Dr. K. K. Singh


Date of Birth

Feb.24, 1945


B.S.(Civil) , M.S.(Str.) , Ph.D.

Areas of Interest

Computer application to Structural engineering
Reinforced concrete, Ferrocement & new Structural materials.

Educational Qualification

·  B.S.(Civil) 1966 University of Missouri, U.S.A.

·  M.S.(Str.) 1968 -do-

·  Ph.D. 1994 University of Roorkee, India.

Teaching Experience

·  Started Teaching from Nov 1972

·  Working asLecturer/Reader/Prof. for the past 28 years in theC. E. Deptt. UOR, Roorkee

Field/Industrial Experience

·  Worked as Structural Designer in Frank Klein & Co., Chicago U.S.A. May-Aug.67

·  Worked as Structural Designer in Sargent & Lundy engineers Chicago U.S.A. Jan 68-Aug 69

Research Experience

·  University of Missouri, USA 1 years 66-67

·  Research Assistant

·  SERC Roorkee 2,5 yrs. SRF 1970-72

·  C.E.Deptt. UOR, Roorkee 28 yrs. Lecturer/Reader/Prof.

Positions (academic/administrative) held

·  Member, Academic Council, University of Roorkee

·  Member, Senate, University of Roorkee

·  Member, Syndicate, University of Roorkee

·  Staff Advisor, Sports Association, University of Roorkee 1978

·  Staff Advisor, Hobbies club, University of Roorkee. 1978-98.

·  O.C. Audio Visual & Reproduction C.E.Deptt. 1986-88.

·  Co. O.C. Concerte & Experimental Stress analysis

·  Laboratories CE. Deptt. 1986-90.

·  O.C. Placement, C.E. Deptt. 1992-97.

·  O.C. Structural Tes-Hall & workshop, C.E.Deptt, 1992-95.

·  O.C. M.E. Building Science & Technology, C.E.Deptt., 1996-98.

Visits Abroad

·  U.S.A. 4 yrs study & Training

List of Publications

·  3 papers published in International journals

·  6 papers published in national journals .

·  No. of papers published in conferences - 14

·  No. of papers actually presented in conference- 04

List of ME Dissertations Guided

·  M.E. PHE., 1977, "Overall Cost analysis of intze Tanks" S.P. Saxena

·  M.E. Bld. Sc., 1977 "Ultimate Strngth design of Reinforced Brick Slabs", S.V.Deodhar9with Dr. S.C..Jain).

·  M.E. Bld. Sc., 1978, " itimate Strength design of R.B. Slabs" M.A. Mjliyar (with Dr. S.C.Jain).

·  M.E. Bld.Sc., 1978, "Itimate strength design of R. b. Slabs with ToR steel", S. Johson (with Dr. S. C. Jain).

·  M.E. Str., 1979, " Utimate strength design of isolatedr. C. Footings" P. K. Maity (with Dr. S.C.Jain).

·  M.E. Str., 1983, "Dynamic Behaviour of Framed Structures " A.Khanna (with Dr. S. S. Saini).

·  M.E. Str., 1984, "shear 7 Flexure Behjaviour of R.B.Beams", V.Agarwal (with Dr. S.C.Jain).

·  M.E. Bld.Sc., 1985, "Optimal Design of Beam-Column R.C. Section" A.mebratu (with Dr. Anand Prakash).

·  M.E. Bld.Sc., 1985,"Optimal Section of flooring systems" P.singh (with Dr. D. N. Trikha).

·  M.E. Bld. Sc.,1990, "Optimal Design of RC Brid floors" K. Ram (with Dr. Anand Prakash).

·  M.E. Str., 1991, "Behaviour of precast Prestressed RC Trusses" S. K. Jain, (with Dr. S. C. Jain).

·  M.E. Str., 1991, "Effect of mesh Reinforcement on Flexural Cracks in RC Beams", M.Zaman.

·  M.E. Str., 1992, "Experimental Study of infilled Ferrocement Bridge Piers", Mr. R.S. Mudhar.

·  M.E. Bld.Sc., 1992, "Flexural Behaviour of Ferrocement RC Composite Beams Mr. P.K. Singh.

·  M.E. Bld. Sc., 1993, "Buckling of Ferrocement Plates" R. Prasad (with Dr. S. K. Kaushik).

·  M.E. BST, 1994, " Flexral Behaviour of Ferrocement Sandwich Plates" R. Prasad, (with Dr. S. K. kaushik).

·  M.E. Str., 1995, "An Experimental Investigation of Ferrocement encased concrete columns", B.K.Jha, (with Dr. N. B. Bhal).

·  M.E. Str., 1995, " fire Resistance of Ferrocement columns", Rakesh kumar, 9with Dr. T. P. Sharma).

·  M.E. BST, 1996, "Ferrocement Sandwich Plates in Bending", Anil kumar (with prof. V. K. Gupta).

·  M.E. CAD, 1997, "Optimal Design of RCC circular Tanks", Rajesh gupta (with Dr. P. K. Swamee).

·  M.E. BST, 1998, "Confinement of high Strength concrete in Compression members using Rectangular hoops." T. B. Sing. (with Dr. S. K. kaushik).

·  M.E. BST, 1998, "Computer Aided cost control of projects" Mr. S. Kumar (with Dr. N Puri).

·  M.E. BST, 1998, "analysis of shear wall framed R c. Buildings, Mr. R. R. Swamy, (with Dr. S. C. Jain).

·  M.E. CAD, 1999, ' Computer Aided design of Prestressed Concrete V-Plate Roofing system", mr. S. K. Niranjan.

·  M. E. Str, 1999, "Ferrocement Application for Repair & Rebabilitation", K.Das (with prof. V. K Gupta).

·  M.E. BST, 2000, "Repair & Retrofitting of Brick masonry Columns" by Ferroicemtn encasement, Suman Bala, (with Prof. V. K. Gupta).

·  M. E. STR, 2000, "Repair of RC columns by Ferrocement jacketting" Rajvir, (with Prof. V. K. Gupta).

·  M. E. BST, 2000 "Physical properties of Light Weight Aggregate concerte", (with Prof. V. K. Gupta).

·  M.E. BST, 2000, "Inverstigation of Structural Properties of HSC with Silica fume & Flyash", Rajesh kumar, 9with prof. V. K. Gupta)

S.No. / Year / Title / Organisation
1. / 1968 / Experimental Study of Reverse Pressure Rupture Discs. / University of Missouri U.S.A.,
2. / 1972 / F.E.M. Applied to Folded Plates & Shells / C.S.I.R.
3. / 1985 / Stress Analysis of Intze Tanks (with Dr. Anand Prakes) / C.S.I.R
4. / 1988 / Ferrocement Composite Columns / DRIL, U.O.R.
1. / 1975 / Design of Kiln & Frame Structure (Dr. Prem Kirshna, Dr. Krishna Kumar& Sri R.N.Katkar / Almora Magnesite Ltd.
2. / 1978 / Design Overhead Water Towers / U.P.Jal Nigam
3. / 1978 / Design of water treatment Plants (with Dr. S.Patwardhan) / New Tehri Township
4. / 1978 / Design of Water Treatment Plants (with Dr.S.Patwardhan) / U.P.Jal nigam
5. / 1982 / Design of Intake Well (With G.C.Nayak) / U.P.Jal Nigam
6. / 1982 / Plaster Deterioration of Township Buildings / B.H.E.L. Hardwar
7. / 1983 / Remedial Measure of Roof / Wadia Institute