96%. Pre-k through second grade’s Christmas Performances were a success. A big thank you goes out to the PTO for purchasing a sound system. These individuals made it all possible: Tom Wootten, Mr. Bob, Sherry Walthall, Jodi Adkins, David Murphy, Nicole Parks, Marilyn Skaggs, Connie Smith, Elena Rodriguez, Kristi Wilkins, Kim Bennett, Sharon Schatz, Barbara Thomas, Pat Powers, Revette Hamilton, Amanda Price, Marcella Plunkett, Kaye Henry, Sheryl Cash, Patsy Usleton, Jan Parks, Cindy Alford, Timberly Wood, and Ginger Farrar.
The sixth grade band concert was amazing.
Charles Boyce, Principal at the Onalaska Junior-Senior High School, reported the following: Enrollment is 367 students, with attendance at 95.36%.
Lynn Redden, Superintendent, reported the following: Stella Todd presented the District and campus AEIS Report and Campus Report Cards.
No report from the Board.
5. Motion was made by Brandon Smith, seconded by Tom Curran to approve the Consent Items as presented:
a. 2012-2013 District Improvement Plan
b. Tax Report
c. Quarterly Investment Report
d. Business Manager, Angela Foster to act as superintendent designee for approving staff requests for access to TEA web applications through the Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE)
e. 2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan (OES and JSHS)
Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
6. No action was taken on the First Reading of Update 92.
7. Motion was made by Brandon Smith, seconded by Caryn Price to approve the 2012-2013 School Year Calendar. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
8. Motion was made by Tom Curran, seconded by Greg Cook to Call an Election on May 12, 2012 for OISD Board of Trustees position number three (3) currently held by Cindy Christian and position number (6) currently held by Linda Vincent. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
9. No action was taken on the discussion of District Facilities.
10. Motion was made by Tom Curran, seconded by Caryn Price to approve the implementation of the final exemptions at the Onalaska Junior Senior High School during the spring semester. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
11. The Board entered into Closed Session at 7:25 p.m.
14. The Board reconvened at 7:40 p.m. for motions, voting or official actions but none were taken.
15. Motion was made by Brandon Smith, seconded by Caryn Price to accept the resignation of Brenda Reily, OES Teacher, effective immediately. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
16. Motion was made by Tom Curran, seconded by Caryn Price to extend the contract of Lynn Redden, the Superintendent of Schools for an additional year. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
17. Motion was made by Greg Cook, seconded by Tom Curran to approve the professional employment of Nicole McMillian. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
18. Motion to adjourn was made by Caryn Price, seconded by Tom Curran, at 7:45p.m. Motion carried 5 for, 0 against.
Linda Vincent, President Caryn Price, Secretary