August 28, 2017
PTO Minutes
- Introduction – 8 were in attendance
- Account Balance: $5,965.44 reported by treasurer Hannah Wolf
- Went through calendar of events the PTO helps support or puts on
- PT Conference meal
- Monday October 9
- Meal to include Burritos, Desserts, Drinks, & Condiments for 24 teachers
- Discussed meeting at 5:00 pm at S.C. Church to help make them
- Hannah will purchase all the ingredients for the burritos and a sign up genius will be set up for the rest
- Looked at defining goals of the PTO and using Article II of the by-laws as a baseline.
- Leslie would like everyone to come up with 1 or 2 goals for the PTO moving forward to be discussed at future meetings.
- Amy Sara Richardson volunteered to do “thank you’s” to be sent to the volunteers for the PTO activities.
- Michelle Fedler discussed and asked for $200 for the preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch or apple orchard. Motion was made and approved to give her the $200.
- Voted and approved to give teachers $100 for their classrooms or supplies minus shipping and sales tax. Teachers must present original receipts and have them turned in by March 1st to be reimbursed.
- Reviewed and discussed a survey Cassie Graber put together to go out to families with the results helping the PTO decide what to do in the upcoming year. Agreed to send out the survey.
- Discussed doing new PTO brochures. Amy Sara Richardson volunteered to put a new brochure together.
- Discussed and decided the ink cartridges would be sent to Jane Koch(music director at the HS).
- Next meeting would take place on Monday, October 16th @ 6:30 in the Elementary Library. Agenda will include: reviewing survey results, Santa Shop, review goals, budget, & American Ed. Week
- Future meetings will be December 4, February 5, April 2, & May 7