Speaker’s Information
Dr. Claus J. Burkhardt
- Born: June 11, 1958
- Affiliation : Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) at the Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Markwiesenstrasse 55, D-72770 Reutlingen, Germany
- Phone: + 49 7121 5153055; Fax: + 49 7121 5153062
- E-mail:
Group leader Microsystems & Nanotechnology
Research topics
Electron and Ion Microscopy, cryo FIB/SEM, development of sample preparation methods, focus on biological – technical interfaces
Nanotechnology, nanolithography with electron and ion beams, electron and ion beam-induced
material deposition, (additive nanolithography), microsystems technology
Education and professional background
- Abitur (final secondary school examinations) 1977
- Military service 1977 – 1979
- Study physics at University of Tübingen 1979 – 1986
- Experimental Ph.D. work at the Institute of Applied Physics, 1986 – 1993
- University of Tübingen „Aufbau eines abbildenden SIMS und Untersuchungen
- an Gallium und Galliumoxid mittels Fotoelektronenspektroskopie“
- Trainer at Siemens Nixdorf, software C and Assembler 1994
- Scientist, ENT hospital Tübingen, hearing research 1995 – 1997
- PhD in physics 1997
- Scientist at the NMI, Reutlingen, Germany 1998 - 2007
- Department Technical Physics; Development and application of tools
- for nano analytics, electron microscopy, specimen preparation, nanotechnology
- Head of the group Microsystems and Nanotechnology, NMI Reutlingen Since 2008
Selected Projects
BMBF funded Projects:
Partner: LEO Elektronenmikroskopie, Bal-Tec, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, IAP Uni Tübingen
FKZ 13N8004
Entwicklung eines Nano-Kryo-Sekundärionenmassenspektrometers für biologische Proben
Partner: Carl Zeiss NTS, Bruker Daltonik, IAP Uni Tübingen, Bal-Tec
FKZ 13N8652 (2008)
Sphärisches Rundfensterimplantat für Schwerhörige (RW-Implant)
Teilprojekt Empfänger und Implantatintegration
Partner: HNO Klinik Tübingen, Fraunhofer IPA, 2E Mechatornic, Auric Hörsysteme, i-Sys
FKZ 01EZ0763
C4HEALTH, Development of transparent carbon based micro electrodes
FKZ 02P14Z200
Selected Publications
l Neuhaus, J., Schroppel, B., Dass, M., Zimmermann, H., Wolburg, H., Fallier-Becker, P.,Gevaert, T., Burkhardt, C. J., Do, H. M., Stolzenburg, J. U. (2017) 3D-electron microscopic characterization of interstitial cells in the human bladder upper lamina propria Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 Mar 31. doi: 10.1002/nau.23270.
l Bauerdick, S., Burkhardt, C., Kern, D.P., Nisch, W. (2004) Addressable field emitter array: A tool for designing field emitters and a multibeam electron source. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B22(6), p. 3539ff.
l Burkhardt, C., Nisch, W. (2005) Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an mit FIBPräparation hergestellten Grenzflächen von biologischen Materialien und Werkstoffen: erste Ergebnisse. Prakt. Metallogr. 42 (4), 161-172.
l Heeren A, Burkhardt C, Wolburg H, Henschel W, Nisch W, Kern D.P. (2006) Preparation of nanostructured Titanium surfaces for investigations of the interface between cell monolayers and Titanium. Microelectron Eng. 83, 1602-1604
l Desbois G, Urai JL, Burkhardt C, Drury MR, Hayles M, Humbel B. (2008) Cryogenic vitrification and 3D serial sectioning using high resolution cryo-FIB SEM technology for brinefilled grain boundaries in halite: first results. Geofluids 8, 60–72
l Röhler, S., Held, J., Nisch, W., Kern, D. P., Burkhardt, C., Stett, A. (2012). Microelectronic Engineering 98(0): 453-457. Development and characterization of a needle-type microelectrode array for stimulation and recording of neuronal activity
l DE 103 44 643 A1: Verfahren zur Präparation einer Probe für elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen, sowie dabei verwendete Probenträger und Transporthalter
l DE 10 2008 039 798 A1 Offenlegung: Verfahren zur Übertragung von Nanostrukturen in ein