Minutes of the Meeting of the FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE held at 6.30 pm on MONDAY 4 APRIL 2016 at Evesham Town Hall, Market Place, Evesham

Those present:

Chairman: Cllr C D Homer

Vice-Chairman Cllr J H Smith OBE

Councillors: Cllr A P Booth (Deputy Mayor), Cllr J Bulman,

Cllr M D Elliman, Cllr F Kaler, Cllr R W Raphael
Cllr Mrs F S Smith

Officer: Mr S D Carter (Town Clerk)

Also present was Councillor Mrs S Amor, and Mr G Lyon representing the Evesham Carnival

46. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors M S Goodge and Mrs R Whiting.

47. Declarations of pecuniary or other interest (if any)

There were no declarations of interest.

48. Minutes of the last meeting including questions as to the progress of any item

The minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2016 were circulated with the agenda. It was noted that Cllr R W Raphael was in attendance but that this had not been recorded. It was RESOLVED, that subject to the aforementioned amendment, to accept them as a true and accurate record.

49. To consider and note the Budget Balances as at 29 February 2016

A report was circulated with the budget balances explaining any notable overspends.

Overall the budget was on target to meet the forecasted expenditure and income.

Referring to the overspend in code 383 Equipment; this can be attributed to the purchase of new accounting software and the installation of a new router and firewall in the Town Council office.

Code 386 miscellaneous, the major expenditure was for the appointment of consultants to assist with the objection to the increase in housing numbers at Abbey Road and Cheltenham proposed as part of the SWDP.


50. Festival Funding Request – Evesham Carnival

Circulated with the agenda was an application form and supporting documents from the Evesham Carnival who had requested funding of £1,300 from the Town Council for the event.

The carnival in its current incarnation was in its second year having started in 2015 . The Town Council gave a grant of £300 for the 2015 event.

Mr Lyon, from the Carnival Committee was present and explained that the event had grown and was hoping to attract both visitors and residents when it is held on 25 June 2016.

There was some concern that proceeds from the Carnival went to charity and that the Council was in affect giving a grant to the Carnival’s chosen charities. Mr Lyon explained that the money from the Council would be spent on specific items and that it also helped to build up a small surplus for future carnivals. The Clerk explained that the Council could agree to pay for certain items on behalf of the carnival and therefore claim back the VAT.

It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, s 145(d), Provision of entertainments, and the development and improvement of the knowledge, understanding and practise of the arts, the Council awards a maximum of £1,300 to the Evesham Carnival, to be paid in kind in the procurement of goods on behalf of the Carnival when appropriate.

51. Bonfire Night – Financial Report

Circulated with the agenda was a report detailing the finical result of the latest bonfire night.

It was reported that the event on 5 November 2015 had made a loss of approximately £1,842, the first time a loss had been made in the past 4 years. Attendance at the event had been estimated to be about a third of what it had been the previous year. This was attributed to the poor weather, it had rained all day on the 5th and though it had ceased by early evening, the damp conditions had kept people away.

The loss was covered as the Clerk had included a budget for the bonfire to underwrite the event in such circumstances.

Members agreed that the event was important for the town and that the Council should continue to put it on, and it was RESOLVED that it be held on Friday 5th November 2016. It was agreed that the committee should review the ticket and concession prices for the coming year at the next meeting.

52. Request to dress the town for the Queen’s 90th Birthday

Members had received a report with the agenda detailing a request from VECTA to the Town Council to consider purchasing some flag poles and flags to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday. This report provided additional information to the report considered at the last meeting, minute 40 refers.

It was noted that VECTA had agreed to contribute £200 to the project and were in the process of seeking sponsorship from local businesses to help subsidies the cost. It was also noted that Town Council staff would be responsible for erecting and taking down the flags.

It was RESOLVED to allocate £1,270 for dressing the town.


53. Internal Audit Report

The Internal Audit report, compiled by the Town Council’s independent internal auditor was circulated with the agenda.

The Clerk stated that they had initiated many of the recommendations at the Almonry and that the VAT element was also being implemented.


54. Repair to Town Maces

A report was circulated stating that the Almonry Manager had noted some damage to one of the maces after the Civic Service. Two splits in the shaft of the 1604 mace had caused the lacquer to crack and the silver underneath was beginning to tarnish. The splits were approximately 1.5cm and 2cm long.

The Almonry Manager was of the opinion that the mace needed to be repaired as soon as possible especially as they were in fairly regular use for civic ceremonies. To keep the maces looking their best the Almonry Manger had requested a quote for the repair of one mace and the cleaning and polishing of both maces.

The Almonry Manager had approached Richard Rogers Conservation Limited for a quote to carry out the following work:

For both maces:

·  strip the lacquer

·  clean and polish and re-lacquer

For the damaged mace:

·  to dismantle and repair any internal rods,

·  to close and finish the two splits, and to


The quote for the work was £1890 (excluding collection and delivery to the Almonry). This quote was valid for 3 months from 22nd March 2016. Collection and delivery to the Almonry to and from their workshop in Surrey was £640, the high cost was mainly due to the high value of the items. The Council’s insurer had confirmed that the items would be insured to travel with a representative of the Council in their vehicle to save on this cost. It was hoped that the Almonry manager may get a grant to part fund the repair.

The Almonry manager concluded by stating that Richard Rogers was an ICON registered company that came recommended by Birmingham Museums (ICON is a professional accreditation standard for conservators/restorers).

Members commented that they agreed that the work should be done however, they requested a couple of further quotes and noted the expertise available in Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham.

Clerk’s note: The Almonry Manager has subsequently confirmed that the repair needs to be done by an ICON registered conservationist to be eligible for a grant and that there are only two registered silver specialists in the country.

55. Matters of urgency raised for information only, at the discretion of the Chairman

Cllr Sue Amor asked members to consider the purchase of a Town Council pin badge for Councillors to wear at outside body meetings, formal functions, etcetera. The Chairman asked this to be presented to the Council.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.15 pm.