COMPILED BY Teresa Knight .
APPROVED BY .Steve Coberley .

The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander Steve Coberley at 7:00 PM in the post home. An opening prayer was offered by Chaplain, Monta Plank, followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted.

There were 32 Legion, 1 S.A.L., 1 Aux members in attendance.

Guest. Patty Gnefkow and Howard Hutchinson gave information on the Vet Providers Coalition of Sedgwick County, an organization that helps to match veterans who need support with other veterans who can be mentors to them. The 2nd annual Veterans Awareness Expo where veterans can connect with over 40 community programs that serve veterans will be held Saturday, August 5 at the Mid-America All-Indian Center from 11 am to 3 pm.

Minutes of the June Meeting. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. No additions or corrections. Approved as written.

Finance Reports. The Finance Officer gave the General Fund Finance Report. The Adjutant presented the Adjutant Fund, Petty Cash, and Bldg. Maintenance Fund Reports. Rick Babinger of the BOG gave the Canteen Report.

New Members: Two applications for membership were presented for consideration. Welcome David Goss and General Ken Lewis.

Sick Call: Monta Plank, Susan Lee, Ron Vangas, Nan Wise, Vince McMullen, Taryn Shively

Correspondence: Department Adjutant Letter (Department Commander, Auxiliary President, SAL Detachment Commander Homecoming on July 22 at Post 4; Camporama at Milford Lake Sept. 1-4; Golf Tournament at Concordia July 15-16; 2017 Dues can still be paid; SAL Squadrons no longer are required to turn in unused membership cards to Department). Thank you card from Ruby Schwein for honoring her brother on Memorial Day.

Reports: Legion Riders: Many activities coming up {Wheatstate Parade in Wellington; 408 Christmas in July; Send off in Udall at the city park; ride for the Law Camp; participate in the Old Settlers Parade}.

Patriot Guard: No report

Sons of the American Legion: gun raffle – 150 tickets at $10 each; Will cook hot dogs and brats on Saturday of Old Settlers weekend – Aug. 19.

Ladies Auxiliary: No report.

Service Officer: There will be a job fair at the VA from 1 pm to 4 pm on July 31.

Old Business:

Commander reminded all that anyone who has not paid their 2017 dues is delinquent. Please pay immediately as 2018 dues are now due.

The Commander reminded everyone of the Sunday Breakfast at 9:30 sharp every Sunday.

No update on the website was available as Vince McMullen is still having issues following his recent knee surgery.

Over $5,000 was raised at the fundraiser for Taryn Shively.

New Business:

Old Settlers: Henry Bittle will run the horseshoe tournament.

We will have a breakfast available on Saturday, August 19, before the Parade. Larry and Susan Lee will cook.

If anyone has pictures of Post events and activities, please send them to Susan Lee to post on our Facebook page and to Vince McMullen to post on the Post webpage. Anyone can post pictures to the Facebook page. Please make sure they are appropriate.

Chuck Vrana moved to donate $100 to the Kansas Legacy Run. Phil Horner seconded. After much discussion a vote was taken. Motion failed.

The Commander would like to set up a time in the near future to have a representative from the Auxiliary, the SAL and the Legion Riders join him and the Adjutant to clean the store room and organize it and work on the office.

The ice freezer outside is plugged in and ice is being bagged for Old Settlers.

Ideas for fundraisers for the Post are requested. One suggestion is an Ice Cream Social.

Upcoming Events

For Good of the Legion

Rob Brown reported that the Memorial Walk at McConnell AFB (this post provided small flags to be distributed along the walk for Memorial Day) was a stunning success. The Commander of the 22nd Communications Squadron gave Rob a Commander’s Challenge Coin for the Post. He didn’t have the coin with him at the last meeting. The Commander will place it in the memorabilia case.

Rob Brown reviewed an email sent recently announcing a concert on July 30 at the Kansas Star Casino that is free to veterans. The performer is Craig Morgan.

First Vice-Commander Susan Lee would like to expand on the honor book that was put together a number of years ago with stories of veterans of the Post. She asked: “What would you like to tell the world about your service?” Everyone has some story. Please contact her with yours.

The Museum of World Treasures can be contacted if you have a uniform you no longer have a use for.

Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM by Commander Steve Coberley with the next meeting scheduled for August 7, 2017. The BOG will meet at 5:30 and the E-board will meet at 6:00 on July 31.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa Knight
