Hot Topic - Oral Language Schedule
Wednesday-A / Thursday-A / Friday-ARyann / Ruby / Gwyneth
Audrey / Juliana / Lola
Samuel / Henry / Kaito
William L. / Sofia L. / Marli
Nick / Eric / Kyle
Tuesday-B / Wednesday-B / Friday-B
Jordyn / Morgan / Kaitlyn
Daniel / Sawyer / Aiden
Jake / Matthew / Sofia S.
Ellie / Bennett / Finley
Pierce / Alfie / Chloe
Kosta / Simond
A Sept. 6 - 8
B Sept. 13 - 15 / Explain why your parents named you what they did and where your ancestors came from. Tell us some facts about that country.
A Sept. 20 -22
B Sept. 27 -29 / Talk about a time that you had an interesting interaction with nature. What happened? Was it a positive or negative experience? Who was there? When was this?
A Oct. 4 - 6
B Oct. 11 - 13 / What book are you reading right now? What is the setting of the book? Who are the main characters?
A Oct. 18 - 20
B Oct. 25 - 27 / Research a weather occurrence or event and share 5 interesting facts about that event (ex: hurricanes, tornadoes, ice shelf break away, rainbows).
A Nov. 1 - 3
B Nov. 8 - 10 / Imagine you were an animal. Which animal would you like to be and why? Which ecosystem would your animal live in and why does that environment suite the animal?
A Nov. 15 - 17
B Nov. 21 -22 ** / What is your favorite family tradition and why?
A Dec. 6 -8
B Dec. 13 - 15 / Tell what you might like to be (do as a career) as an adult and why.
A Jan. 10 - 12
B Jan. 17 - 19 / What is your favorite restaurant? Why do you like it so much?
A Jan. 24 - 26
B Jan. 31, and Feb. 1-2 / What book are you reading right now? What are some of the conflicts in the book?
A Feb. 7 - 9
B Feb. 14 - 16 / Tell three good riddles or jokes.
A Feb. 21 - 23
B Feb. 28 and
Mar. 1 - 2 / If you lived during the era of the Mission systems, what do you think your average day would be like? Who are you? What sort of work do you do? Create an oral narrative and tell a story about your day.
A Mar. 7 -9
B Mar. 14 - 16 / Talk about your favorite song.
A Mar. 21 - 23
B Mar. 28 - 30 / Read us your favorite poem.
A Apr. 11 - 13
B Apr. 18 - 20 / Tell three special things about your family.
A Apr. 25 - 27
B May 2 - 4 / What book are you reading right now? What is the theme of the book? Be prepared to support the theme you choose with evidence from the book.
A May 9 - 11
B May 16 - 18 / Tell us five to seven things you really enjoying learning or doing this school year.
5 / 4 / 3 / 2Comes to class prepared, having read or studied required material when applicable
Maintains good eye contact, volume, tone and posture.
Effective organization with an introduction and conclusion.