++Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Employment Program

Cover Page
Brochure Title: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Employment Program
Photo: Close up of Sheelagh a Kamilaroi woman
Logo: RSB Logo

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++About the RSB

The Royal Society for the Blind is the largest provider of free services to more than 12,000 South Australians who are blind or vision impaired.

++How RSB Employment Services can assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

RSB Employment Services assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are blind or vision impaired to secure long term, meaningful employment.

Whether you are aiming for future study or employment, RSB Employment Services offers a range of free advice and support.

Image: Aboriginal flag
Image: Torres Strait Islander flag

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++Services provided

• Career planning

• Job applications

• Resume writing

• Interview skills

• Skills assessment

• Apprenticeship and Traineeship information

• Employer liaison

• Adaptive Technology Sheelagh’s Story

Image: Sheelagh with her RSB Guide Dog Nina

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++Sheelagh’s Story

Hi, my name is Sheelagh
Daniels-Mayes and I am a Kamilaroi woman. I have Congenital Glaucoma, leaving me with between five and three per cent vision in each eye. This hasn’t stopped me from achieving my career goals, and I am currently a PhD student and tutor at the University of South Australia.

When I moved to Adelaide in 2011, I needed assistance with employment, a guide dog and adaptive technology – the RSB provided all these things for me and more.

The computer training provided by RSB Employment Services
was fundamental to me. It has enabled me to do everyday things that many people take for granted, like check an email or prepare a PowerPoint presentation.

As my vision continues to deteriorate the RSB are assisting me with a wide range of free services to ensure I’m able to continue my career.

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++The RSB is committed to assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a vision impairment by:

• Assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to achieve their career goals

• Improving access to employment, education and training through the provision of specialist services

• Increasing our understanding of the identity and experiences
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

• Working with employers to understand the individual’s cultural needs

++Contact us

For more information, please contact RSB Employment Services on (08) 8417 5599 or email

Alternatively, bring a friend and come and see us at RSB’s Knapman House, 230 Pirie Street Adelaide.

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The Royal Society for the Blind

Adaptive Technology Centre

Mobility Services

Low Vision Centre

Industrial Services

Employment Services

RSB Guide Dog Service

Community Education

Community Services

Knapman House

230 Pirie Street

Adelaide SA


GPO Box 1855,

Adelaide SA 5001

Telephone (08) 8417 5599

Facsimile (08) 8232 4807

Freecall 1800 675 554

Website www.rsb.org.au


All RSB brochures are available in alternative formats.

© RSB July 2012

Image 1: RSB Logo

Image 2: Quality Accredited Logo