Premier Strategics Ltd
PO Box 20 357
Te Rapa
Hamilton 2035 / / Phone/fax [07] 849 9982
Web site:

Premier Strategics Company Profile

The company / Premier Strategics has been operating as a consulting company since October 1986. Based in Hamilton, New Zealand, the core services include:
  • Strategic business planning
  • Organisational design
  • Quality assurance, including ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System
  • Continual process improvement
  • Technical Writing
  • Implementation of competency at all levels
  • On-job training method

Premier mission / In partnership with clients, facilitate attainment of core competencies and best business practices.
Methods / The methods used for core services include:
  • Situation analysis, also known as scoping of business system or intentions.
  • Business systems planning, including new opportunities.
  • Customised quality assurance systems with relevant documents.
  • Standardised technical writing method for ALL documents that include processes, standard operating procedures, and policy guides.
  • Development of computer-based learning programs.
  • Competency-based training system.
  • On-job training method.
  • Administration guides.

Managing Director / The Company owner and managing director Mr Victor Johnson, holds the Massey University Business Studies Diploma in Training and Development as well as many other qualifications.
His experiences include owner/manager of a number of small businesses, and engagement on a consulting basis by a number of major New Zealand and off-shore companies. He is also qualified as a senior executive job position analyst.
The major strength is the ability to quickly appreciate a business situation and plan for improvements. His philosophy is; if a Chief Executive or General Manager is not the ‘Champion’ of people development all else will be under-utilised.
Business and Quality Systems Analyst / The Company team members have a background and qualifications in contract supplies, divisional and general-management experience in maintenance, manufacturing and human resources, and also Aircraft and Electrical engineering disciplines.

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History / The following table shows Premier Strategics service history.
Client/Period / Service
Sims Distributing
Mount Maunganui
2003 / Development and implementation of quality assurance system, technical writing of processes and procedures. Implement training administration method.
Newmont Mining
2002-2003 / Systems analysis and technical writing of procedure/training documents for modernised Elution circuit. Facilitate training of trainers.
SITEL Corp/Genesis Energy
2001-2002 / Analysis and technical writing of procedure/training documents for national call centre and support group.
Petroleum Services
2001 / Analysis and development of written process and procedure documents for oil industry service provider.
Marshall Manufacturing
2001-2003 / Analysis and development of written process and procedure documents for plate profiling business unit.
Normandy mining
2000-2001 / Developed and facilitated competency-based training system for the Waihi Gold Mining Company operation at Waihi, New Zealand. Inclusive of training technical writers and graphic artists.
Schick Construction and Cartage
2000-2001 / Developed quality assurance system for ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System certification.
Marshall Group
2000 / Performed analysis and produced documentation encompassing an engineering group of companies to meet quality assurance requirements.
Competency-based Quality Assurance System
1999-2000 / Developed and implemented competency-based quality assurance system for export log marshalling company for constant improvement to operational performances including training.
Pulp & Paper Mill Steam and Recoveries System
1998-2000 / Developed and implemented competency-based training method for the Steam and Recovery Business Unit business unit during a NZ$340 million upgrade at Carter Holt Harvey Pulp and Paper Kinleith mills.
Technical writers trained, inclusive of graphic creation.

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Client/Period / Service
Pulp & Paper Mill Modernisation Project / Introduced and facilitated implementation of Premier Strategics technical writing format, style and materials for structured writing of Carter Holt Harvey Pulp and Paper Kinleith mills training program manuals. Technical writers trained, inclusive of graphic creation.
Scoping and Establishing Manufacturing Business
1997 / Scoped new business opportunity for Marshall Manufacturing Ltd inclusive of cost modelling for plant, resources and location. Developed and implemented business plan. First year of production achieved all operational and growth targets.
Local Authority
1996 / Established competency-based performance system for Citiworks, Hamilton City Council; to conform with certification for ISO 9000 standards series.
Petroleum and Oil Distributor
1995 / Developed and implemented competency-based quality assurance system for Waitomo Brennan-Mobil Oil New Zealand Ltd; business unit.
Distribution Industry
1996 / Developed and implemented quality assurance system for the Electrical Supply Corp business unit, an importer/distributor.
Forest Industry
1995-96 / Developed and implemented quality assurance system for Fletcher Challenge Forest; North Island Logging Truck Road Transport unit. Developed and implemented owner/operator trucking fleet service agreement.
Engineering Industry
1994 / J P Marshall Engineering Ltd, developed and implemented quality assurance system for three business units including on-job training method.
Manufacturing Industry
1993-1994 / Developed competency-based training system for Unifoods company tea and coffee packaging plant, Auckland.
Gold Mining Industry
1990-1993 / Developed and implemented human resource practices and competency-based training system for new open pit and underground gold mine operated by Cyprus Gold New Zealand Ltd at Waihi, New Zealand.

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Client/Period / Service
Lumber Industry
1989 / Developed and implemented competency-based training system during construction of sawmill involving distributed control system [DCS] for Tasman Lumber Company, Kawerau. Productivity was 100 percent on first day of commissioning.
Pulp & Paper Industry
1986 / A four-year period with seven employees spent in sub-contract to Flour Daniel Training, South Carolina for mill-wide development and implementation of the competency-based training system at the former Tasman Pulp & Paper Company, New Zealand.

Premier Strategics Online Store Site

Internet / Premier Strategics has an active internet presence in marketing online at Products for sale online include:
  • ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System self-implementation package
  • Components of the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System self-implementation package
  • Technical Writing Self-learning package
  • Baldrige National Quality Program Self-assessment


V R Johnson / Updated 18 March 2003